"The woman of Tekoa is an unnamed figure in the Hebrew Bible. She appears in 2 Samuel 14, after Absalom has been banished following his murder of Amnon. Joab wants David to be reconciled to Absalom, and he sends to Tekoa to find a \"wise woman\". Joab tells the woman to pretend to be mourning, and she tells a story to David to elicit his sympathy and obtain his favourable judgement. The woman says that her son killed his brother, and now the rest of the family wants to kill him. When David decides that her son should be spared, the Tekoite woman tells him that he should do the same for Absalom."@en . . . . . "Wanita dari Tekoa adalah seorang tokoh tanpa nama dalam Perjanjian Lama. Ia muncul dalam 2 Samuel 14, usai Absalom ditangkap karena membunuh Amnon. Yoab ingin Daud menindak dengan Absalom, dan ia datang ke Tekoa untuk menemukan \"perempuan bijak\". Yoab meminta perempuan tersebut untuk pura-pura berkabung, dan ia mengisahkan sebuah cerita kepada Daud untuk menunjukkan simpatinya dan meminta keadilan. Perempuan tersebut berkata bahwa putranya membunuh saudaranya, dan sekarang seluruh anggota keluarganya ingin membunuhnya. Saat Daud memerintahkan agar putranya ditombak, wanita Tekoa tersebut memintanya agar ia melakukan hal yang sama kepada Absalom."@in . . . . . . . . . "1072429232"^^ . . . . . . . "The woman of Tekoa is an unnamed figure in the Hebrew Bible. She appears in 2 Samuel 14, after Absalom has been banished following his murder of Amnon. Joab wants David to be reconciled to Absalom, and he sends to Tekoa to find a \"wise woman\". Joab tells the woman to pretend to be mourning, and she tells a story to David to elicit his sympathy and obtain his favourable judgement. The woman says that her son killed his brother, and now the rest of the family wants to kill him. When David decides that her son should be spared, the Tekoite woman tells him that he should do the same for Absalom. Claudia V. Camp suggests that the wise woman of Tekoa \"employs the servile flattery of a social inferior,\" but that the narrative questions the \"quality of the woman\u2019s wisdom,\" since four years later Absalom rebelled against David. Jacob Hoftijzer, however, argues that the woman of Tekoa is a capable woman who is able to carry out a very delicate task."@en . "Woman of Tekoa"@en . . . "Perempuan dari Tekoa"@in . . . . . "35644128"^^ . . "1761"^^ . . . . . "Mulher de Tecoa"@pt . "A mulher de Tecoa \u00E9 uma figura sem nome na B\u00EDblia Hebraica. Ela aparece em 2 Samuel 14, depois que Absal\u00E3o foi banido ap\u00F3s o assassinato de seu irm\u00E3o Amnom. Depois de Absal\u00E3o ter estado banido por tr\u00EAs anos, Joabe quis que Davi se reconciliasse com Absal\u00E3o e procurou uma \"mulher s\u00E1bia\" de Tecoa para lhe ajudar. Joabe diz \u00E0 mulher para fingir estar de luto, e ela conta uma hist\u00F3ria a Davi para obter sua simpatia e obter seu julgamento favor\u00E1vel. A mulher diz que seu filho matou seu irm\u00E3o e agora o resto da fam\u00EDlia quer mat\u00E1-lo. Quando Davi decide que seu filho deve ser poupado, a mulher teco\u00EDta lhe diz que ele deve fazer o mesmo por Absal\u00E3o. Este apelo foi bem-sucedido e Joabe trouxe Absal\u00E3o de volta a Jerusal\u00E9m, embora Davi n\u00E3o quisesse ver Absal\u00E3o. sugere que a s\u00E1bia mulher de Tecoa \"emprega a bajula\u00E7\u00E3o servil de um social inferior\", mas que a narrativa questiona a \"qualidade da sabedoria da mulher\", j\u00E1 que quatro anos depois Absal\u00E3o se rebelou contra Davi. , no entanto, argumenta que a mulher de Tecoa \u00E9 uma mulher capaz, capaz de realizar uma tarefa muito delicada."@pt . . "A mulher de Tecoa \u00E9 uma figura sem nome na B\u00EDblia Hebraica. Ela aparece em 2 Samuel 14, depois que Absal\u00E3o foi banido ap\u00F3s o assassinato de seu irm\u00E3o Amnom. Depois de Absal\u00E3o ter estado banido por tr\u00EAs anos, Joabe quis que Davi se reconciliasse com Absal\u00E3o e procurou uma \"mulher s\u00E1bia\" de Tecoa para lhe ajudar. Joabe diz \u00E0 mulher para fingir estar de luto, e ela conta uma hist\u00F3ria a Davi para obter sua simpatia e obter seu julgamento favor\u00E1vel. A mulher diz que seu filho matou seu irm\u00E3o e agora o resto da fam\u00EDlia quer mat\u00E1-lo. Quando Davi decide que seu filho deve ser poupado, a mulher teco\u00EDta lhe diz que ele deve fazer o mesmo por Absal\u00E3o. Este apelo foi bem-sucedido e Joabe trouxe Absal\u00E3o de volta a Jerusal\u00E9m, embora Davi n\u00E3o quisesse ver Absal\u00E3o."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Wanita dari Tekoa adalah seorang tokoh tanpa nama dalam Perjanjian Lama. Ia muncul dalam 2 Samuel 14, usai Absalom ditangkap karena membunuh Amnon. Yoab ingin Daud menindak dengan Absalom, dan ia datang ke Tekoa untuk menemukan \"perempuan bijak\". Yoab meminta perempuan tersebut untuk pura-pura berkabung, dan ia mengisahkan sebuah cerita kepada Daud untuk menunjukkan simpatinya dan meminta keadilan. Perempuan tersebut berkata bahwa putranya membunuh saudaranya, dan sekarang seluruh anggota keluarganya ingin membunuhnya. Saat Daud memerintahkan agar putranya ditombak, wanita Tekoa tersebut memintanya agar ia melakukan hal yang sama kepada Absalom."@in . . .