"--10-25"^^ . "\u98B1\u98A8\u827E\u96F2\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1ATyphoon Ivan\uFF0C\u570B\u969B\u7DE8\u865F\uFF1A9723\uFF0C\u806F\u5408\u98B1\u98A8\u8B66\u5831\u4E2D\u5FC3\uFF1A27W\uFF0C\u83F2\u5F8B\u8CD3\u5927\u6C23\u5730\u7403\u7269\u7406\u548C\u5929\u6587\u670D\u52D9\u7BA1\u7406\u5C40\uFF1ANarsing\uFF09\u662F\u4E00\u500B\u5F37\u52C1\u7684\u71B1\u5E36\u6C23\u65CB,\u5B83\u8207\u53E6\u4E00\u500B\u5F37\u5EA6\u76F8\u7576\u71B1\u5E36\u6C23\u65CB:\u98B1\u98A8\u937E\u8335\u4E26\u5B58\u3002\u827E\u96F2\u7684\u524D\u8EAB\u662F\u4E00\u500B\u65BC10\u670813\u65E5\u5F62\u6210\u7684\u71B1\u5E36\u64FE\u52D5\u3002\u827E\u96F2\u9010\u6F38\u5411\u897F\u5317\u504F\u897F\u65B9\u5411\u79FB\u52D5\uFF0C\u4E26\u52A0\u5F37\u70BA\u4E00\u98B1\u98A8\u300210\u670815\u65E5\uFF0C\u827E\u96F2\u8FC5\u901F\u589E\u5F37\uFF0C\u4E26\u9054\u5230\u8428\u83F2\u5C14-\u8F9B\u666E\u68EE\u98D3\u98CE\u98CE\u529B\u7B49\u7EA7\u5206\u985E\u4E0B\u76845\u7D1A\u98B1\u98A8\u300210\u670817\u65E5\uFF0C\u827E\u96F2\u9054\u5230\u5176\u5DD4\u5CF0\u5F37\u5EA6295 km/h (185 mph)\uFF0C\u5176\u6700\u4F4E\u6C23\u58D3\u964D\u81F3905\u767E\u5E15\u3002\u4E0D\u4E45\uFF0C\u827E\u96F2\u9010\u6F38\u9760\u8FD1\u83F2\u5F8B\u8CD3\u7FA4\u5CF6\u4E26\u958B\u59CB\u6E1B\u5F31\u300210\u670820\u65E5\uFF0C\u827E\u96F2\u4EE5220 km/h\u7684\u98A8\u901F\u767B\u9678\u5442\u5B8B\u5CF6\u5317\u90E8\u3002\u96A8\u5F8C\u827E\u96F2\u8F49\u5411\u6771\u5317\uFF0C\u4E26\u65BC10\u670825\u65E5\u8F49\u5316\u70BA\u6EAB\u5E36\u6C23\u65CB\uFF0C\u518D\u65BC\u7B2C\u4E8C\u5929\u6D88\u6563\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . "Tuf\u00E3o Ivan"@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . "105"^^ . . . . . . "Ivan Oct 17 1997 1758Z.png"@en . "Typhoon Ivan"@en . . . . . . . "WPac"@en . "1997-10-13"^^ . "--10-17"^^ . . . "1997"^^ . "14"^^ . "1"^^ . . "\uD0DC\uD48D \uC774\uBC18 (Typhoon Ivan) \uC740 1997\uB144\uC5D0 \uBD81\uC11C\uD0DC\uD3C9\uC591\uC5D0\uC11C \uBC1C\uC0DD\uD55C \uC81C23\uD638 \uD0DC\uD48D\uC774\uB2E4. \uB9C8\uC15C \uC81C\uB3C4, \uAD0C, \uD544\uB9AC\uD540\uC5D0 \uC601\uD5A5\uC744 \uC8FC\uC5C8\uB2E4."@ko . "Le typhon Ivan, connu aux Philippines sous le nom de typhon Narsing, fut un cyclone tropical intense qui v\u00E9cu simultan\u00E9ment avec une autre temp\u00EAte de m\u00EAme intensit\u00E9 en octobre 1997, le typhon Joan. Se formant \u00E0 partir d'une perturbation tropicale le 13 octobre, Ivan s'est progressivement intensifi\u00E9 en typhon en se d\u00E9pla\u00E7ant progressivement vers l'ouest-nord-ouest. Le 15 octobre, la temp\u00EAte a subi une intensification rapide et a atteint une intensit\u00E9 correspondant \u00E0 l'\u00E9tat de cat\u00E9gorie 5 sur l'\u00E9chelle de Saffir-Simpson. En fin de journ\u00E9e du 17 octobre, Ivan a atteint sa force maximale avec des vents de 295 km/h et une pression barom\u00E9trique centrale de 905 hPa. Peu de temps apr\u00E8s, le typhon commen\u00E7a \u00E0 affaiblir