. . . . . . . . . . . "I Cenci (The Cenci) \u00E8 una tragedia in versi di Percy Bysshe Shelley, scritta durante l'estate del 1819. L'opera, ambientata nella Roma del 1599 e nella rocca di Petrella Salto, allora al di fuori dello Stato pontificio, racconta di una giovane donna condannata a morte per parricidio durante il pontificato di Clemente VIII. L'ispirazione per la tragedia, liberamente tratta dalla vita di Beatrice Cenci, arriv\u00F2 a Shelley dopo aver visto il ritratto della donna effettuato da Guido Reni."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1115335747"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1491459"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Cenci"@en . . "I Cenci"@it . . . . "27059"^^ . . . "The Cenci, A Tragedy, in Five Acts (1819) is a verse drama in five acts by Percy Bysshe Shelley written in the summer of 1819, and inspired by a real Italian family, the House of Cenci (in particular, Beatrice Cenci, pronounced CHEN-chee). Shelley composed the play in Rome and at Villa Valsovano near Livorno, from May to August 5, 1819. The work was published by Charles and James Ollier in London in 1819. The Livorno edition was printed in Livorno, Italy by Shelley himself in a run of 250 copies. Shelley told Thomas Love Peacock that he arranged for the printing himself because in Italy \"it costs, with all duties and freightage, about half of what it would cost in London.\" Shelley sought to have the play staged, describing it as \"totally different from anything you might conjecture that I "@en . . . . . "Les Cenci (en anglais : The Cenci, A Tragedy, in Five Acts) est une pi\u00E8ce de th\u00E9\u00E2tre de Percy Bysshe Shelley, r\u00E9dig\u00E9e en vers en cinq actes \u00E9crite pendant l'\u00E9t\u00E9 1819. Elle est inspir\u00E9e d'une famille italienne r\u00E9elle, la maison Cenci et en particulier, Beatrice Cenci. Shelley compose la pi\u00E8ce \u00E0 Rome et \u00E0 la Villa Valsovano pr\u00E8s de Livourne, de mai au 5 ao\u00FBt 1819. Le livret est publi\u00E9 par les \u00E9diteurs Charles et James Ollier \u00E0 Londres en 1819. Une autre \u00E9dition de 250 exemplaires est imprim\u00E9 \u00E0 Livourne le 21 ao\u00FBt 1819 par Glauco Masi. Shelley a dit Thomas Love Peacock qu'il les a fait imprimer lui-m\u00EAme en Italie car \u00AB cela co\u00FBte, avec tous les droits de douane et le transport, environ la moiti\u00E9 de ce qu'il en co\u00FBterait \u00E0 Londres \u00BB Shelley a cherch\u00E9 \u00E0 mettre en sc\u00E8ne la pi\u00E8ce, la d\u00E9crivant comme \u00AB totalement diff\u00E9rent de tout ce que vous pourriez supposer que je devrais \u00E9crire ; d'un genre plus populaire ... \u00E9crit pour la multitude. \u00BB Shelley \u00E9crit \u00E0 son \u00E9diteur Charles Ollier qu'il \u00E9tait confiant et que la pi\u00E8ce \u00AB r\u00E9ussira \u00E0 sa publication \u00BB. Une seconde \u00E9dition para\u00EEt en 1821 qui sera sa seule \u0153uvre \u00E0 conna\u00EEtre une deuxi\u00E8me \u00E9dition au cours de sa vie. La pi\u00E8ce est difficilement jouable en sc\u00E8ne \u00E0 cette \u00E9poque \u00E0 cause de ses th\u00E8mes d'inceste et de parricide et ne sera pas jou\u00E9e en public en Angleterre avant 1922 quand elle sera sur sc\u00E8ne \u00E0 Londres. En 1886, la Shelley Society finance une production priv\u00E9e au Grand Theatre \u00E0 Islington, devant un public comprenant Oscar Wilde, Robert Browning et George Bernard Shaw. Bien qu'il ait eu beaucoup de d\u00E9bat autour de la jouabilit\u00E9 de la pi\u00E8ce, elle a \u00E9t\u00E9 jou\u00E9 dans plusieurs pays, comme la France, l'Allemagne, l'Italie, la Russie, la Tch\u00E9coslovaquie et les \u00C9tats-Unis. Elle fait partie des (en) comme l'une des pi\u00E8ces les plus importantes et repr\u00E9sentatives des classiques occidentaux (canon occidental)."