. . . . . . . . . . . "Die Washington Nationals waren ein professionelles Baseballteam aus Washington, D.C., welches nur vier Spielzeiten existierte, in dieser Zeit aber sechs verschiedene Manager hatte. Gegr\u00FCndet 1886 startete das Team fortan in der National League. Die erste Saison beendete man mit einer Siegquote von nur 22,3 % auf dem letzten Tabellenplatz. Im Folgejahr wurde die Quote auf \u00FCber 37 % gesteigert und man lie\u00DF zumindest ein Team, die Indianapolis Hoosiers, hinter sich. Nachdem man 1888 und 1889 erneut mit schlechten Leistungen das Schlusslicht der National League war, wurde das Team mangels Perspektive aufgel\u00F6st. Bekanntester Spieler der Nationals war der sp\u00E4tere Hall of Famer Connie Mack, der in sp\u00E4teren Jahren vor allem durch seine 50-j\u00E4hrige Managerzeit bei den Philadelphia Athletics ber\u00FChmt wurde."@de . . . . "O Washington Nationals, algumas vezes referido como Washington Statesmen, foi um time profissional de beisebol em meados de 1880. Existiram por um per\u00EDodo de quatro anos como membro da National League (NL) de 1886 at\u00E9 1889. Durante seus quatro anos de exist\u00EAncia tiveram seis treinadores e conseguiram um cartel de 163 vit\u00F3rias e 337 derrotas (32,6% de aproveitamento). A franquia jogava suas partidas em casa no ."@pt . . "3932"^^ . "The Washington Nationals, sometimes referred to as the Washington Statesmen or Senators, were a professional baseball team in the mid to late 1880s. They existed for a period of four years as a member of the National League (NL) from 1886 to 1889. During their four-year tenure they had six different managers and compiled a record of 163\u2013337, for a .326 winning percentage. The franchise played their home games at Swampoodle Grounds, otherwise known as Capitol Park (II). Their most notable player was catcher Connie Mack, who went on to a Hall of Fame career as manager of the American League Philadelphia Athletics from 1901 to 1950. Outfielder Dummy Hoy, notable for being deaf, played for the 1888 and 1889 Washington teams. Jim Donnelly also spent time with the Nationals."@en . . . . . . . . . "\u3053\u3053\u3067\u306F1886\u5E74\u304B\u30891889\u5E74\u306B\u304B\u3051\u3066\u3001\u30A2\u30E1\u30EA\u30AB\u5408\u8846\u56FD\u30EF\u30B7\u30F3\u30C8\u30F3D.C.\u3092\u672C\u62E0\u5730\u3068\u3057\u3001\u30CA\u30B7\u30E7\u30CA\u30EB\u30EA\u30FC\u30B0\u306B\u52A0\u76DF\u3057\u3066\u3044\u305F\u30EF\u30B7\u30F3\u30C8\u30F3\u30FB\u30CA\u30B7\u30E7\u30CA\u30EB\u30BA\uFF08Washington Nationals\uFF09\u306B\u3064\u3044\u3066\u8A18\u8FF0\u3059\u308B\u3002"@ja . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Washington Nationals, sometimes referred to as the Washington Statesmen or Senators, were a professional baseball team in the mid to late 1880s. They existed for a period of four years as a member of the National League (NL) from 1886 to 1889. During their four-year tenure they had six different managers and compiled a record of 163\u2013337, for a .326 winning percentage. The franchise played their home games at Swampoodle Grounds, otherwise known as Capitol Park (II)."@en . . . . . "O Washington Nationals, algumas vezes referido como Washington Statesmen, foi um time profissional de beisebol em meados de 1880. Existiram por um per\u00EDodo de quatro anos como membro da National League (NL) de 1886 at\u00E9 1889. Durante seus quatro anos de exist\u00EAncia tiveram seis treinadores e conseguiram um cartel de 163 vit\u00F3rias e 337 derrotas (32,6% de aproveitamento). A franquia jogava suas partidas em casa no . Seu mais not\u00E1vel jogador foi o catcher Connie Mack, que faz parte do Hall of Fame como treinador do Philadelphia Athletics de 1901 at\u00E9 1950. O outfielder , not\u00E1vel por ser surdo, jogou nas equipes do Washington em 1888 e 1889."@pt . . . . . . "Washington Nationals (1886\u20131889)"@en . "\u3053\u3053\u3067\u306F1886\u5E74\u304B\u30891889\u5E74\u306B\u304B\u3051\u3066\u3001\u30A2\u30E1\u30EA\u30AB\u5408\u8846\u56FD\u30EF\u30B7\u30F3\u30C8\u30F3D.C.\u3092\u672C\u62E0\u5730\u3068\u3057\u3001\u30CA\u30B7\u30E7\u30CA\u30EB\u30EA\u30FC\u30B0\u306B\u52A0\u76DF\u3057\u3066\u3044\u305F\u30EF\u30B7\u30F3\u30C8\u30F3\u30FB\u30CA\u30B7\u30E7\u30CA\u30EB\u30BA\uFF08Washington Nationals\uFF09\u306B\u3064\u3044\u3066\u8A18\u8FF0\u3059\u308B\u3002"@ja . . . . "Washington Nationals (1886\u201389)"@pt . . . . . "Washington Nationals (1886\u20131889)"@de . . . . "\u30EF\u30B7\u30F3\u30C8\u30F3\u30FB\u30CA\u30B7\u30E7\u30CA\u30EB\u30BA (1886-1889\u5E74)"@ja . "1116550864"^^ . "6581174"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Die Washington Nationals waren ein professionelles Baseballteam aus Washington, D.C., welches nur vier Spielzeiten existierte, in dieser Zeit aber sechs verschiedene Manager hatte. Gegr\u00FCndet 1886 startete das Team fortan in der National League. Die erste Saison beendete man mit einer Siegquote von nur 22,3 % auf dem letzten Tabellenplatz. Im Folgejahr wurde die Quote auf \u00FCber 37 % gesteigert und man lie\u00DF zumindest ein Team, die Indianapolis Hoosiers, hinter sich. Nachdem man 1888 und 1889 erneut mit schlechten Leistungen das Schlusslicht der National League war, wurde das Team mangels Perspektive aufgel\u00F6st."@de . . . .