. . "Platforma pionowo kotwiczona"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Plataforma de pernas atirantadas (em ingl\u00EAs Tension-leg platform, comumente referida como TLP) \u00E9 uma estrutura flutuante ancorada verticalmente por meio da qual se extrai petr\u00F3leo e g\u00E1s natural. \u00C9 especialmente utilizada em casos de reservat\u00F3rios de mais de 300 metros de profundidade."@pt . "A tension-leg platform (TLP) or extended tension leg platform (ETLP) is a vertically moored floating structure normally used for the offshore production of oil or gas, and is particularly suited for water depths greater than 300 metres (about 1000 ft) and less than 1500 metres (about 4900 ft). Use of tension-leg platforms has also been proposed for offshore wind turbines. The platform is permanently moored by means of tethers or tendons grouped at each of the structure's corners. A group of tethers is called a tension leg. A feature of the design of the tethers is that they have relatively high axial stiffness (low elasticity), such that virtually all vertical motion of the platform is eliminated. This allows the platform to have the production wellheads on deck (connected directly to the subsea wells by rigid risers), instead of on the seafloor. This allows a simpler well completion and gives better control over the production from the oil or gas reservoir, and easier access for downhole intervention operations. TLPs have been in use since the early 1980s. The first tension leg platform was built for Conoco's Hutton field in the North Sea in the early 1980s. The hull was built in the dry-dock at Highland Fabricator's Nigg yard in the north of Scotland, with the deck section built nearby at McDermott's yard at Ardersier. The two parts were mated in the Moray Firth in 1984. The Hutton TLP was originally designed for a service life of 25 years in Nord Sea depth of 100 to 1000 metres. It had 16 tension legs. Its weight varied between 46,500 and 55,000 tons when moored to the seabed, but up to 61,580 tons when floating freely. The total area of its living quarters was about 3,500 square metres and accommodated over a 100 cabins though only 40 people were necessary to maintain the structure in place. The hull of the Hutton TLP has been separated from the topsides. Topsides have been redeployed to the Prirazlomnoye field in the Barents Sea, while the hull was reportedly sold to a project in the Gulf of Mexico (although the hull has been moored in Cromarty Firth since 2009). Larger TLPs will normally have a full drilling rig on the platform with which to drill and intervene on the wells. The smaller TLPs may have a workover rig, or with most recent TLPs, production wellheads located at remote drillcentres subsea. The deepest (E)TLPs measured from the sea floor to the surface are: \n* 5,185 ft (1,580 m) Big Foot ETLP \n* 4,674 ft (1,425 m) Magnolia ETLP. Its total height is some 5,000 feet (1,500 m). \n* 4,300 ft (1,300 m) Marco Polo TLP \n* 4,250 ft (1,300 m) Neptune TLP \n* 3,863 ft (1,177 m) Kizomba A TLP \n* 3,800 ft (1,200 m) Ursa TLP. Its height above surface is 485 ft (148 m) making a total height of 4,285 ft (1,306 m). \n* 3,350 ft (1,020 m) Allegheny TLP \n* 3,300 ft (1,000 m) W. Seno A TLP"@en . . "Een tension-leg platform (TLP) is een verticaal gemeerd drijvend olieplatform dat wordt gebruikt in waterdieptes van meer dan 300 meter voor de productie van olie of gas. De constructie is een groot halfafzinkbaar platform (semisubmersible platform, semi) dat verticaal wordt afgemeerd. De TLP is een van de drijvende platforms die het mogelijk maken om op dieper water olie en gas te produceren dan mogelijk is met stalen onderstellen (jackets) of zelfs compliant towers. De andere drijvende platforms zijn het conventioneel afgemeerde halfafzinkbare productieplatform, de spar en de FPSO. Het diepste TLP is Big Foot in de Golf van Mexico in 1580 meter waterdiepte."@nl . . . . . . . "Plataforma de pernas atirantadas"@pt . "Een tension-leg platform (TLP) is een verticaal gemeerd drijvend olieplatform dat wordt gebruikt in waterdieptes van meer dan 300 meter voor de productie van olie of gas. De constructie is een groot halfafzinkbaar platform (semisubmersible platform, semi) dat verticaal wordt afgemeerd. De TLP is een van de drijvende platforms die het mogelijk maken om op dieper water olie en gas te produceren dan mogelijk is met stalen onderstellen (jackets) of zelfs compliant towers. De andere drijvende platforms zijn het conventioneel afgemeerde halfafzinkbare productieplatform, de spar en de FPSO. Het diepste TLP is Big Foot in de Golf van Mexico in 1580 meter waterdiepte."@nl . . . . . . . . . . . "Tension-leg platform"@en . . . . . "1089785416"^^ . . . . . . . . "Plataforma de pernas atirantadas (em ingl\u00EAs Tension-leg platform, comumente referida como TLP) \u00E9 uma estrutura flutuante ancorada verticalmente por meio da qual se extrai petr\u00F3leo e g\u00E1s natural. \u00C9 especialmente utilizada em casos de reservat\u00F3rios de mais de 300 metros de profundidade."