@fr . . "Les Cenci (en anglais : The Cenci, A Tragedy, in Five Acts) est une pi\u00E8ce de th\u00E9\u00E2tre de Percy Bysshe Shelley, r\u00E9dig\u00E9e en vers en cinq actes \u00E9crite pendant l'\u00E9t\u00E9 1819. Elle est inspir\u00E9e d'une famille italienne r\u00E9elle, la maison Cenci et en particulier, Beatrice Cenci. Shelley compose la pi\u00E8ce \u00E0 Rome et \u00E0 la Villa Valsovano pr\u00E8s de Livourne, de mai au 5 ao\u00FBt 1819. Le livret est publi\u00E9 par les \u00E9diteurs Charles et James Ollier \u00E0 Londres en 1819. Une autre \u00E9dition de 250 exemplaires est imprim\u00E9 \u00E0 Livourne le 21 ao\u00FBt 1819 par Glauco Masi. Shelley a dit Thomas Love Peacock qu'il les a fait imprimer lui-m\u00EAme en Italie car \u00AB cela co\u00FBte, avec tous les droits de douane et le transport, environ la moiti\u00E9 de ce qu'il en co\u00FBterait \u00E0 Londres \u00BB Shelley a cherch\u00E9 \u00E0 mettre en sc\u00E8ne la pi\u00E8ce, la d\u00E9crivant co"@fr . "The Cenci, A Tragedy, in Five Acts (1819) is a verse drama in five acts by Percy Bysshe Shelley written in the summer of 1819, and inspired by a real Italian family, the House of Cenci (in particular, Beatrice Cenci, pronounced CHEN-chee). Shelley composed the play in Rome and at Villa Valsovano near Livorno, from May to August 5, 1819. The work was published by Charles and James Ollier in London in 1819. The Livorno edition was printed in Livorno, Italy by Shelley himself in a run of 250 copies. Shelley told Thomas Love Peacock that he arranged for the printing himself because in Italy \"it costs, with all duties and freightage, about half of what it would cost in London.\" Shelley sought to have the play staged, describing it as \"totally different from anything you might conjecture that I should write; of a more popular kind... written for the multitude.\" Shelley wrote to his publisher Charles Ollier that he was confident that the play \"will succeed as a publication.\" A second edition appeared in 1821, his only published work to go into a second edition during his lifetime. The play was not considered stageable in its day due to its themes of incest and parricide, and was not performed in public in England until 1922, when it was staged in London. In 1886 the Shelley Society had sponsored a private production at the Grand Theatre, Islington, before an audience that included Oscar Wilde, Robert Browning, and George Bernard Shaw. Though there has been much debate over the play's stageability, it has been produced in many countries, including France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Czechoslovakia, and the United States. It was included in the Harvard Classics as one of the most important and representative works of the Western canon."@en . . "Les Cenci"@fr . "The Cenci"@en . "Shelley"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "I Cenci (The Cenci) \u00E8 una tragedia in versi di Percy Bysshe Shelley, scritta durante l'estate del 1819. L'opera, ambientata nella Roma del 1599 e nella rocca di Petrella Salto, allora al di fuori dello Stato pontificio, racconta di una giovane donna condannata a morte per parricidio durante il pontificato di Clemente VIII. L'ispirazione per la tragedia, liberamente tratta dalla vita di Beatrice Cenci, arriv\u00F2 a Shelley dopo aver visto il ritratto della donna effettuato da Guido Reni."@it . . . .