en s'approchant des Philippines qu'il toucha dans le nord de l'\u00EEle de Lu\u00E7on avec des vents de 220 km/h le 20 octobre, avant de redescendre \u00E0 temp\u00EAte tropicale le lendemain. La temp\u00EAte s'est ensuite courb\u00E9e vers le nord-est et est devenue extratropicale le 25 octobre et se dissipa le lendemain. Bien qu\u2019Ivan fut une temp\u00EAte puissante, ses effets furent relativement mineurs. Cependant, 14 personnes furent tu\u00E9es et deux autres ont \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9clar\u00E9es disparues. L'industrie agricole a subi les d\u00E9g\u00E2ts les plus graves, alors que des milliers d'animaux se sont noy\u00E9s dans la temp\u00EAte. Les d\u00E9g\u00E2ts totaux furent estim\u00E9s \u00E0 9,6 millions $US de 1997. Au total, 1 779 maisons furent d\u00E9truites, 13 771 autres furent endommag\u00E9es et 4 600 hectares de terres agricoles furent inond\u00E9s par la temp\u00EAte."@fr . "Typhoon Ivan, known in the Philippines as Typhoon Narsing, was an intense tropical cyclone that existed simultaneously with another storm of the same intensity, Typhoon Joan, in October 1997. Forming out of an area of disturbed weather on October 13, Ivan gradually intensified into a typhoon as it tracked steadily to the west-northwest. On October 15, the storm underwent rapid intensification and reached an intensity corresponding to Category 5 status on the Saffir\u2013Simpson Hurricane Scale. Late on October 17, Ivan reached its peak strength with winds of 295 km/h (185 mph) and a barometric pressure of 905 hPa (mbar). Shortly thereafter, the typhoon began to weaken as it approached the Philippines. Ivan eventually made landfall in northern Luzon with winds of 220 km/h (140 mph) on October 20 before weakening to a tropical storm the next day. The storm then curved northeastward and became extratropical on October 25 and dissipating the following day. Although Ivan was a powerful storm at landfall, its effects were relatively minor compared to the storms' intensity; however, 14 people were killed during the storm and two others were listed as missing. Agricultural industries sustained the most severe damage, as thousands of animals drowned in the storm. Total damage was estimated at $9.6 million (1997 USD; $13.1 million 2009 USD). A total of 1,779 homes were destroyed, 13,771 others were damaged and 4,600 hectares of farmland were flooded by the storm."@en . . . "1997"^^ . . "24166881"^^ . "\uD0DC\uD48D \uC774\uBC18 (Typhoon Ivan) \uC740 1997\uB144\uC5D0 \uBD81\uC11C\uD0DC\uD3C9\uC591\uC5D0\uC11C \uBC1C\uC0DD\uD55C \uC81C23\uD638 \uD0DC\uD48D\uC774\uB2E4. \uB9C8\uC15C \uC81C\uB3C4, \uAD0C, \uD544\uB9AC\uD540\uC5D0 \uC601\uD5A5\uC744 \uC8FC\uC5C8\uB2E4."