. "V598 Puppis is the name given to a nova in the Milky Way Galaxy. USNO-A2.0 0450-03360039, the catalog number for the star, was discovered to be much brighter than normal in X-ray emissions on October 9, 2007, by the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton telescope. Ultimately, the star was confirmed to 600 times brighter than normal by the Magellan-Clay telescope Magellan-Clay telescope at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. The orbital period of the two stars in V598 Puppis is 0.1628714 days, or 3 hours, 54 minutes, and 32 seconds."@en . "V598 Puppis \u00E9 uma nova na gal\u00E1xia Via L\u00E1ctea. A estrela foi catalogada como USNO-A2.0 0450-03360039, foi descoberta em 9 de outubro de 2007 por emitir mais raio-X que o normal, pelo telesc\u00F3pio XMM-Newton, da Ag\u00EAncia Espacial Europeia. Recentemente foi confirmado que a estrela emite 600 vezes mais raio-X que o normal. Essa confirma\u00E7\u00E3o foi feita pelo telesc\u00F3pio Magellan-Clay, no Observat\u00F3rio Las Campanas, no Chile."@pt . . . . "−2.3"@en . . . . "V598 Puppis"@en . . "V598 Puppis"@pt . . . . . . . . . "1074581758"^^ . . . . . . . . "V598 Puppis is the name given to a nova in the Milky Way Galaxy. USNO-A2.0 0450-03360039, the catalog number for the star, was discovered to be much brighter than normal in X-ray emissions on October 9, 2007, by the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton telescope. Ultimately, the star was confirmed to 600 times brighter than normal by the Magellan-Clay telescope Magellan-Clay telescope at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. The nova has been officially named V598 Puppis and is \"one of the brightest for almost a decade\". Despite its brightness, the nova was apparently missed by amateur and professional astronomers alike until XMM-Newton spotted the unusual X-ray source while turning from one target to another. The All Sky Automated Survey determined that that nova had occurred on June 5, 2007. The orbital period of the two stars in V598 Puppis is 0.1628714 days, or 3 hours, 54 minutes, and 32 seconds."@en . . . . "18543884"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "V598 Puppis \u00E9 uma nova na gal\u00E1xia Via L\u00E1ctea. A estrela foi catalogada como USNO-A2.0 0450-03360039, foi descoberta em 9 de outubro de 2007 por emitir mais raio-X que o normal, pelo telesc\u00F3pio XMM-Newton, da Ag\u00EAncia Espacial Europeia. Recentemente foi confirmado que a estrela emite 600 vezes mais raio-X que o normal. Essa confirma\u00E7\u00E3o foi feita pelo telesc\u00F3pio Magellan-Clay, no Observat\u00F3rio Las Campanas, no Chile. A nova foi oficialmente nomeada de V598 Puppis e \u00E9 \"uma das mais brilhantes de quase uma d\u00E9cada\". Apesar de seu brilho, a nova estava aparentemente perdida por astr\u00F4nomos amadores e profissionais at\u00E9 que o telesc\u00F3pio XMM-Newton avistou uma fonte incomum de raio-X que gira de um ponto para outro."@pt . . "V598 Puppis"@en . . . "−1.0"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "4.1"^^ . "6160"^^ . . . "+292"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "J2000.0"@en .