. . . "Victor Bockris (* 1949 in Sussex) ist ein in England geborener US-amerikanischer Journalist und Autor."@de . . "Victor Bockris (nascido em 1949) \u00E9 um autor nascido na Inglaterra, mas radicado nos Estados Unidos. Escreve principalmente biografias de artistas, escritores e m\u00FAsicos. Ele escreveu sobre Lou Reed (e The Velvet Underground), Andy Warhol, Keith Richards, William S. Burroughs, Terry Southern, Blondie, Patti Smith e Muhammad Ali. Ele tamb\u00E9m ajudou a escrever as autobiografias de John Cale e Bebe Buell. Bockris nasceu em Sussex, em 1949; sua fam\u00EDlia se mudou para Pensilv\u00E2nia quando ele tinha quatro anos. Ele se formou pela Universidade da Pensilv\u00E2nia, onde ambos seus pais trabalhavam, em 1971. Ainda na Filad\u00E9lfia, ele fundou a Telegraph Books Mudou-se para Nova Iorque em 1973 e associou-se a Warhol e Burroughs. Trabalhou para Warhol na Factory e publicou v\u00E1rias obras na revista de Warhol, Interview, frequentemente em colabora\u00E7\u00E3o com Andrew Wylie, hoje em dia mais conhecido como agente liter\u00E1rio. Bockris tamb\u00E9m publicou na Hight Times, Gadfly e Drummer. Seu livro Beat Punks explora as rela\u00E7\u00F5es entra os artisas bo\u00EAmios de 1950 (os Beats) e de 1970 (os Punks)."@pt . . . . . "Victor Bockris"@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . "Victor Bockris (* 23. \u010Dervence 1949, Sussex, Anglie) je britsk\u00FD spisovatel. Absolvoval Pensylv\u00E1nskou univerzitu a v sedmdes\u00E1t\u00FDch letech zalo\u017Eil nakladatelstv\u00ED Telegraph Books, kter\u00E9 vydalo prvn\u00ED sb\u00EDrku b\u00E1sn\u00ED od Patti Smith. Je nap\u0159\u00EDklad spoluautorem knih Nadoraz: P\u0159\u00EDb\u011Bh The Velvet Underground (The Velvet Underground), S Williamem Burroughsem: Zpr\u00E1va z Bunkru (William Seward Burroughs), Keith Richards: The Biography (Keith Richards), Warhol: The Biography (Andy Warhol) nebo What's Welsh for Zen Johna Calea. Je tak\u00E9 autorem knihy o Patti Smith."@cs . . . . . . "Victor Bockris (Sussex, 1949) es un escritor ingl\u00E9s, pero residente en los Estados Unidos, especializado en biograf\u00EDas de artistas, escritores y m\u00FAsicos. Bockris naci\u00F3 en Sussex, en 1949; pero su familia se traslad\u00F3 a Pensilvania cuando ten\u00EDa cuatro a\u00F1os. Se gradu\u00F3 en la Universidad de Pensilvania, donde sus padres trabajaban, en 1971. En Filadelfia fund\u00F3 la editorial ."@es . . . . "Victor Bockris (Sussex, 1949) es un escritor ingl\u00E9s, pero residente en los Estados Unidos, especializado en biograf\u00EDas de artistas, escritores y m\u00FAsicos. Bockris naci\u00F3 en Sussex, en 1949; pero su familia se traslad\u00F3 a Pensilvania cuando ten\u00EDa cuatro a\u00F1os. Se gradu\u00F3 en la Universidad de Pensilvania, donde sus padres trabajaban, en 1971. En Filadelfia fund\u00F3 la editorial . En 1973 se mud\u00F3 a Nueva York, donde se asoci\u00F3 con Warhol y Burroughs. Trabaj\u00F3 para Warhol en The Factory y public\u00F3 varias obras en la revista Interview, frecuentemente en colaboraci\u00F3n con Andrew Wylie, hoy en d\u00EDa m\u00E1s conocido como agente literario. Bockris tambi\u00E9n public\u00F3 en , y . Ha redactado trabajos sobre Lou Reed (y The Velvet Underground), Andy Warhol, Keith Richards, William S. Burroughs, Terry Southern, Blondie, Patti Smith y Muhammad Ali . Tambi\u00E9n ha ayudado a John Cale y Bebe Buell a escribir sus autobiograf\u00EDas. En su libro explora las relaciones entre los artistas bohemios de los a\u00F1os 1950 (los beats) y los de los a\u00F1os 1970 (los punks)."@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Victor Bockris (born 1949) is an English-born, U.S.