. . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo"@es . . . . . "1994-04-09"^^ . . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo, (ur. 1928 w Butare, zm. w marcu 1998 w Bukavu) \u2013 rwandyjski polityk z plemienia Hutu, tymczasowy prezydent Rwandy podczas ludob\u00F3jstwa 1994 roku."@pl . . . . . . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo (* 1928 in Butare; \u2020 vermutlich 1998) war ein ruandischer Kinderarzt und Politiker. Sindikubwabo diente im Sommer 1994 nach dem Tod von Juv\u00E9nal Habyarimana als Interimspr\u00E4sident des Landes. Sindikubwabo war zuerst Pr\u00E4sident der Nationalversammlung gewesen. Am Abend des 8. April 1994, zwei Tage nachdem Pr\u00E4sident Juv\u00E9nal Habyarimana beim Abschuss des Pr\u00E4sidentenflugzeuges ermordet wurde, erkl\u00E4rte er sich in einer Radioansprache zu dessen Nachfolger. Einen Tag sp\u00E4ter wurde er als Pr\u00E4sident vereidigt. In Sindikubwabos Amtszeit erreichten die Auseinandersetzungen zwischen den Hutu und den Tutsi einen blutigen H\u00F6hepunkt. Beim V\u00F6lkermord in Ruanda fanden binnen 100 Tagen etwa 800.000 Menschen den Tod. Am 19. Juli 1994 \u00FCbergab Sindikubwabo das Amt an Pasteur Bizimungu."@de . . . . . . . "\u0643\u0627\u0646 \u062A\u064A\u0648\u062F\u0648\u0631 \u0633\u064A\u0646\u062F\u064A\u0643\u0648\u0628\u0648\u0627\u0628\u0648"@ar . . . . . . . . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo (Butare, 1928 \u2013 Bukavu, Marzo 1998) \u00E8 stato un politico ruandese. \u00C8 stato il terzo Presidente del Ruanda, in carica ad interim dall'aprile al luglio 1994. Ha ricoperto il suo mandato durante il genocidio del Ruanda. Precedentemente, dal 1988 al 1994, era stato Presidente del Consiglio di sviluppo nazionale (Parlamento del Ruanda)."@it . . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo"@it . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo (geboren in 1928 - overleden in 1998) was de interim-president van Rwanda van 9 april tot 19 juli 1994 tijdens de Rwandese Genocide. Hij is geboren in Butare, een stad in het zuiden van Rwanda. Tijdens het bewind van president Kayibanda was Sindikubwabo minister van Volksgezondheid."@nl . . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo"@pt . . . . . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo"@fr . . . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo (Butare, 1928 - Bukavu, Mar\u00E7o de 1998) foi o quarto e interino presidente de Ruanda durante o Genoc\u00EDdio em Ruanda, de 9 de abril a 19 de julho de 1994. Antes disso, ele foi presidente do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento entre 1988-1994. Nascido na cidade de Butare, no sul de Ruanda, Sindikubwabo foi educado como um m\u00E9dico, e foi Ministro da Sa\u00FAde no governo do presidente Gr\u00E9goire Kayibanda. Quando Juv\u00E9nal Habyarimana chegou ao poder, Sindikubwabo tornou-se um pediatra, praticando no . Mais tarde, ele retornou \u00E0 pol\u00EDtica como deputado no parlamento."@pt . . . "1928"^^ . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo"@sv . . . . . . . "\u0643\u0627\u0646 \u062A\u064A\u0648\u062F\u0648\u0631 \u0633\u064A\u0646\u062F\u064A\u0643\u0648\u0628\u0648\u0627\u0628\u0648 (\u0628\u0627\u0644\u0625\u0646\u062C\u0644\u064A\u0632\u064A\u0629: Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo)\u200F (1928\u060C \u0628\u0648\u062A\u0627\u0631\u064A\u060C \u0631\u0648\u0627\u0646\u062F\u0627 - \u0645\u0627\u0631\u0633 1998\u060C \u0628\u0648\u0643\u0627\u0641\u0648\u060C \u062C\u0645\u0647\u0648\u0631\u064A\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0643\u0648\u0646\u063A\u0648 \u0627\u0644\u062F\u064A\u0645\u0642\u0631\u0627\u0637\u064A\u0629) \u0637\u0628\u064A\u0628\u064B\u0627 \u0648\u0633\u064A\u0627\u0633\u064A\u064B\u0627 \u0631\u0648\u0627\u0646\u062F\u064A\u064B\u0627 \u0634\u063A\u0644 \u0645\u0646\u0635\u0628 \u0631\u0626\u064A\u0633 \u0628\u0644\u0627\u062F\u0647 \u0628\u064A\u0646 9 \u0623\u0628\u0631\u064A\u0644 1994 \u0648 19 \u064A\u0648\u0646\u064A\u0648\u060C \u0641\u064A \u0646\u0641\u0633 \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0627\u0645\u060C \u0643\u0648\u0646\u0647\u0627 \u0648\u0627\u062D\u062F\u0629 \u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0633\u0624\u0648\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0626\u064A\u0633\u064A \u0639\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0625\u0628\u0627\u062F\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u062C\u0645\u0627\u0639\u064A\u0629 \u0641\u064A \u0631\u0648\u0627\u0646\u062F\u0627\u060C \u0648\u0627\u0644\u062A\u064A \u0645\u0627\u062A \u062E\u0644\u0627\u0644\u0647\u0627 \u0646\u0635\u0641 \u0645\u0644\u064A\u0648\u0646 \u0625\u0644\u0649 \u0645\u0644\u064A\u0648\u0646 \u0634\u062E\u0635. \u0639\u0645\u0644 \u0633\u0627\u0628\u0642\u064B\u0627 \u0643\u0631\u0626\u064A\u0633 \u0644\u0644\u0645\u062C\u0644\u0633 \u0627\u0644\u0642\u0648\u0645\u064A \u0644\u0644\u062A\u0646\u0645\u064A\u0629 (\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0631\u0644\u0645\u0627\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0648\u0627\u0646\u062F\u064A \u062D\u0627\u0644\u064A\u064B\u0627)\u060C \u0628\u064A\u0646 \u0639\u0627\u0645\u064A 1988 \u0648 1994. \u0648\u064F\u0644\u062F \u0641\u064A \u0628\u0644\u062F\u0629 \u0628\u0648\u062A\u0627\u0631\u064A \u0641\u064A \u0639\u0627\u0645 1928\u060C \u062C\u0646\u0648\u0628 \u0631\u0648\u0627\u0646\u062F\u0627\u060C \u0648\u062F\u0631\u0633 \u0627\u0644\u0637\u0628\u060C \u0648\u0643\u0627\u0646 \u0648\u0632\u064A\u0631\u0627\u064B \u0644\u0644\u0635\u062D\u0629 \u0641\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0626\u064A\u0633 \u063A\u0631\u064A\u063A\u0648\u0627\u0631 \u0643\u0627\u064A\u064A\u0628\u0627\u0646\u062F\u0627. \u0628\u0639\u062F \u0631\u062D\u064A\u0644 \u0643\u064A\u064A\u0628\u0627\u0646\u062F\u0627\u060C \u0645\u0627\u0631\u0633 \u0645\u0647\u0646\u062A\u0647 \u0641\u064A \u0645\u0633\u062A\u0634\u0641\u0649 \u0643\u064A\u063A\u0627\u0644\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0631\u0643\u0632\u064A. \u0639\u0627\u062F \u0644\u0627\u062D\u0642\u0627 \u0625\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u064A\u0627\u0633\u0629 \u0643\u0628\u0631\u0644\u0645\u0627\u0646\u064A. \u0639\u0646\u062F\u0645\u0627 \u0627\u063A\u062A\u064A\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0626\u064A\u0633 \u062C\u0648\u0641\u064A\u0646\u0627\u0644 \u0647\u0627\u0628\u064A\u0627\u0631\u064A\u0645\u0627\u0646\u0627\u060C \u062A\u0645 \u062A\u0639\u064A\u064A\u0646\u0647 \u0631\u0626\u064A\u0633\u064B\u0627 \u0645\u0624\u0642\u062A\u064B\u0627 \u0645\u0646 \u0642\u0628\u0644 \u0631\u0626\u064A\u0633 \u0644\u062C\u0646\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0632\u0645\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u062A\u064A \u064A\u0633\u064A\u0637\u0631 \u0639\u0644\u064A\u0647\u0627 \u062A\u064A\u0648\u0646\u064A\u0633\u062A \u0628\u0627\u063A\u0648\u0633\u0648\u0631\u0627\u060C \u0644\u064A\u0635\u0628\u062D \u0631\u0626\u064A\u0633\u064B\u0627 \u0644\u0644\u062F\u0648\u0644\u0629 \u0623\u062B\u0646\u0627\u0621 \u0627\u0644\u0625\u0628\u0627\u062F\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u062C\u0645\u0627\u0639\u064A\u0629. \u0628\u0639\u062F \u063A\u0632\u0648 \u0627\u0644\u062C\u0628\u0647\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0648\u0637\u0646\u064A\u0629 \u0627\u0644"@ar . