. "The Law in These Parts (en hebreu: \u05E9\u05DC\u05D8\u05D5\u05DF \u05D4\u05D7\u05D5\u05E7) \u00E9s un documental israeli\u00E0 de 2011, escrit i dirigit per , sobre el sistema judicial operat per les Forces de Defensa d'Israel a Cisjord\u00E0nia. Va guanyar el premi al Millor Documental del de 2011 i el Gran Premi del Jurat en Documental al Festival de Cinema de Sundance de 2012. El documental es divideix en cinc cap\u00EDtols i repassa la hist\u00F2ria legal de l'ocupaci\u00F3 israeliana dels territoris palestins. Entrevistes Alexandrowicz entrevista un cert nombre de jutges que es van encarregar de dur a terme les ordres dels comandants militars. Nom\u00E9s s'hi entrevisten jutges que van presidir casos vinculats amb l'ocupaci\u00F3; com assenyala Alexandrowicz en el mateix documental, \"aquesta pel\u00B7l\u00EDcula no va de les persones que van violar la llei. Tracta les persones que van escriure la llei.\""@ca . . "The Law in These Parts (Hebrew: \u05E9\u05DC\u05D8\u05D5\u05DF \u05D4\u05D7\u05D5\u05E7) is a 2011 Israeli documentary film, written and directed by Ra'anan Alexandrowicz, about the court system operated by the Israel Defense Forces in the West Bank. It won the Best Documentary award at the 2011 Jerusalem Film Festival and the World Cinema Grand Jury Prize in Documentary at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival. At the Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival, The Law in These Parts won the \"Special Jury Prize \u2013 International Feature\". The documentary is divided into five chapters and reviews the legal history of Israel's occupation of Arab territories. Alexandrowicz interviews a number of the judges who were responsible for carrying out the orders of military commanders. Only judges who presided over occupation-related cases are interviewed; as Alexandrowicz noted, \u201CThis film is not about the people who broke the law. It\u2019s about the people who wrote the law.\u201D"@en . . . . "Liran Atzmor"@en . . . . "The Law in These Parts (\u05E9\u05DC\u05D8\u05D5\u05DF \u05D4\u05D7\u05D5\u05E7, Shilton Ha Chok) est un film documentaire isra\u00E9lien \u00E9crit et r\u00E9alis\u00E9 par (he) en 2011. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 pr\u00E9sent\u00E9 au Festival du film de J\u00E9rusalem 2011, o\u00F9 il a re\u00E7u le Prix du meilleur documentaire, et au Festival de Sundance 2012, o\u00F9 il a remport\u00E9 le Prix du jury international."@fr . . "A River Changes Course"@en . . . . . . . . . "34535814"^^ . . . "1098025616"^^ . "The Law in These Parts"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "3836"^^ . "The Law in These Parts"@fr . . . "Film poster"@en . . "Neta Dvorkis"@en . . . . . . . . . "The Law in These Parts (\u05E9\u05DC\u05D8\u05D5\u05DF \u05D4\u05D7\u05D5\u05E7, Shilton Ha Chok) est un film documentaire isra\u00E9lien \u00E9crit et r\u00E9alis\u00E9 par (he) en 2011. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 pr\u00E9sent\u00E9 au Festival du film de J\u00E9rusalem 2011, o\u00F9 il a re\u00E7u le Prix du meilleur documentaire, et au Festival de Sundance 2012, o\u00F9 il a remport\u00E9 le Prix du jury international."@fr . . . . . . . "Karni Postel"@en . . . . . "Shark De Mayo"@en . . "The Law in These Parts"@en . . . . "The Law in These Parts (Hebrew: \u05E9\u05DC\u05D8\u05D5\u05DF \u05D4\u05D7\u05D5\u05E7) is a 2011 Israeli documentary film, written and directed by Ra'anan Alexandrowicz, about the court system operated by the Israel Defense Forces in the West Bank. It won the Best Documentary award at the 2011 Jerusalem Film Festival and the World Cinema Grand Jury Prize in Documentary at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival. At the Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival, The Law in These Parts won the \"Special Jury Prize \u2013 International Feature\"."@en . . . . . "Israel"@en . "The Law in These Parts (en hebreu: \u05E9\u05DC\u05D8\u05D5\u05DF \u05D4\u05D7\u05D5\u05E7) \u00E9s un documental israeli\u00E0 de 2011, escrit i dirigit per , sobre el sistema judicial operat per les Forces de Defensa d'Israel a Cisjord\u00E0nia. Va guanyar el premi al Millor Documental del de 2011 i el Gran Premi del Jurat en Documental al Festival de Cinema de Sundance de 2012."@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Law in These Parts"@en . . . "The Law in These Parts"@ca . "2012"^^ . . "101.0"^^ . . . "Ra\u2019anan Alexandrowicz"@en . "Hell and Back Again"@en . . . . . . . "6060.0"^^ . . . . . "6060.0"^^ . . . . .