. . . . . . . . . . "Undersea Kingdom: Chapter 4 \u2013 Revenge of the Volkites"@en . . "Undersea Kingdom is een Amerikaanse serie uit 1936. Dit was een film in 12 hoofdstukken geknipt en op verschillende momenten uitgezonden in de bioscoop (vaak als voorfilmpje). Elk hoofdstuk (behalve het laatste) eindigde met een cliffhanger. Alle hoofdstukken zijn tegenwoordig publiek domein."@nl . . "Undersea Kingdom: Chapter 7 \u2013 The Submarine Trap"@en . . "Undersea Kingdom"@it . . . "1112178925"^^ . . . . "Undersea Kingdom (1936) is a Republic Pictures 12 chapter film serial released in response to Universal's Flash Gordon. It was the second of the sixty-six serials made by Republic. In 1966, the serial was edited into a 100-minute television film titled Sharad of Atlantis. Following a suspicious earthquake, and detecting a series of signals, Professor Norton leads an expedition, including Lt. Crash Corrigan and reporter Diana Compton, in his rocket submarine to the suspected location of Atlantis. Finding the lost continent they become embroiled in an Atlantean civil war between Sharad (with his White Robes) and the usurper Unga Khan (with his Black Robes), who wishes to conquer Atlantis and then destroy the upper world with earthquakes generated by his Disintegrator. Thus he will rule the world unless he can be stopped in time. The star of the serial is Ray \"Crash\" Corrigan, using that screen name for the first time. The name was created to sound similar to \"Flash Gordon\", in one of many similarities. Formerly a stunt man \u2013 he was the person swinging on vines in Tarzan the Ape Man \u2013 Corrigan went on to use this screenname for the rest of his career in serials and B-Westerns. The first two chapters of the serial were mocked on the TV show Mystery Science Theater 3000 in July/August 1992."@en . . . . . "undersea_kingdom8"@en . "81924.0"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "undersea_kingdom3"@en . . . . . "English"@en . . . . . . . "5315073"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Undersea Kingdom"@en . "Undersea Kingdom: Chapter 10 \u2013 Atlantis Destroyed"@en . . "81924.0"^^ . . . "100.0"^^ . . . . . . "13560.0"^^ . . . . . . . "Undersea Kingdom: Chapter 2 \u2013 The Undersea City"@en . "undersea_kingdom6"@en . "undersea_kingdom11"@en . . . . . . . "undersea_kingdom12"@en . . . . . . . . . "0028444" . . . . . . "Undersea Kingdom: Chapter 9 \u2013 Death in the Air"@en . . . . . "undersea_kingdom1"@en . . . . . . . "Undersea Kingdom"@de . . "undersea_kingdom4"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Undersea Kingdom: Chapter 6 \u2013 The Juggernaut Strikes"@en . "Undersea Kingdom ist ein 12-teiliges US-amerikanisches Science-Fiction-Fantasy-Serial von 1936. Ein zweiteiliger 80-min\u00FCtiger Spielfilm-Zusammenschnitt wurde 1953 unter dem Titel Unga Khan, der Herr von Atlantis auch in westdeutschen Kinos aufgef\u00FChrt (Teil 1: Der versunkene Erdteil, Teil 2: Der Turm der Vernichtung). 1966 entstand in den USA eine 100-min\u00FCtige Fernsehfassung unter dem Titel Sharad of Atlantis."@de . . . . . "Undersea Kingdom"@en . . "Undersea Kingdom: Chapter 3 \u2013 Arena of Death"@en . . . . . . "Undersea Kingdom"@nl . . . . . "Undersea Kingdom: Chapter 12 \u2013 Ascent to the Upperworld"@en . . . "undersea_kingdom2"@en . . . . . "Undersea Kingdom"@en . . . . . . . . "Undersea Kingdom"@en . . . "20060"^^ . . . . . "12"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Undersea Kingdom: Chapter 11 \u2013 Flaming Death"@en . . . . . . . "Undersea Kingdom \u00E9 um seriado estadunidense de 1936, g\u00EAnero aventura e fic\u00E7\u00E3o cient\u00EDfica, dirigido por B. Reeves Eason e Joseph Kane, em 12 cap\u00EDtulos, estrelado por Ray Corrigan, Lois Wilde e Lon Chaney Jr.. O seriado foi produzido e distribu\u00EDdo pela Republic Pictures, veiculando nos cinemas estadunidenses a partir de 30 de maio de 1936. Foi o 2\u00BA dos 66 seriados produzidos pela Republic Pictures, e foi uma resposta ao seriado da Universal Pictures, Flash Gordon. Em 1966, foi lan\u00E7ada uma vers\u00E3o editada em 100 minutos, para a televis\u00E3o, intitulada Sharad of Atlantis."