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo"@en . . "1994-07-19"^^ . . . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo (1928 \u2013 March 1998) was the interim President of Rwanda during the genocide against Tutsis, from 9 April to 19 July 1994. Prior to that, he was President of the Rwandan legislature National Development Council from 1988\u20131994. Sindikubwabo was born in Zivu, Shyanda village, in the town of Butare, formerly called Astrida in Rwanda-Urundi Territory, and currently the southern province of Rwanda. His parents Zacharrie Semutwa and Judithe Nyiramanda were both from the Tutsi ethnic group. Sindikubwabo was educated as a physician and was Minister of Health in the administration of President Kayibanda. Following the takeover by Juv\u00E9nal Habyarimana, Sindikubwabo became a practising pediatrician in Kigali Central Hospital. He later returned to politics as a deputy in parliament. Immediately following Habyarimana's assassination on 6 April 1994, Sindikubwabo was installed as interim President by the Crisis Committee controlled by Colonel Th\u00E9oneste Bagosora, and he was the head of state during the genocide. Sindikubwabo is widely believed to have been a puppet of the group of military officers who held the real power. On 19 April 1994, he made a now-infamous speech at the ceremony appointing a new Pr\u00E9fet (Governor) of Butare that was broadcast on national radio, in which he insulted those who were not \"working\", a euphemism for killing Tutsis, and told them to \"get out of the way and let us work\". On 29 April, he returned to Butare and told the populace that he was there to supervise the killing of Tutsis. On 18 May, whilst on a visit to Kibuye Prefecture, he congratulated the people on how well they had done their \"work\". Taking advantage of his medical knowledge, he advised the military to cut a certain vein on the jugular to cause certain death. Following the invasion of the Rwandan Patriotic Front that took control of the country and ended the genocide, Sindikubwabo fled to Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo), where he lived in exile in Bukavu. He was interviewed there for the book We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families and quoted as saying: \"The moment has not yet come to say who is guilty and who is not guilty.\" He was initially reported to have been killed in the Rwandan government attack on Bukavu in November 1996 at the beginning of the First Congo War, but subsequent reports put him in Kinshasa. He died in exile in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in March 1998 and was never charged by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda."@en . . . . . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo, n\u00E9 \u00E0 Butare en 1928 et mort probablement en mars 1998, est un homme d'\u00C9tat rwandais, ancien d\u00E9put\u00E9, plusieurs fois ministre, et pr\u00E9sident de la R\u00E9publique du Gouvernement int\u00E9rimaire rwandais, entre le 9 avril et le 19 juillet 1994, pendant le g\u00E9nocide des Tutsi au Rwanda."@fr . . "1604126"^^ . . . . . "\u0643\u0627\u0646 \u062A\u064A\u0648\u062F\u0648\u0631 \u0633\u064A\u0646\u062F\u064A\u0643\u0648\u0628\u0648\u0627\u0628\u0648 (\u0628\u0627\u0644\u0625\u0646\u062C\u0644\u064A\u0632\u064A\u0629: Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo)\u200F (1928\u060C \u0628\u0648\u062A\u0627\u0631\u064A\u060C \u0631\u0648\u0627\u0646\u062F\u0627 - \u0645\u0627\u0631\u0633 1998\u060C \u0628\u0648\u0643\u0627\u0641\u0648\u060C \u062C\u0645\u0647\u0648\u0631\u064A\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0643\u0648\u0646\u063A\u0648 \u0627\u0644\u062F\u064A\u0645\u0642\u0631\u0627\u0637\u064A\u0629) \u0637\u0628\u064A\u0628\u064B\u0627 \u0648\u0633\u064A\u0627\u0633\u064A\u064B\u0627 \u0631\u0648\u0627\u0646\u062F\u064A\u064B\u0627 \u0634\u063A\u0644 \u0645\u0646\u0635\u0628 \u0631\u0626\u064A\u0633 \u0628\u0644\u0627\u062F\u0647 \u0628\u064A\u0646 9 \u0623\u0628\u0631\u064A\u0644 1994 \u0648 19 \u064A\u0648\u0646\u064A\u0648\u060C \u0641\u064A \u0646\u0641\u0633 \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0627\u0645\u060C \u0643\u0648\u0646\u0647\u0627 \u0648\u0627\u062D\u062F\u0629 \u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0633\u0624\u0648\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0626\u064A\u0633\u064A \u0639\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0625\u0628\u0627\u062F\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u062C\u0645\u0627\u0639\u064A\u0629 \u0641\u064A \u0631\u0648\u0627\u0646\u062F\u0627\u060C \u0648\u0627\u0644\u062A\u064A \u0645\u0627\u062A \u062E\u0644\u0627\u0644\u0647\u0627 \u0646\u0635\u0641 \u0645\u0644\u064A\u0648\u0646 \u0625\u0644\u0649 \u0645\u0644\u064A\u0648\u0646 \u0634\u062E\u0635. \u0639\u0645\u0644 \u0633\u0627\u0628\u0642\u064B\u0627 \u0643\u0631\u0626\u064A\u0633 \u0644\u0644\u0645\u062C\u0644\u0633 \u0627\u0644\u0642\u0648\u0645\u064A \u0644\u0644\u062A\u0646\u0645\u064A\u0629 (\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0631\u0644\u0645\u0627\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0648\u0627\u0646\u062F\u064A \u062D\u0627\u0644\u064A\u064B\u0627)\u060C \u0628\u064A\u0646 \u0639\u0627\u0645\u064A 1988 \u0648 1994. \u0648\u064F\u0644\u062F \u0641\u064A \u0628\u0644\u062F\u0629 \u0628\u0648\u062A\u0627\u0631\u064A \u0641\u064A \u0639\u0627\u0645 1928\u060C \u062C\u0646\u0648\u0628 \u0631\u0648\u0627\u0646\u062F\u0627\u060C \u0648\u062F\u0631\u0633 \u0627\u0644\u0637\u0628\u060C \u0648\u0643\u0627\u0646 \u0648\u0632\u064A\u0631\u0627\u064B \u0644\u0644\u0635\u062D\u0629 \u0641\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0626\u064A\u0633 \u063A\u0631\u064A\u063A\u0648\u0627\u0631 \u0643\u0627\u064A\u064A\u0628\u0627\u0646\u062F\u0627. \u0628\u0639\u062F \u0631\u062D\u064A\u0644 \u0643\u064A\u064A\u0628\u0627\u0646\u062F\u0627\u060C \u0645\u0627\u0631\u0633 \u0645\u0647\u0646\u062A\u0647 \u0641\u064A \u0645\u0633\u062A\u0634\u0641\u0649 \u0643\u064A\u063A\u0627\u0644\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0631\u0643\u0632\u064A. \u0639\u0627\u062F \u0644\u0627\u062D\u0642\u0627 \u0625\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u064A\u0627\u0633\u0629 \u0643\u0628\u0631\u0644\u0645\u0627\u0646\u064A. \u0639\u0646\u062F\u0645\u0627 \u0627\u063A\u062A\u064A\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0626\u064A\u0633 \u062C\u0648\u0641\u064A\u0646\u0627\u0644 \u0647\u0627\u0628\u064A\u0627\u0631\u064A\u0645\u0627\u0646\u0627\u060C \u062A\u0645 \u062A\u0639\u064A\u064A\u0646\u0647 \u0631\u0626\u064A\u0633\u064B\u0627 \u0645\u0624\u0642\u062A\u064B\u0627 \u0645\u0646 \u0642\u0628\u0644 \u0631\u0626\u064A\u0633 \u0644\u062C\u0646\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0632\u0645\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u062A\u064A \u064A\u0633\u064A\u0637\u0631 \u0639\u0644\u064A\u0647\u0627 \u062A\u064A\u0648\u0646\u064A\u0633\u062A \u0628\u0627\u063A\u0648\u0633\u0648\u0631\u0627\u060C \u0644\u064A\u0635\u0628\u062D \u0631\u0626\u064A\u0633\u064B\u0627 \u0644\u0644\u062F\u0648\u0644\u0629 \u0623\u062B\u0646\u0627\u0621 \u0627\u0644\u0625\u0628\u0627\u062F\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u062C\u0645\u0627\u0639\u064A\u0629. \u0628\u0639\u062F \u063A\u0632\u0648 \u0627\u0644\u062C\u0628\u0647\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0648\u0637\u0646\u064A\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0648\u0627\u0646\u062F\u064A\u0629 \u0641\u0631 \u0625\u0644\u0649 \u0632\u0627\u0626\u064A\u0631\u060C \u062D\u064A\u062B \u0638\u0644 \u0641\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0646\u0641\u0649 \u0641\u064A \u0628\u0648\u0643\u0627\u0628\u0648 \u062D\u062A\u0649 \u0648\u0641\u0627\u062A\u0647 \u0644\u0623\u0633\u0628\u0627\u0628 \u0645\u062C\u0647\u0648\u0644\u0629 \u0641\u064A \u0639\u0627\u0645 1998."