. . . . . . . . . . . "USGS Telescope Peak"@en . . . . . . "peak"@en . . . . "Telescope Peak"@pl . "Emblem peak"@en . . . . . . "1880.0064"^^ . "Telescope Peak"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Telescope Peak viewed from Devil's Golf Course, Death Valley, California"@en . . "Telescope Peak ist der mit 3366 Metern \u00FCber dem Meeresspiegel h\u00F6chste Punkt im Death-Valley-Nationalpark im US-Bundesstaat Kalifornien. Der Berg ist au\u00DFerdem der h\u00F6chste der Panamint Range und liegt im Inyo County. Vom Gipfel aus sind der Mount Whitney im Westen und der Charleston Peak im Osten sichtbar. Beide liegen jeweils \u00FCber hundert Kilometer entfernt. Daher hat er den Namen Telescope Peak (von altgriechisch \u03C4\u03B7\u03BB\u03B5\u03C3\u03BA\u03CC\u03C0\u03BF\u03C2 (telesk\u00F3pos) \u201Eweithin schauend\u201C)."@de . "Pic Telescope"@fr . "California"@en . "11043"^^ . . . . . "-117.0891952514648"^^ . . . ""@en . . "Le pic Telescope, en anglais Telescope Peak, est le plus haut sommet du parc national de la vall\u00E9e de la Mort, en Californie. D'une altitude de 3 367 m\u00E8tres, il est le point culminant du cha\u00EEnon Panamint, dans le comt\u00E9 d'Inyo."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . "Telescope Peak \u2013 szczyt w Panamint Range w Kalifornii (USA). Osi\u0105ga wysoko\u015B\u0107 3368 m n.p.m. i jest najwy\u017Cszym szczytem pasma Panamint Range. Po\u0142o\u017Cony jest na pustyni Mojave w USA, na terenie Parku Narodowego Doliny \u015Amierci. Na jego szczycie cz\u0119sto le\u017Cy \u015Bnieg."@pl . . . . "USGSTelescope Peak" . . . . . . . . "36.169815947 -117.089198336" . . . "Telescope Peak"@en . . . . . . . . . "250"^^ . . "Telescope Peak ist der mit 3366 Metern \u00FCber dem Meeresspiegel h\u00F6chste Punkt im Death-Valley-Nationalpark im US-Bundesstaat Kalifornien. Der Berg ist au\u00DFerdem der h\u00F6chste der Panamint Range und liegt im Inyo County. Vom Gipfel aus sind der Mount Whitney im Westen und der Charleston Peak im Osten sichtbar. Beide liegen jeweils \u00FCber hundert Kilometer entfernt. Daher hat er den Namen Telescope Peak (von altgriechisch \u03C4\u03B7\u03BB\u03B5\u03C3\u03BA\u03CC\u03C0\u03BF\u03C2 (telesk\u00F3pos) \u201Eweithin schauend\u201C)."@de . . "POINT(-117.08919525146 36.169815063477)"^^ . . . . "3601633"^^ . . . . . "8962"^^ . . . "Telescope Peak \u2013 szczyt w Panamint Range w Kalifornii (USA). Osi\u0105ga wysoko\u015B\u0107 3368 m n.p.m. i jest najwy\u017Cszym szczytem pasma Panamint Range. Po\u0142o\u017Cony jest na pustyni Mojave w USA, na terenie Parku Narodowego Doliny \u015Amierci. Na jego szczycie cz\u0119sto le\u017Cy \u015Bnieg."@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Telescope Peak is the highest point within Death Valley National Park, in the U.S. state of California. It is also the highest point of the Panamint Range, and lies in Inyo County. From atop this desert mountain one can see for over one hundred miles in many directions, including west to Mount Whitney, and east to Charleston Peak. The mountain was named for the great distance visible from the summit."@en . . "Trail from Mahogany Flat"@en . . . "3365.9064"^^ . "US most prominent peaks 55th"@en . . "36.16981506347656"^^ . . . . . . "Telescope Peak is the highest point within Death Valley National Park, in the U.S. state of California. It is also the highest point of the Panamint Range, and lies in Inyo County. From atop this desert mountain one can see for over one hundred miles in many directions, including west to Mount Whitney, and east to Charleston Peak. The mountain was named for the great distance visible from the summit."@en . "Telescope Peak"@cs . . "6168"^^ . "Telescope Peak"@de . "Le pic Telescope, en anglais Telescope Peak, est le plus haut sommet du parc national de la vall\u00E9e de la Mort, en Californie. D'une altitude de 3 367 m\u00E8tres, il est le point culminant du cha\u00EEnon Panamint, dans le comt\u00E9 d'Inyo."@fr . . . "Telescope Peak je s nadmo\u0159skou v\u00FD\u0161kou 3 367 mnejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ED hora poho\u0159\u00ED Panamint Range a sou\u010Dasn\u011B nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ED hora N\u00E1rodn\u00EDho parku Death Valley. Nach\u00E1z\u00ED se na v\u00FDchod\u011B Kalifornie, v okrese Inyo County, ve Spojen\u00FDch st\u00E1tech americk\u00FDch.N\u00E1zev hory teleskop souvis\u00ED s v\u00FDbornou viditelnost\u00ED z vrcholu. Z Telescope Peak lze pozorovat v\u00EDce ne\u017E 200 kilometr\u016F vzd\u00E1len\u00FD Mount Whitney nebo Charleston Peak v Nevad\u011B, d\u00E1le Death Valley nebo poho\u0159\u00ED White Mountains.V\u00FDchodn\u00ED prudk\u00FD svah hory sestupuj\u00EDc\u00ED do \u00FAdol\u00ED Death Valley a p\u00E1nve Badwater Basin, nejni\u017E\u0161\u00EDho m\u00EDsta na z\u00E1padn\u00ED polokouli, vytv\u00E1\u0159\u00ED nejhlub\u0161\u00ED sr\u00E1z na americk\u00E9m kontinentu."@cs . . . . . . . . "Telescope Peak je s nadmo\u0159skou v\u00FD\u0161kou 3 367 mnejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ED hora poho\u0159\u00ED Panamint Range a sou\u010Dasn\u011B nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ED hora N\u00E1rodn\u00EDho parku Death Valley. Nach\u00E1z\u00ED se na v\u00FDchod\u011B Kalifornie, v okrese Inyo County, ve Spojen\u00FDch st\u00E1tech americk\u00FDch.N\u00E1zev hory teleskop souvis\u00ED s v\u00FDbornou viditelnost\u00ED z vrcholu. Z Telescope Peak lze pozorovat v\u00EDce ne\u017E 200 kilometr\u016F vzd\u00E1len\u00FD Mount Whitney nebo Charleston Peak v Nevad\u011B, d\u00E1le Death Valley nebo poho\u0159\u00ED White Mountains.V\u00FDchodn\u00ED prudk\u00FD svah hory sestupuj\u00EDc\u00ED do \u00FAdol\u00ED Death Valley a p\u00E1nve Badwater Basin, nejni\u017E\u0161\u00EDho m\u00EDsta na z\u00E1padn\u00ED polokouli, vytv\u00E1\u0159\u00ED nejhlub\u0161\u00ED sr\u00E1z na americk\u00E9m kontinentu."@cs . . . . . . "1102183693"^^ . . "Telescope Peak"@en . "TelescopePeak031411.jpg"@en .