@ko . . "13217"^^ . . . . "super typhoon"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "905"^^ . "\u98B1\u98A8\u827E\u96F2"@zh . "1997-10-26"^^ . . . . . . "1055174417"^^ . . . "O tuf\u00E3o Ivan, conhecido nas Filipinas como tuf\u00E3o Narsing, foi um intenso ciclone tropical que existiu simultaneamente com outra tempestade da mesma intensidade, o tuf\u00E3o Joan, em outubro de 1997. Formando em uma \u00E1rea de mau tempo em 13 de outubro, Ivan gradualmente se intensificou em um tuf\u00E3o, seguindo continuamente para o oeste-noroeste. Em 15 de outubro, a tempestade sofreu uma r\u00E1pida intensifica\u00E7\u00E3o e atingiu uma intensidade correspondente ao status de Categoria 5 na Escala de Furac\u00F5es de Saffir-Simpson. No final de 17 de outubro, Ivan atingiu seu pico de for\u00E7a com ventos de 295 km/h (183 mph) e uma press\u00E3o barom\u00E9trica de 905 hPa (mbar). Pouco depois, o tuf\u00E3o come\u00E7ou a enfraquecer \u00E0 medida que se aproximava das Filipinas. Ivan finalmente atingiu o continente no norte de Luzon com ventos de 220 km/h (140 mph) em 20 de outubro antes de enfraquecer para uma tempestade tropical no dia seguinte. A tempestade ent\u00E3o curvou-se para nordeste e tornou-se extratropical em 24 de outubro e se dissipando no dia seguinte. Embora Ivan tenha sido uma tempestade poderosa ao cair da terra, seus efeitos foram relativamente menores em compara\u00E7\u00E3o com a intensidade das tempestades; no entanto, 14 pessoas morreram durante a tempestade e outras duas foram listadas como desaparecidas. As ind\u00FAstrias agr\u00EDcolas sofreram os danos mais graves, pois milhares de animais morreram afogados na tempestade. O dano total foi estimado em $ 9,6 milh\u00F5es (USD 1997; $ 13,1 milh\u00F5es de USD de 2009). Um total de 1.779 casas foram destru\u00EDdas, 13.771 outras foram danificadas e 4.600 hectares de terras agr\u00EDcolas foram inundadas pela tempestade."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Typhoon Ivan"@en . . . "Le typhon Ivan, connu aux Philippines sous le nom de typhon Narsing, fut un cyclone tropical intense qui v\u00E9cu simultan\u00E9ment avec une autre temp\u00EAte de m\u00EAme intensit\u00E9 en octobre 1997, le typhon Joan. Se formant \u00E0 partir d'une perturbation tropicale le 13 octobre, Ivan s'est progressivement intensifi\u00E9 en typhon en se d\u00E9pla\u00E7ant progressivement vers l'ouest-nord-ouest. Le 15 octobre, la temp\u00EAte a subi une intensification rapide et a atteint une intensit\u00E9 correspondant \u00E0 l'\u00E9tat de cat\u00E9gorie 5 sur l'\u00E9chelle de Saffir-Simpson."@fr . "Marshall Islands, Guam and the Philippines"@en . "Typhoon Ivan, known in the Philippines as Typhoon Narsing, was an intense tropical cyclone that existed simultaneously with another storm of the same intensity, Typhoon Joan, in October 1997. Forming out of an area of disturbed weather on October 13, Ivan gradually intensified into a typhoon as it tracked steadily to the west-northwest. On October 15, the storm underwent rapid intensification and reached an intensity corresponding to Category 5 status