@ar . . . . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo (1928, Butare, Ruanda - marzo de 1998,\u200B Bukavu, Rep\u00FAblica Democr\u00E1tica del Congo) fue un m\u00E9dico y pol\u00EDtico ruand\u00E9s que fungi\u00F3 como Presidente de su pa\u00EDs entre el 9 de abril de 1994 y el 19 de junio de ese mismo a\u00F1o, siendo uno de los principales responsables del Genocidio de Ruanda, durante el cual murieron entre medio mill\u00F3n y un mill\u00F3n de personas."@es . . . . . . . . . "Interim President of Rwanda"@en . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo, n\u00E9 \u00E0 Butare en 1928 et mort probablement en mars 1998, est un homme d'\u00C9tat rwandais, ancien d\u00E9put\u00E9, plusieurs fois ministre, et pr\u00E9sident de la R\u00E9publique du Gouvernement int\u00E9rimaire rwandais, entre le 9 avril et le 19 juillet 1994, pendant le g\u00E9nocide des Tutsi au Rwanda."@fr . "Bukavu, Democratic Republic of the Congo"@en . . "\u0422\u0435\u043E\u0434\u043E\u0440 \u0421\u0438\u043D\u0434\u0438\u043A\u0443\u0431\u0432\u0430\u0431\u043E (\u0430\u043D\u0433\u043B. Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo) \u2014 \u0438\u0441\u043F\u043E\u043B\u043D\u044F\u044E\u0449\u0438\u0439 \u043E\u0431\u044F\u0437\u0430\u043D\u043D\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u043F\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043D\u0442\u0430 \u0420\u0443\u0430\u043D\u0434\u044B, \u0432\u043E \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043C\u044F \u0433\u0435\u043D\u043E\u0446\u0438\u0434\u0430 \u0432 \u0441\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043D\u0435. \u0413\u043B\u0430\u0432\u0430 \u041F\u0430\u0440\u043B\u0430\u043C\u0435\u043D\u0442\u0430 \u0420\u0443\u0430\u043D\u0434\u044B (1988\u20141994)."@ru . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo (Butare, Ruanda, 1928 - Bukavu, Rep\u00FAblica Democr\u00E0tica del Congo, mar\u00E7 de 1998 ) va ser un metge i pol\u00EDtic ruand\u00E8s que va exercir com a President del seu pa\u00EDs entre el 9 d'abril de 1994 i el 19 de juny d'aquest mateix any, sent un dels principals responsables del Genocidi de Ruanda, durant el qual van morir entre mig mili\u00F3 i un mili\u00F3 de persones. Pr\u00E8viament havia exercit com a President del Consell de Desenvolupament Nacional (actualment Parlament de Ruanda), entre 1988 i 1994. Va n\u00E9ixer en el poblat de Butare el 1928, al sud de Rwanda, va estudiar medicina, i va ser Ministre de Salut del president Gr\u00E9goire Kayibanda. Despr\u00E9s de la sortida de Kayibanda, va exercir la seva professi\u00F3 a l'Hospital Central de Kigali. Va tornar m\u00E9s tard a la pol\u00EDtica com a parlamentari. Quan va ser assassinat el president Juv\u00E9nal Habyarimana, va ser nomenat president inter\u00ED del Comit\u00E8 de Crisi controlat pel coronel Th\u00E9oneste Bagosora, convertint-se en cap d'estat durant el genocidi. Es crei que Sindikubwabo va ser un titella del grup d'oficials militars que tenien el poder real. El 19 d'abril de 1994, va fer un discurs infame en la cerim\u00F2nia de nomenar un nou Pr\u00E9fet (Governador) de Butare que es va emetre a la r\u00E0dio