. . . . . . . . "1067037896"^^ . . "24.1"^^ . "37.9"^^ . "Tongatapu 2"@es . . "Malia Viviena \u02BBAlisi Numia Taumoepeau"@en . "12"^^ . "Tongatapu 2 is an electoral constituency for the Legislative Assembly in the Kingdom of Tonga. It was established for the November 2010 general election, when the multi-seat regional constituencies for People's Representatives were replaced by single-seat constituencies, electing one representative via the first past the post electoral system. Located on the country's main island, Tongatapu, it encompasses part of Kolofo\u02BBou (a district of the capital city, Nuku\u02BBalofa), and the villages of Fanga-\u02BBo-Pilolevu, Mailetaha, Haveluloto, Tofoa, and Koloua."@en . "2.9"^^ . . "Siale \u02BBAtaongo Puloka"@en . "Semisi Kioa Lafu Sika"@en . "2010"^^ . "2.2"^^ . . . . "Tongatapu 2"@en . . "26"^^ . "Semisi \u02BBUlu\u02BBave Mila"@en . . "+3.3"@en . "Sustainable Nation-Building Party"@en . "19.4"^^ . . . . "+3.3"@en . . . . . "0.5"^^ . . . . "13.7"^^ . . . . "8.1"^^ . . "Tongatapu 2"@en . . "+16"@en . "49"^^ . "424"^^ . . ""@en . "1"^^ . . . . "1.2"^^ . . . . "Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands"@en . . . . "180"^^ . . "181"^^ . . "n/a"@en . "Semisi Sika"@en . "Tongatapu 2 es un distrito electoral para la Asamblea Legislativa de Tonga. Se estableci\u00F3 para las elecciones generales de noviembre de 2010, cuando los distritos electorales regionales multi-esca\u00F1os para Representantes Populares fueron reemplazados por distritos electorales de un solo asiento, eligiendo a un representante. Ubicada en la isla principal del pa\u00EDs, Tongatapu, abarca parte de Kolofo'ou (un distrito de la ciudad capital, Nukualofa), y los pueblos de Fanga-\u02BBo-Pilolevu, Mailetaha, Haveluloto, Tofoa y Koloua.\u200B Su primer representante (y hasta ahora \u00FAnico) es Semisi Sika, del Partido Democr\u00E1tico de las Islas Amigas (PTOA). Sika, un parlamentario por primera vez, derrot\u00F3 al Dr. Viliami Tangi, el ministro titular de salud, quien hab\u00EDa formado parte de la Asamblea como ministro pero no hab\u00EDa sido elegido legislador.\u200B\u200B Sika ocup\u00F3 el esca\u00F1o con una gran mayor\u00EDa en las elecciones generales de 2014.\u200B En las elecciones de 2021, Semisi Sika fue derrotado por \u02BBUhilamoelangi Fasi.\u200B"@es . "33798919"^^ . "Mele Teusivi \u02BBAmanaki"@en . "306"^^ . "849"^^ . . "65"^^ . "41.2"^^ . "1050"^^ . "Tongan Democratic Labor Party"@en . . . "Sitafooti \u02BBAho"@en . . . . "Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands"@en . . "8.300000000000001"^^ . . . "5"^^ . "7408"^^ . "Sione Tu\u02BBitavake Fonua"@en . "Tevita Kaitu\u02BBu Fotu"@en . "n/a"@en . "Soane Patita Fifita"@en . "526"^^ . . "+17.2"@en . "111"^^ . "28.6"^^ . . "Tongatapu 2 is an electoral constituency for the Legislative Assembly in the Kingdom of Tonga. It was established for the November 2010 general election, when the multi-seat regional constituencies for People's Representatives were replaced by single-seat constituencies, electing one representative via the first past the post electoral system. Located on the country's main island, Tongatapu, it encompasses part of Kolofo\u02BBou (a district of the capital city, Nuku\u02BBalofa), and the villages of Fanga-\u02BBo-Pilolevu, Mailetaha, Haveluloto, Tofoa, and Koloua. Its first representative was Semisi Sika, of the Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands. Sika, a first time MP, defeated Dr. Viliami Tangi, the incumbent Minister for Health, who had sat in Parliament as a minister but had not been an elected MP. Sika held the seat with a large majority in the 2014 general election. He lost it in the 2021 election to \u02BBUhilamoelangi Fasi."@en . . "641"^^ . "Tongatapu 2 es un distrito electoral para la Asamblea Legislativa de Tonga. Se estableci\u00F3 para las elecciones generales de noviembre de 2010, cuando los distritos electorales regionales multi-esca\u00F1os para Representantes Populares fueron reemplazados por distritos electorales de un solo asiento, eligiendo a un representante. Ubicada en la isla principal del pa\u00EDs, Tongatapu, abarca parte de Kolofo'ou (un distrito de la ciudad capital, Nukualofa), y los pueblos de Fanga-\u02BBo-Pilolevu, Mailetaha, Haveluloto, Tofoa y Koloua.\u200B"@es . .