on the Saffir\u2013Simpson Hurricane Scale. Late on October 17, Ivan reached its peak strength with winds of 295 km/h (185 mph) and a barometric pressure of 905 hPa (mbar). Shortly thereafter, the typhoon began to weaken as it approached the Philippines. Ivan eventually made landfall in northern Luzon with winds of 220 km/h (140 mph) on October 20"@en . . "\u98B1\u98A8\u827E\u96F2\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1ATyphoon Ivan\uFF0C\u570B\u969B\u7DE8\u865F\uFF1A9723\uFF0C\u806F\u5408\u98B1\u98A8\u8B66\u5831\u4E2D\u5FC3\uFF1A27W\uFF0C\u83F2\u5F8B\u8CD3\u5927\u6C23\u5730\u7403\u7269\u7406\u548C\u5929\u6587\u670D\u52D9\u7BA1\u7406\u5C40\uFF1ANarsing\uFF09\u662F\u4E00\u500B\u5F37\u52C1\u7684\u71B1\u5E36\u6C23\u65CB,\u5B83\u8207\u53E6\u4E00\u500B\u5F37\u5EA6\u76F8\u7576\u71B1\u5E36\u6C23\u65CB:\u98B1\u98A8\u937E\u8335\u4E26\u5B58\u3002\u827E\u96F2\u7684\u524D\u8EAB\u662F\u4E00\u500B\u65BC10\u670813\u65E5\u5F62\u6210\u7684\u71B1\u5E36\u64FE\u52D5\u3002\u827E\u96F2\u9010\u6F38\u5411\u897F\u5317\u504F\u897F\u65B9\u5411\u79FB\u52D5\uFF0C\u4E26\u52A0\u5F37\u70BA\u4E00\u98B1\u98A8\u300210\u670815\u65E5\uFF0C\u827E\u96F2\u8FC5\u901F\u589E\u5F37\uFF0C\u4E26\u9054\u5230\u8428\u83F2\u5C14-\u8F9B\u666E\u68EE\u98D3\u98CE\u98CE\u529B\u7B49\u7EA7\u5206\u985E\u4E0B\u76845\u7D1A\u98B1\u98A8\u300210\u670817\u65E5\uFF0C\u827E\u96F2\u9054\u5230\u5176\u5DD4\u5CF0\u5F37\u5EA6295 km/h (185 mph)\uFF0C\u5176\u6700\u4F4E\u6C23\u58D3\u964D\u81F3905\u767E\u5E15\u3002\u4E0D\u4E45\uFF0C\u827E\u96F2\u9010\u6F38\u9760\u8FD1\u83F2\u5F8B\u8CD3\u7FA4\u5CF6\u4E26\u958B\u59CB\u6E1B\u5F31\u300210\u670820\u65E5\uFF0C\u827E\u96F2\u4EE5220 km/h\u7684\u98A8\u901F\u767B\u9678\u5442\u5B8B\u5CF6\u5317\u90E8\u3002\u96A8\u5F8C\u827E\u96F2\u8F49\u5411\u6771\u5317\uFF0C\u4E26\u65BC10\u670825\u65E5\u8F49\u5316\u70BA\u6EAB\u5E36\u6C23\u65CB\uFF0C\u518D\u65BC\u7B2C\u4E8C\u5929\u6D88\u6563\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . . "O tuf\u00E3o Ivan, conhecido nas Filipinas como tuf\u00E3o Narsing, foi um intenso ciclone tropical que existiu simultaneamente com outra tempestade da mesma intensidade, o tuf\u00E3o Joan, em outubro de 1997. Formando em uma \u00E1rea de mau tempo em 13 de outubro, Ivan gradualmente se intensificou em um tuf\u00E3o, seguindo continuamente para o oeste-noroeste. Em 15 de outubro, a tempestade sofreu uma r\u00E1pida intensifica\u00E7\u00E3o e atingiu uma intensidade correspondente ao status de Categoria 5 na Escala de Furac\u00F5es de Saffir-Simpson. No final de 17 de outubro, Ivan atingiu seu pico de for\u00E7a com ventos de 295 km/h (183 mph) e uma press\u00E3o barom\u00E9trica de 905 hPa (mbar). Pouco depois, o tuf\u00E3o come\u00E7ou a enfraquecer \u00E0 medida que se aproximava das Filipinas. Ivan finalmente atingiu o continente no norte de Luzon com ventos d"@pt . . . "Typhon Ivan"@fr . . . "160"^^ . . . . . . . "9.6"^^ . . . . "\uD0DC\uD48D \uC774\uBC18"@ko . . .