"Emil Bengtsson"@en . "Tuxedo Labs"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2022-04-21"^^ . . "Teardown is een first-person sandbox-spel dat plaatsvindt in een wereld opgebouwd uit voxels. Het spel wordt ontwikkeld door , de studio van . Op 29 oktober 2020 werd het spel uitgebracht in Early Access."@nl . "CD-Action"@en . . ""@en . . . . . . . . "Teardown es un sandbox, rompecabezas y juego de acci\u00F3n desarrollado y publicados por Tuxedo Labs. Los niveles del juego est\u00E1n hechos enteramente con v\u00F3xels destruibles. Cada misi\u00F3n presenta un conjunto de objetivos para ser completados en un minuto. Durante la fase de preparaci\u00F3n, que no tiene ning\u00FAn l\u00EDmite de tiempo, el jugador debe crear un circuito que seguir\u00E1 en la fase de huida para recoger todos los objetivos posibles evitando los obst\u00E1culos impuestos."@es . . . . . . . . "\u62C6\u8FC1 (\u6E38\u620F)"@zh . . . . . "Dennis Gustafsson"@en . . . "Teardown ist ein Computerspiel, das vom schwedischen Studio Tuxedo Labs f\u00FCr das Betriebssystem Windows entwickelt und seit 2020 vertrieben wird. Das Independent-Game vereint Sandbox-Spielelemente mit R\u00E4tseln, \u00DCberf\u00E4llen und Action. Die Level bestehen nahezu vollst\u00E4ndig aus beweg- und zerst\u00F6rbaren Voxeln. Jede Mission enth\u00E4lt eine Reihe von Zielen, von denen manche innerhalb einer Minute erf\u00FCllt werden m\u00FCssen. W\u00E4hrend der Vorbereitungsphase ohne Zeitlimit k\u00F6nnen durch Umgestaltung der Spielwelt zus\u00E4tzliche (L\u00F6sungs-)Wege geschaffen werden, um diese Ziele m\u00F6glichst schnell zu erreichen. Der Spieleentwickler Dennis Gustafsson programmierte die propriet\u00E4re Spiele-Engine und entwickelte auf dieser zusammen mit Emil Bengtsson mehrere Spielprototypen. Nachdem er sich auf das zweiteilige Konzept aus Vorbereitungs- und Action-Phase festgelegt hatte, k\u00FCndigte Gustafsson Teardown im Oktober 2019 an. Der Titel ging im Oktober 2020 im Early Access online und erhielt positive Kritiken. Am 21. April 2022 wurde die finale Version 1.0 ver\u00F6ffentlicht. Der Spieletitel Teardown ist eine englische Substantivierung, die Abriss bedeutet und \u02C8t\u026A\u0259\u02B3da\u028An ausgesprochen wird."@de . "80"^^ . . "Dennis Gustafsson"@en . . . . "Dennis Gustafsson"@en . . . . . . . . "65783863"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Teardown"@it . . . . "Dennis Gustafsson"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Teardown"@en . . . . . . . . ""@en . . . . . . . . . "90"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Teardown \u00E8 un videogioco sandbox, puzzle e azione sviluppato e pubblicato da Tuxedo Labs. Il gioco presenta livelli realizzati interamente con voxel e distruttibili. Ogni missione presenta una serie di obiettivi da completare entro un minuto. Durante la fase di setup, che non ha limiti di tempo, \u00E8 possibile creare un percorso per completare questi obiettivi il pi\u00F9 velocemente possibile rimodellando il mondo di gioco."@it . "Douglas Holmquist"@en . . . . . "7"^^ . "Teardown"@de . "\u300A\u62C6\u8FC1\u300B\uFF08\u82F1\u8BED\uFF1ATeardown\uFF09\u662F\u7531Tuxedo Labs\u5F00\u53D1\u4E0E\u53D1\u884C\u7684\u4E00\u6B3E\u76CA\u667A\u6C99\u76D2\u52A8\u4F5C\u6E38\u620F\u3002"@zh . . . . . . "John Kearney"@en . . . "Tuxedo Labs"@en . . . "72546"^^ . . . . . "GamingBolt"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Teardown ist ein Computerspiel, das vom schwedischen Studio Tuxedo Labs f\u00FCr das Betriebssystem Windows entwickelt und seit 2020 vertrieben wird. Das Independent-Game vereint Sandbox-Spielelemente mit R\u00E4tseln, \u00DCberf\u00E4llen und Action. Die Level bestehen nahezu vollst\u00E4ndig aus beweg- und zerst\u00F6rbaren Voxeln. Jede Mission enth\u00E4lt eine Reihe von Zielen, von denen manche innerhalb einer Minute erf\u00FCllt werden m\u00FCssen. W\u00E4hrend der Vorbereitungsphase ohne Zeitlimit k\u00F6nnen durch Umgestaltung der Spielwelt zus\u00E4tzliche (L\u00F6sungs-)Wege geschaffen werden, um diese Ziele m\u00F6glichst schnell zu erreichen."@de . "Emil Bengtsson"@en . "Teardown es un sandbox, rompecabezas y juego de acci\u00F3n desarrollado y publicados por Tuxedo Labs. Los niveles del juego est\u00E1n hechos enteramente con v\u00F3xels destruibles. Cada misi\u00F3n presenta un conjunto de objetivos para ser completados en un minuto. Durante la fase de preparaci\u00F3n, que no tiene ning\u00FAn l\u00EDmite de tiempo, el jugador debe crear un circuito que seguir\u00E1 en la fase de huida para recoger todos los objetivos posibles evitando los obst\u00E1culos impuestos. Teardown utiliza un motor de juego desarrollado por Dennis Gustafsson, conjuntamente con Emil Bengtsson, utilizado para varios prototipos del juego. Despu\u00E9s de decidir la idea del juego, Gustafsson anunci\u00F3 el juego como Teardown en octubre de 2019.En octubre de 2020 fue lanzado como acceso anticipado.