"Waxy corn or glutinous corn is a type of field corn characterized by its sticky texture when cooked as a result of larger amounts of amylopectin. The corn was first described from a specimen from China in 1909. As this plant showed many peculiar traits, the American breeders long used it as a genetic marker to tag the existence of hidden genes in other maize breeding programs. In 1922 a researcher found that the endosperm of waxy maize contained only amylopectin and no amylose starch molecule in opposition to normal dent corn varieties that contain both. Until World War II, the main source of starch in the United States was tapioca, but when Japan severed the supply lines of the U.S., they forced processors to turn to waxy maize. Amylopectin or waxy starch is now used mainly in food produc"@en . . "\uCC30\uC625\uC218\uC218(\uBB38\uD654\uC5B4: \uCC30\uAC15\uB0C9\uC774)\uB294 \uCC30\uAE30\uAC00 \uC788\uB294 \uC625\uC218\uC218\uC774\uB2E4."@ko . . . . . "Waxy corn or glutinous corn is a type of field corn characterized by its sticky texture when cooked as a result of larger amounts of amylopectin. The corn was first described from a specimen from China in 1909. As this plant showed many peculiar traits, the American breeders long used it as a genetic marker to tag the existence of hidden genes in other maize breeding programs. In 1922 a researcher found that the endosperm of waxy maize contained only amylopectin and no amylose starch molecule in opposition to normal dent corn varieties that contain both. Until World War II, the main source of starch in the United States was tapioca, but when Japan severed the supply lines of the U.S., they forced processors to turn to waxy maize. Amylopectin or waxy starch is now used mainly in food products, but also in the textile, adhesive, corrugating and paper industry. When feeding trials later on showed that waxy maize could produce more efficient feed gains than normal dent maize, interest in waxy maize suddenly expanded. Geneticists could show that waxy maize has a defect in metabolism precluding the synthesis of amylose in the endosperm. It is coded by a single recessive gene (wx). Waxy maize yield about 3.5% less than their normal dent counterparts and has to be isolated from any nearby normal maize fields by at least 200 meters."@en . . . . . . . "3740523"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "\uCC30\uC625\uC218\uC218"@ko . . . . . . . . . . . . "Le ma\u00EFs cireux est un ma\u00EFs hybride dont l'amidon du grain est enti\u00E8rement constitu\u00E9 d'amylopectine et qui pr\u00E9sente un int\u00E9r\u00EAt particulier pour certaines pr\u00E9parations industrielles. Ce ma\u00EFs est g\u00E9n\u00E9ralement plac\u00E9 dans le Zea mays Ceratina Group. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9crit comme convari\u00E9t\u00E9 ou vari\u00E9t\u00E9 de Zea mays (Zea mays var. ceratina Kuleshov) mais n'est g\u00E9n\u00E9ralement plus accept\u00E9 comme tel"@fr . . . . . . "Ma\u00EFs cireux"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1121764049"^^ . . . . . . . . "Le ma\u00EFs cireux est un ma\u00EFs hybride dont l'amidon du grain est enti\u00E8rement constitu\u00E9 d'amylopectine et qui pr\u00E9sente un int\u00E9r\u00EAt particulier pour certaines pr\u00E9parations industrielles. Ce ma\u00EFs est g\u00E9n\u00E9ralement plac\u00E9 dans le Zea mays Ceratina Group. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9crit comme convari\u00E9t\u00E9 ou vari\u00E9t\u00E9 de Zea mays (Zea mays var. ceratina Kuleshov) mais n'est g\u00E9n\u00E9ralement plus accept\u00E9 comme tel Le ma\u00EFs dent\u00E9 traditionnel contient en moyenne 25% d'amylose et 75% d'amylopectine, et c'est cette derni\u00E8re qui donne la gluance recherch\u00E9e par les amidonniers. Or il est tr\u00E8s difficile et co\u00FBteux de s\u00E9parer ces deux substances, d'o\u00F9 l'id\u00E9e d'utiliser le ma\u00EFs cireux qui produit 100% d'amylopectine. L'amylopectine est utilis\u00E9e dans les produits alimentaires, textiles, adh\u00E9sifs ainsi que dans l'industrie du papier et du carton ondul\u00E9. Peu apr\u00E8s la guerre, des essais montr\u00E8rent que l'affourragement \u00E0 base de ma\u00EFs cireux permet un engraissement plus rapide que le ma\u00EFs dent\u00E9 ne le permet. Le ma\u00EFs cireux connut alors un vif gain d'int\u00E9r\u00EAt. Les g\u00E9n\u00E9ticiens purent d\u00E9montrer que ce ma\u00EFs a une d\u00E9ficience dans le m\u00E9tabolisme emp\u00EAchant la synth\u00E8se d'amylose dans l'albumen. Elle est cod\u00E9e par un unique g\u00E8ne (wx). Le ma\u00EFs cireux donne un rendement de 3,5 % inf\u00E9rieur \u00E0 ses cong\u00E9n\u00E8res dent\u00E9s et se doit d'\u00EAtre plant\u00E9 \u00E0 au moins deux cents m\u00E8tres d'un champ de ma\u00EFs conventionnel si on veut \u00E9viter l'hybridation."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "36379"^^ . . . "\uCC30\uC625\uC218\uC218(\uBB38\uD654\uC5B4: \uCC30\uAC15\uB0C9\uC774)\uB294 \uCC30\uAE30\uAC00 \uC788\uB294 \uC625\uC218\uC218\uC774\uB2E4."@ko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Waxy corn"@en . . . . . . .