-based author, primarily biographies of artists, writers, and musicians. He has written about Lou Reed (and The Velvet Underground), Andy Warhol, Keith Richards, William S. Burroughs, Terry Southern, Blondie, Patti Smith, and Muhammad Ali. He also helped write the autobiographies of John Cale and Bebe Buell. Bockris was born in Sussex, England in 1949; his family moved to Pennsylvania when he was four years old. He attended the British boarding school Rugby and Philadelphia's Central High School. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a BA in Literature in 1971. While still in Philadelphia, he founded Telegraph Books along with Andrew Wylie and Aram Saroyan. He also published two books of his own poetry, In America and Victor Bockris. He moved to New York City in 1973 to work with Andrew Wiley as a writing team called Bockris-Wiley. They interviewed the 100 most intelligent people in the world according to them. In 1974 they published Ali: Fighter, Poet, Prophet, which was the first study of Ali as a writer and a rapper. Between 1977 and 1983 he worked with William Burroughs at his Bunker on the Bowery. He also worked with Andy Warhol at the Factory and published many pieces in Warhol's magazine Interview. As well as Interview, Bockris also published work in High Times, and Drummer. Warhol wrote in his book Exposures [Andy Warhol Books/Grosset & Dunlap, A Filmways Company publishers, New York 1979], \"Victor Bockris is a brilliant young writer who only writes about three people: William Burroughs, Muhammad Ali and me. Victor Bockris has more energy than any person I know. He types like Van Cliburn plays the piano. He's always tape-recording and taking pictures. I can't keep up with him.\" Bockris' book Beat Punks explores the relationship between artistic bohemians of the 1950s (the Beats) and the 1970s (the Punks). This is a theme he is developing in his memoir, In Search of the Magic Universe."@en . . . . . . "Victor Bockris (born 1949) is an English-born, U.S.-based author, primarily biographies of artists, writers, and musicians. He has written about Lou Reed (and The Velvet Underground), Andy Warhol, Keith Richards, William S. Burroughs, Terry Southern, Blondie, Patti Smith, and Muhammad Ali. He also helped write the autobiographies of John Cale and Bebe Buell. Bockris' book Beat Punks explores the relationship between artistic bohemians of the 1950s (the Beats) and the 1970s (the Punks). This is a theme he is developing in his memoir, In Search of the Magic Universe."@en . . . . "Victor Bockris"@en . . . "Victor Bockris (* 1949 in Sussex) ist ein in England geborener US-amerikanischer Journalist und Autor."@de . . . . . "5841964"^^ . . . . . . "Victor Bockris (nascido em 1949) \u00E9 um autor nascido na Inglaterra, mas radicado nos Estados Unidos. Escreve principalmente biografias de artistas, escritores e m\u00FAsicos. Ele escreveu sobre Lou Reed (e The Velvet Underground), Andy Warhol, Keith Richards, William S. Burroughs, Terry Southern, Blondie, Patti Smith e Muhammad Ali. Ele tamb\u00E9m ajudou a escrever as autobiografias de John Cale e Bebe Buell. Seu livro Beat Punks explora as rela\u00E7\u00F5es entra os artisas bo\u00EAmios de 1950 (os Beats) e de 1970 (os Punks)."@pt . . . . . "Victor Bockris"@de . . . "Victor Bockris"@es . . "4499"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Victor Bockris"@cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1112916468"^^ . . . "Victor Bockris (* 23. \u010Dervence 1949, Sussex, Anglie) je britsk\u00FD spisovatel. Absolvoval Pensylv\u00E1nskou univerzitu a v sedmdes\u00E1t\u00FDch letech zalo\u017Eil nakladatelstv\u00ED Telegraph Books, kter\u00E9 vydalo prvn\u00ED sb\u00EDrku b\u00E1sn\u00ED od Patti Smith. Je nap\u0159\u00EDklad spoluautorem knih Nadoraz: P\u0159\u00EDb\u011Bh The Velvet Underground (The Velvet Underground), S Williamem Burroughsem: Zpr\u00E1va z Bunkru (William Seward Burroughs), Keith Richards: The Biography (Keith Richards), Warhol: The Biography (Andy Warhol) nebo What's Welsh for Zen Johna Calea. Je tak\u00E9 autorem knihy o Patti Smith."@cs . . . .