. . . . "Victoria Park a \u00E9t\u00E9 ouvert en 1906 dans la r\u00E9gion de Connswater \u00E0 Belfast. Les ont \u00E9tudi\u00E9 cette id\u00E9e en 1854, mais le terrain \u00E9tait tr\u00E8s mar\u00E9cageux et n\u00E9cessitait un ass\u00E8chement pr\u00E8s du Belfast Lough. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 am\u00E9nag\u00E9 par Charles McKimm, qui a \u00E9galement construit le ravin tropical dans les jardins botaniques. Victoria Park contient un grand lac."@fr . . . "-5.888599872589111"^^ . "Victoria Park, Belfast"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1082739101"^^ . "Victoria Park (Belfast)"@fr . "1487"^^ . . . "Victoria Park was opened in 1906 in the Connswater area of Belfast. Belfast Harbour Commissioners investigated the idea in 1854, however the land was very marshy and needed draining near Belfast Lough. It was landscaped by Charles McKimm, who also built the Tropical Ravine in Botanic Gardens. Victoria Park contains a large lake."@en . "POINT(-5.8885998725891 54.607299804688)"^^ . . . . . "54.6073 -5.8886" . . . "Victoria Park was opened in 1906 in the Connswater area of Belfast. Belfast Harbour Commissioners investigated the idea in 1854, however the land was very marshy and needed draining near Belfast Lough. It was landscaped by Charles McKimm, who also built the Tropical Ravine in Botanic Gardens. Victoria Park contains a large lake."@en . "38075688"^^ . . . "Victoria Park a \u00E9t\u00E9 ouvert en 1906 dans la r\u00E9gion de Connswater \u00E0 Belfast. Les ont \u00E9tudi\u00E9 cette id\u00E9e en 1854, mais le terrain \u00E9tait tr\u00E8s mar\u00E9cageux et n\u00E9cessitait un ass\u00E8chement pr\u00E8s du Belfast Lough. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 am\u00E9nag\u00E9 par Charles McKimm, qui a \u00E9galement construit le ravin tropical dans les jardins botaniques. Victoria Park contient un grand lac."@fr . . . . . "54.6072998046875"^^ .