nacional, en el qual va insultar a aquells que no estaven \"treballant\", un eufemisme per matar tutsis, i va dir que ells havien de \"tocar el dos i deixar-nos treballar\". El 29 d'abril, va tornar a Butare i li va dir al poble que estava all\u00ED per supervisar l'assassinat dels tutsi.Durant la seva posici\u00F3 com a cap d'estat utilitza els seus coneixements de medicina per assessorar els Hutu que art\u00E8ria haurien tallar per causar una mort imminent Despr\u00E9s de la invasi\u00F3 del Front Patri\u00F2tic Ruand\u00E8s va fugir al Zaire, on es es va mantenir exiliat a Bukabu fins a la seva mort per causes desconegudes el 1998, sense que hagi estat inculpat pel Tribunal Penal Internacional per a Ruanda. Va ser entrevistat per al llibre We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families i va citar: \"Encara no ha arribat el moment de dir qui \u00E9s culpable i qui no \u00E9s culpable\". Inicialment es va informar que havia estat assassinat en l'atac del govern de Ruanda a Bukavu el novembre de 1996 al comen\u00E7ament de la , per\u00F2 els informes posteriors el van situar a Kinshasa."@ca . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo"@ca . "Colonel Theoneste Bagosora"@en . . . . . . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikuwabo, f\u00F6dd 1928 i Butare, Rwanda, troligen d\u00F6d 1998 i Bukavu, var en rwandisk politiker och l\u00E4kare som var landets president under tiden f\u00F6r folkmordet i Rwanda 9 april - 19 juli 1994. Sindikuwabo installerades som Rwandas tillf\u00F6rordnade president redan den 6 april d\u00E5 den sittande presidenten Juv\u00E9nal Habyarimana m\u00F6rdats. Han utropades till landets president tre dagar senare efter att premi\u00E4rministern Agathe Uwilingiyimana ocks\u00E5 m\u00F6rdats, men erk\u00E4ndes inte som landets laglige president av det internationella samfundet. Han har kanske mest blivit k\u00E4nd f\u00F6r det radiotal han h\u00F6ll i nationell tv och radio den 19 april, d\u00E5 han uttryckte sin besvikelse \u00F6ver alla hutuer som inte \"var ute och arbetade\", med vilket han menade att d\u00F6da tutsier.[k\u00E4lla beh\u00F6vs] Det \u00E4r dock oklart om han gj"@sv . "4873"^^ . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikuwabo, f\u00F6dd 1928 i Butare, Rwanda, troligen d\u00F6d 1998 i Bukavu, var en rwandisk politiker och l\u00E4kare som var landets president under tiden f\u00F6r folkmordet i Rwanda 9 april - 19 juli 1994. Sindikuwabo installerades som Rwandas tillf\u00F6rordnade president redan den 6 april d\u00E5 den sittande presidenten Juv\u00E9nal Habyarimana m\u00F6rdats. Han utropades till landets president tre dagar senare efter att premi\u00E4rministern Agathe Uwilingiyimana ocks\u00E5 m\u00F6rdats, men erk\u00E4ndes inte som landets laglige president av det internationella samfundet. Han har kanske mest blivit k\u00E4nd f\u00F6r det radiotal han h\u00F6ll i nationell tv och radio den 19 april, d\u00E5 han uttryckte sin besvikelse \u00F6ver alla hutuer som inte \"var ute och arbetade\", med vilket han menade att d\u00F6da tutsier.[k\u00E4lla beh\u00F6vs] Det \u00E4r dock oklart om han gjorde detta uttalande p\u00E5 eget initiativ eller under inflytande fr\u00E5n arm\u00E9n.[k\u00E4lla beh\u00F6vs] Han kom att sitta kvar som president fram till att Kigali intogs den 19 juli av oppositionsgerillan RPF, d\u00E5 han flydde till grannlandet Zaire, idag Kongo-Kinshasa, till staden Bukavu n\u00E4ra gr\u00E4nsen till Rwanda. Trots att Sindikuwabo var landets president under tiden f\u00F6r folkmordet anses han inte haft n\u00E5gon st\u00F6rre makt \u00F6ver vad som skedde, d\u00E5 landet under folkmordet i praktiken styrdes av premi\u00E4rministern Jean Kambanda och milit\u00E4ren. Han avled under sin exil i Zaire. Varken exakt \u00E5r eller datum f\u00F6r hans d\u00F6d \u00E4r helt s\u00E4kerst\u00E4llt, men det mesta tyder p\u00E5 att han dog av naturliga sk\u00E4l i staden Bukavu 1998."