. "The Treaty of Fort Wise of 1861 was a treaty entered into between the United States and six chiefs of the Southern Cheyenne and four of the Southern Arapaho Indian tribes. A significant proportion of Cheyennes opposed this treaty on the grounds that only a minority of Cheyenne chiefs had signed, and without the consent or approval of the rest of the tribe. Different responses to the treaty became a source of conflict between whites and Indians, leading to the Colorado War of 1864, including the Sand Creek Massacre."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Il trattato di Fort Wise venne firmato il 18 febbraio 1861 a Fort Wise (poi Fort Lyon, nell'odierno Colorado) tra il governo degli Stati Uniti d'America, rappresentato dal Commissario agli Affari indiani Alfred Greenwood, e vari capi delle trib\u00F9 di nativi americani Cheyenne e Arapaho; il trattato comport\u00F2 la cessione agli Stati Uniti di ampi tratti di territorio spettanti alle trib\u00F9 indiane in virt\u00F9 del precedente Trattato di Fort Laramie del 17 settembre 1851, e fu per questo osteggiato da vari gruppi di indiani ribelli fino a causare lo scoppio della cosiddetta \"guerra del Colorado\"."@it . . "7479907"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "8510"^^ . . "Le trait\u00E9 de Fort Wise a \u00E9t\u00E9 sign\u00E9 le 18 f\u00E9vrier 1861 par six chefs cheyennes du sud et quatre arapahos avec les \u00C9tats-Unis. Par ce texte, ils ont c\u00E9d\u00E9 la plupart des terres qui leur avaient \u00E9t\u00E9 conc\u00E9d\u00E9es par le trait\u00E9 de Fort Laramie dans sa premi\u00E8re version. Le nouveau territoire repr\u00E9sentait moins d'un treizi\u00E8me de celui conc\u00E9d\u00E9 en 1851."@fr . . . . . . . . "Le trait\u00E9 de Fort Wise a \u00E9t\u00E9 sign\u00E9 le 18 f\u00E9vrier 1861 par six chefs cheyennes du sud et quatre arapahos avec les \u00C9tats-Unis. Par ce texte, ils ont c\u00E9d\u00E9 la plupart des terres qui leur avaient \u00E9t\u00E9 conc\u00E9d\u00E9es par le trait\u00E9 de Fort Laramie dans sa premi\u00E8re version. Le nouveau territoire repr\u00E9sentait moins d'un treizi\u00E8me de celui conc\u00E9d\u00E9 en 1851. Ce trait\u00E9, sign\u00E9 en 1861 au moment de la cr\u00E9ation du Territoire du Colorado, par le g\u00E9n\u00E9ral William Larimer, Jr., un sp\u00E9culateur du Kansas qui s'\u00E9tait fait connaitre dans la milice de Pennsylvanie, a red\u00E9fini le territoire des Cheyenne et des Arapahos pour leur enlever les r\u00E9gions mini\u00E8res du Colorado et certains sites de petites villes, en pleine ru\u00E9e vers l'or de Pikes Peak, entam\u00E9e trois ans plus t\u00F4t. Les tribus am\u00E9rindiennes sont cependant rest\u00E9es sur ces territoires, o\u00F9 elles chassaient le bison."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Trait\u00E9 de Fort Wise"@fr . . . . . . . "Il trattato di Fort Wise venne firmato il 18 febbraio 1861 a Fort Wise (poi Fort Lyon, nell'odierno Colorado) tra il governo degli Stati Uniti d'America, rappresentato dal Commissario agli Affari indiani Alfred Greenwood, e vari capi delle trib\u00F9 di nativi americani Cheyenne e Arapaho; il trattato comport\u00F2 la cessione agli Stati Uniti di ampi tratti di territorio spettanti alle trib\u00F9 indiane in virt\u00F9 del precedente Trattato di Fort Laramie del 17 settembre 1851, e fu per questo osteggiato da vari gruppi di indiani ribelli fino a causare lo scoppio della cosiddetta \"guerra del Colorado\"."@it . . "1054208631"^^ . . . . . . . . "The Treaty of Fort Wise of 1861 was a treaty entered into between the United States and six chiefs of the Southern Cheyenne and four of the Southern Arapaho Indian tribes. A significant proportion of Cheyennes opposed this treaty on the grounds that only a minority of Cheyenne chiefs had signed, and without the consent or approval of the rest of the tribe. Different responses to the treaty became a source of conflict between whites and Indians, leading to the Colorado War of 1864, including the Sand Creek Massacre."@en . . "Trattato di Fort Wise"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Treaty of Fort Wise"@en . .