. "William Olin Burgin (* 28. Juli 1877 nahe , McDowell County, North Carolina; \u2020 11. April 1946 in Washington, D.C.) war ein US-amerikanischer Politiker. Burgin wurde 1877 auf einer Farm nahe der Stadt Marion geboren. Die Familie zog sp\u00E4ter nach . Burgin besuchte die Law School der University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Er war 1893 als Angestellter in einer Gemischtwarenhandlung in Rutherfordton t\u00E4tig und arbeitete sp\u00E4ter als Handlungsreisender und Kaufmann. Burgin zog nach Thomasville, wo er wieder gesch\u00E4ftlich t\u00E4tig wurde. Von 1906 bis 1910 \u00FCbte er das Amt des B\u00FCrgermeisters der Stadt aus. 1931 geh\u00F6rte er dem Repr\u00E4sentantenhaus von North Carolina an; 1933 sa\u00DF er im Staatssenat. Burgin wurde als Demokrat in den Kongress gew\u00E4hlt und vertrat dort von 3. Januar 1939 bis zu seinem Tod seinen Heimatbundesstaat im US-Repr\u00E4sentantenhaus. Er wurde auf dem Lexington Cemetery in Lexington, wohin er nach seiner Amtszeit als B\u00FCrgermeister von Thomasville gezogen war, beigesetzt."@de . "1946-04-11"^^ . . . . . . . "1946-04-11"^^ . . . "1933"^^ . . "lawyer, traveling salesman and merchant"@en . . . . . "William Olin Burgin (July 28, 1877 \u2013 April 11, 1946) was a U.S. Representative from North Carolina. Born on a farm near Marion, McDowell County, North Carolina, Burgin moved with his parents to Rutherfordton, North Carolina, where he attended the public schools and Rutherfordton Military Institute.He also attended the Law School of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.He engaged as a clerk in a general store in Rutherfordton in 1893 and later as a traveling salesman and merchant.He moved to Thomasville and engaged in the mercantile business.He was admitted to the bar.He served as mayor of Thomasville, North Carolina, from 1906 to 1910.He moved to Lexington, North Carolina, and continued the practice of law.He served as president and attorney of the Industrial Bank of Lexington.H"@en . "1931"^^ . . . . . . . "William Olin Burgin (July 28, 1877 \u2013 April 11, 1946) was a U.S. Representative from North Carolina. Born on a farm near Marion, McDowell County, North Carolina, Burgin moved with his parents to Rutherfordton, North Carolina, where he attended the public schools and Rutherfordton Military Institute.He also attended the Law School of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.He engaged as a clerk in a general store in Rutherfordton in 1893 and later as a traveling salesman and merchant.He moved to Thomasville and engaged in the mercantile business.He was admitted to the bar.He served as mayor of Thomasville, North Carolina, from 1906 to 1910.He moved to Lexington, North Carolina, and continued the practice of law.He served as president and attorney of the Industrial Bank of Lexington.He served as director in a number of business enterprises in Lexington.He served in the State house of representatives in 1931.He served as member of the State senate in 1933. Burgin was elected as a Democrat to the Seventy-sixth and to the three succeeding Congresses and served from January 3, 1939, until his death in Washington, D.C., on April 11, 1946.He was interred in Lexington Cemetery, Lexington, North Carolina. A confidential 1943 analysis of the House Foreign Affairs Committee by Isaiah Berlin for the British Foreign Office described Burgin as \"a meek, mild, homely figure who seldom makes his presence felt, but who has voted regularly for the President's foreign policy measures. A typical southern Democrat.\""@en . . . . . "North Carolina"@en . . . . . . . . . "William O Burgin NC.png"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Member of the North Carolina House of Representatives"@en . . . . . "William Olin Burgin (* 28. Juli 1877 nahe , McDowell County, North Carolina; \u2020 11. April 1946 in Washington, D.C.) war ein US-amerikanischer Politiker. Burgin wurde 1877 auf einer Farm nahe der Stadt Marion geboren. Die Familie zog sp\u00E4ter nach . Burgin besuchte die Law School der University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Er war 1893 als Angestellter in einer Gemischtwarenhandlung in Rutherfordton t\u00E4tig und arbeitete sp\u00E4ter als Handlungsreisender und Kaufmann. Burgin zog nach Thomasville, wo er wieder gesch\u00E4ftlich t\u00E4tig wurde. Von 1906 bis 1910 \u00FCbte er das Amt des B\u00FCrgermeisters der Stadt aus. 1931 geh\u00F6rte er dem Repr\u00E4sentantenhaus von North Carolina an; 1933 sa\u00DF er im Staatssenat."@de . . . . "1939-01-03"^^ . . . . . . "1946-04-11"^^ . . "8"^^ . . . . . "Democratic"@en . . . . "1877-07-28"^^ . . "1096237152"^^ . . . . . "1877-07-28"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "William Olin Burgin"@en . . . . . "4325"^^ . "William Olin Burgin"@en . . . . . . . . "William O. Burgin"@de . . . "William O. Burgin"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1939"^^ . . . . "Member of the North Carolina Senate"@en . . . . "12075717"^^ . . . . . .