@sv . . . "Rwandan"@en . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo"@nl . . . "1121128683"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo (Butare, Ruanda, 1928 - Bukavu, Rep\u00FAblica Democr\u00E0tica del Congo, mar\u00E7 de 1998 ) va ser un metge i pol\u00EDtic ruand\u00E8s que va exercir com a President del seu pa\u00EDs entre el 9 d'abril de 1994 i el 19 de juny d'aquest mateix any, sent un dels principals responsables del Genocidi de Ruanda, durant el qual van morir entre mig mili\u00F3 i un mili\u00F3 de persones. Pr\u00E8viament havia exercit com a President del Consell de Desenvolupament Nacional (actualment Parlament de Ruanda), entre 1988 i 1994."@ca . . . . "1994-07-19"^^ . "\u0422\u0435\u043E\u0434\u043E\u0440 \u0421\u0438\u043D\u0434\u0438\u043A\u0443\u0431\u0432\u0430\u0431\u043E (\u0430\u043D\u0433\u043B. Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo) \u2014 \u0438\u0441\u043F\u043E\u043B\u043D\u044F\u044E\u0449\u0438\u0439 \u043E\u0431\u044F\u0437\u0430\u043D\u043D\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u043F\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043D\u0442\u0430 \u0420\u0443\u0430\u043D\u0434\u044B, \u0432\u043E \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043C\u044F \u0433\u0435\u043D\u043E\u0446\u0438\u0434\u0430 \u0432 \u0441\u0442\u0440\u0430\u043D\u0435. \u0413\u043B\u0430\u0432\u0430 \u041F\u0430\u0440\u043B\u0430\u043C\u0435\u043D\u0442\u0430 \u0420\u0443\u0430\u043D\u0434\u044B (1988\u20141994)."@ru . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo (geboren in 1928 - overleden in 1998) was de interim-president van Rwanda van 9 april tot 19 juli 1994 tijdens de Rwandese Genocide. Hij is geboren in Butare, een stad in het zuiden van Rwanda. Tijdens het bewind van president Kayibanda was Sindikubwabo minister van Volksgezondheid."@nl . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo, (ur. 1928 w Butare, zm. w marcu 1998 w Bukavu) \u2013 rwandyjski polityk z plemienia Hutu, tymczasowy prezydent Rwandy podczas ludob\u00F3jstwa 1994 roku."@pl . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo"@en . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo (Butare, 1928 \u2013 Bukavu, Marzo 1998) \u00E8 stato un politico ruandese. \u00C8 stato il terzo Presidente del Ruanda, in carica ad interim dall'aprile al luglio 1994. Ha ricoperto il suo mandato durante il genocidio del Ruanda. Precedentemente, dal 1988 al 1994, era stato Presidente del Consiglio di sviluppo nazionale (Parlamento del Ruanda)."@it . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo (1928 \u2013 March 1998) was the interim President of Rwanda during the genocide against Tutsis, from 9 April to 19 July 1994. Prior to that, he was President of the Rwandan legislature National Development Council from 1988\u20131994. Taking advantage of his medical knowledge, he advised the military to cut a certain vein on the jugular to cause certain death."@en . . . "Unknown"@en . "\u0421\u0438\u043D\u0434\u0438\u043A\u0443\u0431\u0432\u0430\u0431\u043E, \u0422\u0435\u043E\u0434\u043E\u0440"@ru . "InterimPresident of Rwanda" . "1994-04-09"^^ . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo"@de . . . . "March 1998"@en . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo"@en . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo (* 1928 in Butare; \u2020 vermutlich 1998) war ein ruandischer Kinderarzt und Politiker. Sindikubwabo diente im Sommer 1994 nach dem Tod von Juv\u00E9nal Habyarimana als Interimspr\u00E4sident des Landes. Sindikubwabo war zuerst Pr\u00E4sident der Nationalversammlung gewesen. Am Abend des 8. April 1994, zwei Tage nachdem Pr\u00E4sident Juv\u00E9nal Habyarimana beim Abschuss des Pr\u00E4sidentenflugzeuges ermordet wurde, erkl\u00E4rte er sich in einer Radioansprache zu dessen Nachfolger. Einen Tag sp\u00E4ter wurde er als Pr\u00E4sident vereidigt."@de . . . . . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo (Butare, 1928 - Bukavu, Mar\u00E7o de 1998) foi o quarto e interino presidente de Ruanda durante o Genoc\u00EDdio em Ruanda, de 9 de abril a 19 de julho de 1994. Antes disso, ele foi presidente do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento entre 1988-1994. Nascido na cidade de Butare, no sul de Ruanda, Sindikubwabo foi educado como um m\u00E9dico, e foi Ministro da Sa\u00FAde no governo do presidente Gr\u00E9goire Kayibanda. Quando Juv\u00E9nal Habyarimana chegou ao poder, Sindikubwabo tornou-se um pediatra, praticando no . Mais tarde, ele retornou \u00E0 pol\u00EDtica como deputado no parlamento."@pt . "--04-09"^^ . . . . . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo (Butare, Ruanda, 1928 - , Kongoko Errepublika Demokratikoa, 1998) Ruandako medikua eta politikoa izan zen bere herrialdeko presidentea izan zena, 1994ko apirilaren 9a eta urte bereko ekainaren 19a bitartean. Ruandako Genozidioaren egile garrantzitsuenen artean egon zen, zeinean milioi erdi eta milioi bat pertsona hil ziren. Aurretik Garapen Nazionaleko Kontseiluko (orain Ruandako Parlamentua) presidentea izan zen, 1988 eta 1994 artean. Butare herrian jaio zen 1928an, Ruandako hegoaldean, medikuntza ikasi zuen, eta Gr\u00E9goire Kayibanda presidentearen osasun ministroa izan zen. Kayibanda-ren irteeraren ondoren, Kigaliko Ospitale Nagusian egin zuen lan. Geroago, Politikara itzuli zen parlamentari gisa. Juv\u00E9nal Habyarimana presidentea hil egin zutenean, kontrolatzen zuen Krisi Batzordearen presidenteak bitarteko presidentea izendatu zuen, genozidioa gertatu zeneko estatuburua izanik. inbasioaren ostean, Zairera ihes egin zuen, non Bukabun erbesteratu egin zen, arrazoi ezezagunengatik hil zen arte, 1998an. \n* Datuak: Q888967"@eu . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo (1928, Butare, Ruanda - marzo de 1998,\u200B Bukavu, Rep\u00FAblica Democr\u00E1tica del Congo) fue un m\u00E9dico y pol\u00EDtico ruand\u00E9s que fungi\u00F3 como Presidente de su pa\u00EDs entre el 9 de abril de 1994 y el 19 de junio de ese mismo a\u00F1o, siendo uno de los principales responsables del Genocidio de Ruanda, durante el cual murieron entre medio mill\u00F3n y un mill\u00F3n de personas."@es . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo"@pl . . . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo (Butare, Ruanda, 1928 - , Kongoko Errepublika Demokratikoa, 1998) Ruandako medikua eta politikoa izan zen bere herrialdeko presidentea izan zena, 1994ko apirilaren 9a eta urte bereko ekainaren 19a bitartean. Ruandako Genozidioaren egile garrantzitsuenen artean egon zen, zeinean milioi erdi eta milioi bat pertsona hil ziren. Aurretik Garapen Nazionaleko Kontseiluko (orain Ruandako Parlamentua) presidentea izan zen, 1988 eta 1994 artean. Butare herrian jaio zen 1928an, Ruandako hegoaldean, medikuntza ikasi zuen, eta Gr\u00E9goire Kayibanda presidentearen osasun ministroa izan zen. Kayibanda-ren irteeraren ondoren, Kigaliko Ospitale Nagusian egin zuen lan. Geroago, Politikara itzuli zen parlamentari gisa. Juv\u00E9nal Habyarimana presidentea hil egin zutenean, kontrolatzen zuen K"@eu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Th\u00E9odore Sindikubwabo"@eu . . . . . . . . . . .