. "18.7"^^ . "Tongatapu 3"@es . "7"^^ . . . "Pesalili Kailahi"@en . "5"^^ . "Tongan Democratic Labor Party"@en . "0.4"^^ . . "0.8"^^ . "Tongatapu 3"@en . . "191"^^ . "Gabriella \u2018Ilolahia"@en . "3.8"^^ . . "Siaosi Sovaleni"@en . "1.3"^^ . "Independent"@en . "15.3"^^ . "1060944120"^^ . . . . . . "38.5"^^ . "-7.5"^^ . . . . "Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands"@en . "681"^^ . . . . . . "0.5"^^ . "2010"^^ . "Penisimani Vea"@en . "Tongatapu 3 is an electoral constituency for the Legislative Assembly in the Kingdom of Tonga. It was established for the November 2010 general election, when the multi-seat regional constituencies for People's Representatives were replaced by single-seat constituencies, electing one representative via the first past the post electoral system. Located on the country's main island, Tongatapu, it encompasses parts of Kolofo\u02BBou and Ma\u02BBufanga (districts of the capital city Nuku\u02BBalofa), and the entirety of the villages of Pahu, \u02BBAmaile, Fasi-moe-afi-\u02BBa-Tungi, Ngele\u02BBia, Mataika, and Halaleva."@en . . "975"^^ . . "83"^^ . "9.4"^^ . . . "Tongatapu 3 es un distrito electoral para la Asamblea Legislativa de Tonga. Se estableci\u00F3 para las elecciones generales de noviembre de 2010, cuando los distritos electorales regionales multi-esca\u00F1os para Representantes Populares fueron reemplazados por distritos electorales de un solo asiento, eligiendo a un representante. Ubicado en la isla principal del pa\u00EDs, Tongatapu, abarca partes de Kolofo\u02BBou y Ma\u02BBufanga (distritos de la ciudad capital Nukualofa), y la totalidad de las aldeas de Pahu, Amile, Fasi-moe-afi-\u02BBa-Tungi, Ngele\u02BBia, Mataika, y Halaleva.\u200B Su primer representante es Sitiveni Halapua, del Partido Democr\u00E1tico de las Islas Amigas. Halapua, un primer parlamentario, derrot\u00F3 a Clive Edwards, un parlamentario titular y ex viceprimer ministro. (No obstante, Edwards fue nombrado posteriormente Ministro de Justicia, obteniendo as\u00ED un esca\u00F1o en el Parlamento de oficio).\u200B\u200B Para las elecciones de 2014, Halapua fue deseleccionada por el partido, que respald\u00F3 a Simote Vea como su candidato para reemplazarlo. Vea fue derrotado por el candidato independiente Siaosi Sovaleni, lo que provoc\u00F3 que el DPFI perdiera el esca\u00F1o.\u200B\u200B\u200B"@es . "Simote Vea"@en . "1047"^^ . . . "Tevita Palu"@en . "Falakiko Karl Taufaeteau"@en . "107"^^ . . . "688"^^ . . . . . "103"^^ . "Betty Blake"@en . . . "7713"^^ . . . "503"^^ . "David Kaveinga Vaka"@en . "-23.2"^^ . ""@en . "n/a"@en . . . . "3.7"^^ . "257"^^ . . . . "17.5"^^ . . "12"^^ . "13"^^ . "33799067"^^ . . "Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands"@en . . "Tongatapu 3 is an electoral constituency for the Legislative Assembly in the Kingdom of Tonga. It was established for the November 2010 general election, when the multi-seat regional constituencies for People's Representatives were replaced by single-seat constituencies, electing one representative via the first past the post electoral system. Located on the country's main island, Tongatapu, it encompasses parts of Kolofo\u02BBou and Ma\u02BBufanga (districts of the capital city Nuku\u02BBalofa), and the entirety of the villages of Pahu, \u02BBAmaile, Fasi-moe-afi-\u02BBa-Tungi, Ngele\u02BBia, Mataika, and Halaleva. Its first ever representative is Sitiveni Halapua, of the Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands. Halapua, a first time MP, defeated Clive Edwards, an incumbent MP and former Deputy Prime Minister. (Edwards was nonetheless subsequently appointed Minister for Justice, thus obtaining a seat in Parliament ex officio.) For the 2014 election, Halapua was deselected by the party, which endorsed Simote Vea as its candidate to replace him. Vea was defeated by independent candidate Siaosi Sovaleni, resulting in the DPFI losing the seat."@en . . . "142"^^ . "Sitiveni Halapua"@en . "+1.2"@en . "34"^^ . "Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands"@en . "Semisi Nauto Tuapasi \u02BBAta\u02BBata"@en . "3.1"^^ . "Viliami Takau"@en . . . . . "1"^^ . "289"^^ . "23"^^ . "Tongatapu 3 es un distrito electoral para la Asamblea Legislativa de Tonga. Se estableci\u00F3 para las elecciones generales de noviembre de 2010, cuando los distritos electorales regionales multi-esca\u00F1os para Representantes Populares fueron reemplazados por distritos electorales de un solo asiento, eligiendo a un representante. Ubicado en la isla principal del pa\u00EDs, Tongatapu, abarca partes de Kolofo\u02BBou y Ma\u02BBufanga (distritos de la ciudad capital Nukualofa), y la totalidad de las aldeas de Pahu, Amile, Fasi-moe-afi-\u02BBa-Tungi, Ngele\u02BBia, Mataika, y Halaleva.\u200B"@es . "Tongatapu 3"@en . . . "People's Democratic Party"@en . "10.6"^^ . "Paula Lavulo"@en . . "24"^^ . . "25"^^ . "Mele \u2018Amanaki"@en . "440"^^ . "Sione \u02BBUhilamoelangi Liava\u02BBa"@en . "n/a"@en . "Independent"@en . . "35"^^ .