"27103978"^^ . . "1098805969"^^ . "Xtrac Limited, tambi\u00E9n conocida como Xtrac Transmission Technology, es una empresa de ingenier\u00EDa brit\u00E1nica fundada en 1984 por el ex ingeniero de Hewland Mike Endean para fabricar sistemas de tracci\u00F3n a las cuatro ruedas (4x4) y cajas de cambios para rallycross y, posteriormente, coches de rally y de carreras. Endean, junto con Chris Goddard, que hab\u00EDa estado trabajando en los componentes electr\u00F3nicos esenciales para el sistema, desarroll\u00F3 en 1983 el primer sistema Xtrac 4x4, para la estrella noruega del rallycross , quien hab\u00EDa pensado en la idea de un sistema 4x4 hidr\u00E1ulico intercambiable (su Ford Escort Mk3 Xtrac-Zakspeed, ganador del Campeonato de Europa de Rallycross en 1984, ten\u00EDa una relaci\u00F3n continuamente variable entre ejes tractores [Delantero:Trasero] desde 28:72 hasta 50:50) y financi\u00F3 su desarrollo. Este coche de 560 caballos de potencia, denominado Xtrac No. 1, fue comprado por Endean a mediados de la d\u00E9cada de 1990, quien lo pilot\u00F3 durante muchos a\u00F1os en pruebas de esprint y de monta\u00F1a. \"Xtrac comenz\u00F3 a fabricar cajas de cambios a mediados del final de la d\u00E9cada de 1980 para los entonces nuevos coches de rally del Grupo A desde sus instalaciones originales en Wokingham, y luego continu\u00F3 haci\u00E9ndolo despu\u00E9s de mudarse en 1986 a una nueva f\u00E1brica de 20 000 pies cuadrados (1858 m\u00B2) en Finchampstead\". \u200B En 2000, Xtrac construy\u00F3 una f\u00E1brica de alta tecnolog\u00EDa a medida de 88 000 pies cuadrados (8175 m\u00B2) en Thatcham, Berkshire, Inglaterra, y actualmente suministra componentes a muchos sectores de alto nivel del deporte del motor, incluidos monoplazas de F1, prototipos y GT, IndyCar, Grand-AM, coches de rally y turismo. En 2010, la compa\u00F1\u00EDa suministr\u00F3 su caja de cambios completa 1044 (dise\u00F1ada y desarrollada en solo seis meses), a tres equipos de F1: Lotus, Virgin y HRT. La caja estaba acoplada al motor Cosworth CA2010.\u200B Xtrac tambi\u00E9n es socio oficial para las cajas de cambios del equipo de F\u00F3rmula 1 Mercedes AMG Petronas desde la temporada 2010. Adem\u00E1s de abastecer a muchos clientes de deportes del motor de alto perfil, Xtrac se ha expandido en otras \u00E1reas, como la automoci\u00F3n, la marina y la aeroespacial. El Pagani Huayra usaba la transmisi\u00F3n Xtrac 1007 AMT. En 2020 se anunci\u00F3 que Xtrac suministrar\u00EDa cajas de cambios como parte de la unidad de potencia para el deportivo h\u00EDbrido de resistencia Le Mans Daytona h con Bosch, suministrando la unidad generadora y Williams Advanced Engineering suministrando las bater\u00EDas."@es . . . . "Xtrac Limited ist ein englischer Getriebehersteller, 1984 gegr\u00FCndet vom ehemaligen Hewland-Ingenieur , mit Sitz in Thatcham. Das Unternehmen spezialisierte sich auf die Entwicklung und den Bau von verschiedenen Getrieben f\u00FCr den Motorsportsektor, insbesondere zu Beginn der Unternehmensgeschichte Allradgetriebe f\u00FCr Rallycross-Fahrzeuge."@de . . . . . "Xtrac Limited, also known as Xtrac Transmission Technology, is a British engineering company founded in 1984 by the former Hewland engineer Mike Endean to make 4WD systems and gearboxes for rallycross and later rally and racing cars. Endean, together with Chris Goddard, who had been working on the electronic components essential to the system, in 1983 developed the first Xtrac 4WD system, for Norwegian rallycross star Martin Schanche. Schanche had thought up the idea of a changeable hydraulic 4WD system (his 1984 ERC winning Ford Escort Mk3 Xtrac-Zakspeed had a stepless FWD:RWD ratio of 28:72 to 50:50) and financed its development. This 560bhp so-called Xtrac No. 1 was bought by Endean, in the mid-1990s, who raced it himself for many a year in carsprints and hillclimbs. \"Xtrac started making gearboxes in the mid to late 1980s for the then-new Group A rally cars from their original premises in Wokingham and then continued to do so after moving in 1986 to a new 20,000 sq ft factory in Finchampstead.