@pt . . "Tension-leg platform"@nl . . "9774"^^ . . . . . . . "La tension-leg platform (TLP), piattaforma a gambe in tensione in italiano, \u00E8 una tipologia di piattaforma petrolifera galleggiante utilizzata per fondali profondi, generalmente tra i 300 e i 1500 metri. Questa tipologia di piattaforma \u00E8 utilizzata anche per ospitare turbine eoliche."@it . . . . . . . . "Platforma pionowo kotwiczona (TLP), Tension-leg platform, tak\u017Ce Tensioned-leg platform \u2013 p\u0142ywaj\u0105ca platforma wiertnicza lub wydobywcza, zamocowana do dna morskiego za pomoc\u0105 wielu pionowych lub prawie pionowych lin lub konstrukcji pracuj\u0105cych tylko na rozci\u0105ganie. Cz\u0119\u015B\u0107 robocza platformy podtrzymywana jest na powierzchni przez zesp\u00F3\u0142 ponton\u00F3w. Do naro\u017Cnik\u00F3w cz\u0119\u015Bci p\u0142ywaj\u0105cej przymocowane s\u0105 liny lub konstrukcje, zamocowane drugim ko\u0144cem do specjalnych pali wbitych w dno morskie. D\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 lin lub konstrukcji jest dobrana tak, \u017Ce niezale\u017Cnie od poziomu wody i ruch\u00F3w platformy, s\u0105 one ca\u0142y czas mocno napi\u0119te. Dzi\u0119ki temu cz\u0119\u015B\u0107 p\u0142ywaj\u0105ca platformy jest bardziej stabilna ni\u017C przy platformach zakotwiczonych w tradycyjny spos\u00F3b (gdzie zwis na linach lub \u0142a\u0144cuchach kotwicznych pozwala na przemieszczanie si\u0119 platformy a jej odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 od dna zale\u017Cy od poziomu wody). Pierwsza platforma tego typu wesz\u0142a do eksploatacji w 1984. U\u017Cycie TLP jest op\u0142acalne przy g\u0142\u0119boko\u015Bciach rz\u0119du 150-1500 metr\u00F3w. Ze wzgl\u0119d\u00F3w na problemy techniczne nie rozwa\u017C\u0105 si\u0119 obecnie (2017) u\u017Cycia ich na g\u0142\u0119boko\u015Bciach powy\u017Cej 1800 metr\u00F3w."@pl . "Tension-leg platform"@it . . "Platforma pionowo kotwiczona (TLP), Tension-leg platform, tak\u017Ce Tensioned-leg platform \u2013 p\u0142ywaj\u0105ca platforma wiertnicza lub wydobywcza, zamocowana do dna morskiego za pomoc\u0105 wielu pionowych lub prawie pionowych lin lub konstrukcji pracuj\u0105cych tylko na rozci\u0105ganie. Pierwsza platforma tego typu wesz\u0142a do eksploatacji w 1984. U\u017Cycie TLP jest op\u0142acalne przy g\u0142\u0119boko\u015Bciach rz\u0119du 150-1500 metr\u00F3w. Ze wzgl\u0119d\u00F3w na problemy techniczne nie rozwa\u017C\u0105 si\u0119 obecnie (2017) u\u017Cycia ich na g\u0142\u0119boko\u015Bciach powy\u017Cej 1800 metr\u00F3w."@pl . . . . . . . . "A tension-leg platform (TLP) or extended tension leg platform (ETLP) is a vertically moored floating structure normally used for the offshore production of oil or gas, and is particularly suited for water depths greater than 300 metres (about 1000 ft) and less than 1500 metres (about 4900 ft). Use of tension-leg platforms has also been proposed for offshore wind turbines. The deepest (E)TLPs measured from the sea floor to the surface are:"@en . "La tension-leg platform (TLP), piattaforma a gambe in tensione in italiano, \u00E8 una tipologia di piattaforma petrolifera galleggiante utilizzata per fondali profondi, generalmente tra i 300 e i 1500 metri. Questa tipologia di piattaforma \u00E8 utilizzata anche per ospitare turbine eoliche."@it . "Une plate-forme \u00E0 ancrage tendu, plate-forme \u00E0 tendons ou encore plate forme \u00E0 jambes de tension (diverses traduction de l'anglais Tension-leg platform) est un type de structure marine fixe, utilis\u00E9 pour de nombreuses plates-formes p\u00E9troli\u00E8res mais aussi \u00E9tudi\u00E9e dans le cadre de l'\u00E9olien offshore flottant. Une telle plate-forme est reli\u00E9e au plancher oc\u00E9anique par des c\u00E2bles d'acier tendus. Ces c\u00E2bles maintiennent la structure plus enfonc\u00E9e dans l'eau que sa ligne de flottaison naturelle \u2014 en d'autres termes, la plate-forme dispose d'un exc\u00E8s de flottabilit\u00E9."@fr . "Une plate-forme \u00E0 ancrage tendu, plate-forme \u00E0 tendons ou encore plate forme \u00E0 jambes de tension (diverses traduction de l'anglais Tension-leg platform) est un type de structure marine fixe, utilis\u00E9 pour de nombreuses plates-formes p\u00E9troli\u00E8res mais aussi \u00E9tudi\u00E9e dans le cadre de l'\u00E9olien offshore flottant. Une telle plate-forme est reli\u00E9e au plancher oc\u00E9anique par des c\u00E2bles d'acier tendus. Ces c\u00E2bles maintiennent la structure plus enfonc\u00E9e dans l'eau que sa ligne de flottaison naturelle \u2014 en d'autres termes, la plate-forme dispose d'un exc\u00E8s de flottabilit\u00E9. Les plates-formes de ce type peuvent \u00EAtre install\u00E9es dans des profondeurs d'eau extr\u00EAmes : dans le cas du gisement Magnolia dans le golfe du Mexique, la profondeur d'eau est de 1 432 m\u00E8tres \u00E0 la verticale de la plate-forme."@fr . "1038665"^^ . . . . . . "Plate-forme \u00E0 ancrage tendu"@fr .