\u200B"@es . . . . . . "Teardown"@nl . . "Teardown \u00E8 un videogioco sandbox, puzzle e azione sviluppato e pubblicato da Tuxedo Labs. Il gioco presenta livelli realizzati interamente con voxel e distruttibili. Ogni missione presenta una serie di obiettivi da completare entro un minuto. Durante la fase di setup, che non ha limiti di tempo, \u00E8 possibile creare un percorso per completare questi obiettivi il pi\u00F9 velocemente possibile rimodellando il mondo di gioco. Il gioco utilizza un motore di gioco proprietario sviluppato da Dennis Gustafsson in collaborazione con Emil Bengtsson, utilizzato in precedenza per diversi prototipi. Dopo aver optato per il format della rapina in due parti, Gustafsson ha annunciato il gioco come Teardown nell'ottobre 2019, diventando disponibile come titolo in accesso anticipato nell'ottobre 2020, ricevendo molte recensioni positive dai giocatori e dalla stampa specifica."@it . . . . . . "9"^^ . . . . "1124112078"^^ . "Teardown is een first-person sandbox-spel dat plaatsvindt in een wereld opgebouwd uit voxels. Het spel wordt ontwikkeld door , de studio van . Op 29 oktober 2020 werd het spel uitgebracht in Early Access."@nl . . . "2022-04-21"^^ . . "Teardown"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Teardown is a 2022 sandbox, puzzle and action game developed and published by Tuxedo Labs. The game revolves around the owner of a financially stricken demolition company, who is caught executing a questionable job and becomes entangled between helping police investigations and taking on further dubious assignments. Teardown features levels made of destructible voxels, and the player follows the campaign through subsequent missions. In most missions, the player must collect or destroy objects connected to a security alarm. The player has unlimited time to prepare and is given upgradable tools, vehicles, and explosives to create a path within the level that allows them to complete the objectives as quickly as possible. A timer starts as soon as the security alarm is triggered, and the playe"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Teardown is a 2022 sandbox, puzzle and action game developed and published by Tuxedo Labs. The game revolves around the owner of a financially stricken demolition company, who is caught executing a questionable job and becomes entangled between helping police investigations and taking on further dubious assignments. Teardown features levels made of destructible voxels, and the player follows the campaign through subsequent missions. In most missions, the player must collect or destroy objects connected to a security alarm. The player has unlimited time to prepare and is given upgradable tools, vehicles, and explosives to create a path within the level that allows them to complete the objectives as quickly as possible. A timer starts as soon as the security alarm is triggered, and the player must complete all required objectives and reach a getaway vehicle within sixty seconds. Teardown uses a proprietary game engine developed by Dennis Gustafsson. He began developing the technology after winding down his previous company, Mediocre, in 2017. He initially implemented destructible voxels with ray tracing and teamed up with former Mediocre designer Emil Bengtsson to find amicable gameplay concepts that used this technology. Gustafsson conceived the two-phase heist concept, which he and Bengtsson refined. Gustafsson regularly shared development updates via Twitter and the resulting popularity led him to not pursue traditional marketing for Teardown. The game was announced in October 2019 and made available as an early access game in October 2020 with one half of the campaign, the other being added in December 2021. The completed game was released in April 2022. Teardown saw positive reactions leading up to and during its early access phase, and it received favourable reviews upon release. Critics praised the game's physics, interactivity, graphics implementation, art style, and music. Mixed opinions were raised regarding the campaign progression and story and some control elements were criticised. The game's support for mods was cited as a major factor for its longevity. Teardown sold 1.1 million copies by August 2022, and the game's success led to Tuxedo Labs being acquired by Saber Interactive."@en . . "Teardown (videojuego)"@es . . . "\u300A\u62C6\u8FC1\u300B\uFF08\u82F1\u8BED\uFF1ATeardown\uFF09\u662F\u7531Tuxedo Labs\u5F00\u53D1\u4E0E\u53D1\u884C\u7684\u4E00\u6B3E\u76CA\u667A\u6C99\u76D2\u52A8\u4F5C\u6E38\u620F\u3002"@zh . . "Game Rant"@en . . "7"^^ . "9"^^ . "Teardown (video game)"@en . . . "7"^^ . . "9"^^ . . . . . . . . "Eurogamer.it"@en . . .