\" In 2000, Xtrac built a bespoke 88,000 sq ft high tech factory in Thatcham, Berkshire, England, and is currently supplying many top level sectors of motor sport, including F1, prototype and GT sportscars, IndyCar, Grand-AM, rally cars and touring cars. In 2010 the company supplied its complete 1044 gearbox, designed and developed in only six months to three F1 teams: Lotus, Virgin and HRT. This is mated to the Cosworth CA2010 engine. In addition to supplying many high-profile motorsport customers, Xtrac has expanded in other areas such as automotive, marine and aerospace. The Pagani Huayra was a vehicle which used the Xtrac 1007 AMT transmission. In 2019 it was announced that Xtrac would be the sole supplier of gearboxes for the US based NASCAR Championship, this was due to start in 2021 but with Covid-19 restrictions being in place this was delayed until 2022 In 2020 it was announce that Xtrac would supply gearboxes as part of the hybrid power unit for the Le Mans Daytona h endurance hybrid sport car with Bosch supplying the moter generator unit and Williams Advanced Engineering supplying the batteries."@en . "Xtrac Limited, conosciuta anche come Xtrac Transmission Technology, \u00E8 una societ\u00E0 di ingegneristica britannica fondata nel 1984 da Mike Endean ex ingegnere di Hewland, per realizzare sistemi di trasmissione 4WD e cambi per vetture da rallycross e successivamente da rally e da pista. Ford Escort dotata di trazione integrale Xtrac I cambi vengono montati anche su vetture sportive stradali come la Pagani Huayra e Mercedes-AMG Project One e per sei team di Formula 1 tra cui la Lotus. Xtrac \u00E8 anche il co-partner ufficiale del cambio di Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team dalla stagione 2010."@it . . . . . . . "Xtrac Limited"@en . . "Xtrac Limited ist ein englischer Getriebehersteller, 1984 gegr\u00FCndet vom ehemaligen Hewland-Ingenieur , mit Sitz in Thatcham. Das Unternehmen spezialisierte sich auf die Entwicklung und den Bau von verschiedenen Getrieben f\u00FCr den Motorsportsektor, insbesondere zu Beginn der Unternehmensgeschichte Allradgetriebe f\u00FCr Rallycross-Fahrzeuge."@de . . . . . . "Xtrac"@it . . . "Xtrac Limited"@de . . . "\u30A8\u30AF\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30C3\u30AF (Xtrac) \u306F\u3001\u82F1\u56FD\u306E\u9678\u4E0A\u8F38\u9001\u6A5F\u7528\u30C8\u30E9\u30F3\u30B9\u30DF\u30C3\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u306E\u5C02\u9580\u88FD\u9020\u8005\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002\u4E8B\u696D\u5C55\u958B\u306F\u30E2\u30FC\u30BF\u30FC\u30B9\u30DD\u30FC\u30C4\u3068\u9AD8\u6027\u80FD\u4E57\u7528\u8ECA\u306B\u307B\u307C\u7279\u5316\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3002 \u65E5\u672C\u8A9E\u8868\u8A18\u3067\u306F\u300C\u30A8\u30C3\u30AF\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30C3\u30AF\u300D\u3068\u3059\u308B\u5834\u5408\u3082\u3042\u308B\u3002"@ja . . . . . . . "Xtrac Limited, tambi\u00E9n conocida como Xtrac Transmission Technology, es una empresa de ingenier\u00EDa brit\u00E1nica fundada en 1984 por el ex ingeniero de Hewland Mike Endean para fabricar sistemas de tracci\u00F3n a las cuatro ruedas (4x4) y cajas de cambios para rallycross