@pt . . "undersea_kingdom9"@en . . . . "Undersea Kingdom (1936) is a Republic Pictures 12 chapter film serial released in response to Universal's Flash Gordon. It was the second of the sixty-six serials made by Republic. In 1966, the serial was edited into a 100-minute television film titled Sharad of Atlantis. The first two chapters of the serial were mocked on the TV show Mystery Science Theater 3000 in July/August 1992."@en . . "Undersea Kingdom: Chapter 8 \u2013 Into the Metal Tower"@en . . . . . . . "Undersea Kingdom ist ein 12-teiliges US-amerikanisches Science-Fiction-Fantasy-Serial von 1936. Ein zweiteiliger 80-min\u00FCtiger Spielfilm-Zusammenschnitt wurde 1953 unter dem Titel Unga Khan, der Herr von Atlantis auch in westdeutschen Kinos aufgef\u00FChrt (Teil 1: Der versunkene Erdteil, Teil 2: Der Turm der Vernichtung). 1966 entstand in den USA eine 100-min\u00FCtige Fernsehfassung unter dem Titel Sharad of Atlantis."@de . "Undersea Kingdom: Chapter 1 \u2013 Beneath the Ocean Floor"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Undersea Kingdom \u00E8 un serial cinematografico del 1936 diretto da B. Reeves Eason e Joseph Kane. In dodici episodi, \u00E8 un serial di fantascienza prodotto dalla Republic Pictures."@it . . . . . "6000.0"^^ . . . . . "undersea_kingdom7"@en . . . . . . "Undersea Kingdom"@pt . . . . . . . . . . "28444"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Undersea Kingdom: Chapter 5 \u2013 Prisoners of Atlantis"@en . . . . "Undersea Kingdom \u00E9 um seriado estadunidense de 1936, g\u00EAnero aventura e fic\u00E7\u00E3o cient\u00EDfica, dirigido por B. Reeves Eason e Joseph Kane, em 12 cap\u00EDtulos, estrelado por Ray Corrigan, Lois Wilde e Lon Chaney Jr.. O seriado foi produzido e distribu\u00EDdo pela Republic Pictures, veiculando nos cinemas estadunidenses a partir de 30 de maio de 1936. Foi o 2\u00BA dos 66 seriados produzidos pela Republic Pictures, e foi uma resposta ao seriado da Universal Pictures, Flash Gordon. Em 1966, foi lan\u00E7ada uma vers\u00E3o editada em 100 minutos, para a televis\u00E3o, intitulada Sharad of Atlantis. Ap\u00F3s um terremoto suspeito detectado por uma s\u00E9rie de sinais, o Professor Norton leva uma expedi\u00E7\u00E3o, incluindo o Tenente Crash Corrigan e a rep\u00F3rter Diana Compton, em seu Rocket Submarine para o local suspeito de ser a Atl\u00E2ntida. Encontrando o continente perdido, eles se envolvem em uma guerra civil entre Sharad (com os White Robe) e o usurpador Unga Khan (com seus Black Robe), que pretende conquistar a Atl\u00E2ntida e, em seguida, destruir o mundo superior com terremotos gerados pelo seu Desintegrador. Assim, ele governar\u00E1 o mundo, a menos que possa ser impedido a tempo. A estrela do seriado \u00E9 Ray \u201CCrash\u201D Corrigan, usando esse nome na tela pela primeira vez. O nome foi criado para ter o som semelhante ao Flash Gordon, entre outras muitas semelhan\u00E7as. Anteriormente um dubl\u00EA \u2013 ele era a pessoa balan\u00E7ando nas cordas em Tarzan the Ape Man \u2013 Corrigan passou a usar este nome de tela para o resto de sua carreira em seriados e Westerns B. Os dois primeiros cap\u00EDtulos do seriado foram ridicularizados no Show de TV Mystery Science Theater 3000."@pt . . . "Undersea Kingdom \u00E8 un serial cinematografico del 1936 diretto da B. Reeves Eason e Joseph Kane. In dodici episodi, \u00E8 un serial di fantascienza prodotto dalla Republic Pictures."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . "undersea_kingdom5"@en . "undersea_kingdom10"@en . . . . . . . . "United states"@en . . . . . . "226.0"^^ . . "Undersea Kingdom is een Amerikaanse serie uit 1936. Dit was een film in 12 hoofdstukken geknipt en op verschillende momenten uitgezonden in de bioscoop (vaak als voorfilmpje). Elk hoofdstuk (behalve het laatste) eindigde met een cliffhanger. Alle hoofdstukken zijn tegenwoordig publiek domein."@nl . . . . .