y, posteriormente, coches de rally y de carreras. Endean, junto con Chris Goddard, que hab\u00EDa estado trabajando en los componentes electr\u00F3nicos esenciales para el sistema, desarroll\u00F3 en 1983 el primer sistema Xtrac 4x4, para la estrella noruega del rallycross , quien hab\u00EDa pensado en la idea de un sistema 4x4 hidr\u00E1ulico intercambiable (su Ford Escort Mk3 Xtrac-Zakspeed, ganador del Campeonato de Europa de Rallycross en 1984, ten\u00EDa una relaci\u00F3n continuamente variable entre ejes tractores [Delantero:Trasero] desde 28:72 hasta 50:50) y "@es . . . . . "Xtrac Limited, conosciuta anche come Xtrac Transmission Technology, \u00E8 una societ\u00E0 di ingegneristica britannica fondata nel 1984 da Mike Endean ex ingegnere di Hewland, per realizzare sistemi di trasmissione 4WD e cambi per vetture da rallycross e successivamente da rally e da pista. Ford Escort dotata di trazione integrale Xtrac I cambi vengono montati anche su vetture sportive stradali come la Pagani Huayra e Mercedes-AMG Project One e per sei team di Formula 1 tra cui la Lotus. Xtrac ha iniziato a realizzare cambi a met\u00E0 degli anni '80 per le nuove auto da rally del Gruppo A dalle loro sedi originali a Wokingham e ha continuato a farlo dopo essersi trasferito nel 1986 in una nuova fabbrica a Finchampstead. Nel 2000, Xtrac costru\u00EC uno stabilimento a Thatcham nel Berkshire in Inghilterra, e attualmente fornisce molti settori dello sport motoristico, tra cui F1, Prototipo e GT Sportscars, IndyCar, GRAND-AM, Rally e Touring; i cambi della Xtrac sono montati su vetture da competizione quali la Lamborghini Hurac\u00E1n Super Trofeo Evo, la Mini Jonh Cooper Work che ha corso nel Rally Dakar 2018 e sulle Volkswagen Polo GTI R5 e Skoda Fabia R5. Xtrac \u00E8 anche il co-partner ufficiale del cambio di Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team dalla stagione 2010. Inoltre produce componenti per i veicoli militari del ministero della difesa britannico."@it . . "\u30A8\u30AF\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30C3\u30AF (Xtrac) \u306F\u3001\u82F1\u56FD\u306E\u9678\u4E0A\u8F38\u9001\u6A5F\u7528\u30C8\u30E9\u30F3\u30B9\u30DF\u30C3\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u306E\u5C02\u9580\u88FD\u9020\u8005\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002\u4E8B\u696D\u5C55\u958B\u306F\u30E2\u30FC\u30BF\u30FC\u30B9\u30DD\u30FC\u30C4\u3068\u9AD8\u6027\u80FD\u4E57\u7528\u8ECA\u306B\u307B\u307C\u7279\u5316\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3002 \u65E5\u672C\u8A9E\u8868\u8A18\u3067\u306F\u300C\u30A8\u30C3\u30AF\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30C3\u30AF\u300D\u3068\u3059\u308B\u5834\u5408\u3082\u3042\u308B\u3002"@ja . . . . . . . . . "Xtrac Limited, also known as Xtrac Transmission Technology, is a British engineering company founded in 1984 by the former Hewland engineer Mike Endean to make 4WD systems and gearboxes for rallycross and later rally and racing cars. Endean, together with Chris Goddard, who had been working on the electronic components essential to the system, in 1983 developed the first Xtrac 4WD system, for Norwegian rallycross star Martin Schanche. Schanche had thought up the idea of a changeable hydraulic 4WD system (his 1984 ERC winning Ford Escort Mk3 Xtrac-Zakspeed had a stepless FWD:RWD ratio of 28:72 to 50:50) and financed its development. This 560bhp so-called Xtrac No. 1 was bought by Endean, in the mid-1990s, who raced it himself for many a year in carsprints and hillclimbs."@en . . . "3771"^^ . . "\u30A8\u30AF\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30C3\u30AF"@ja . . . . . . . . "Xtrac Limited"@es . .