. . . . . . . . "230"^^ . . . "La Yangtze Service Medal est une d\u00E9coration militaire de l'arm\u00E9e am\u00E9ricaine cr\u00E9\u00E9e en 1930 pour reconna\u00EEtre les personnels de l'US Navy et l'US Marine Corps (et dans une moindre mesure, aux membres de l'US Army). La m\u00E9daille est d\u00E9cern\u00E9e aux militaire ayant particip\u00E9 \u00E0 des actions dans la vall\u00E9e du fleuve Yangtze entre le 3 septembre 1926 et le 31 d\u00E9cembre 1932, une p\u00E9riode de troubles importants dans la r\u00E9gion. Le concepteur de la m\u00E9daille du service Yangtze est John R. Sinnock de la Philadelphia Mint. Sinnock \u00E9tait le huiti\u00E8me graveur en chef de la Monnaie des \u00C9tats-Unis de 1925 \u00E0 1947."@fr . . . . "100"^^ . . . . . "Members of the US Navy and Marine Corps"@en . . . . "Yangtze Service Medal"@fr . . . . "Yangtze Service Medal"@en . . "--09-03"^^ . . "\u957F\u6C5F\u670D\u5F79\u5956\u7AE0\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1AYangtze Service Medal\uFF09 \u662F\u7F8E\u56FD\u6D77\u519B\u90E8\u9881\u53D1\u7684\u4E00\u9879\u519B\u4E8B\u52CB\u5956\u3002\u521B\u7ACB\u4E8E1930\u5E74\uFF0C\u957F\u6C5F\u670D\u5F79\u5956\u7AE0\u9881\u53D1\u7684\u5BF9\u8C61\u662F\u7F8E\u56FD\u6D77\u519B\u548C\u6D77\u519B\u9646\u6218\u961F\uFF0C\u540E\u62D3\u5C55\u81F3\u90E8\u5206\u7F8E\u56FD\u9646\u519B\u6210\u5458\u3002\u8BE5\u5956\u7AE0\u7528\u4E8E\u5609\u59561926\u5E749\u67083\u65E5\u81F31932\u5E7412\u670831\u65E5\uFF0C\u957F\u6C5F\u6D41\u57DF\u52A8\u8361\u4E0D\u5B89\u7684\u65F6\u671F\uFF0C\u5728\u8BE5\u5730\u533A\u670D\u5F79\u7684\u7F8E\u519B\u3002 \u8BE5\u5956\u7AE0\u4E5F\u53EF\u6388\u4E88\u5E38\u9A7B\u4E0A\u6D77\uFF0C\u4E3A\u7F8E\u56FD\u6D77\u519B\u957F\u6C5F\u5DE1\u903B\u8230\u961F\u7684\u767B\u9646\u884C\u52A8\uFF08\u5982\u5357\u4EAC\u4E8B\u4EF6\u4E2D\uFF09\u63D0\u4F9B\u652F\u63F4\u7684\u519B\u4E8B\u4EBA\u5458\u3002 \u957F\u6C5F\u670D\u5F79\u5956\u7AE0\u57281940\u5E74\u5BA3\u544A\u505C\u7528\uFF0C\u540C\u65F6\u88AB\u4E2D\u56FD\u670D\u5F79\u5956\u7AE0\u6240\u53D6\u4EE3\u3002"@zh . "The Yangtze Service Medal is a decoration of the United States military which was created in 1930 for presentation to members of the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps (and to a lesser extent, members of the United States Army). The Yangtze Service Medal is awarded for service in the Yangtze River Valley between the dates of September 3, 1926 and December 31, 1932, a period of significant unrest in the region. The designer of the Yangtze Service Medal is John R. Sinnock of the Philadelphia Mint. Sinnock was the eighth Chief Engraver of the United States Mint from 1925 to 1947."@en . "817695"^^ . . . . . . . . . "1106128156"^^ . . . "Yangtze Service Medal"@en . "Medal"@en . . . "2527"^^ . . . "The Yangtze Service Medal is a decoration of the United States military which was created in 1930 for presentation to members of the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps (and to a lesser extent, members of the United States Army). The Yangtze Service Medal is awarded for service in the Yangtze River Valley between the dates of September 3, 1926 and December 31, 1932, a period of significant unrest in the region. The decoration may also be awarded for those military service members who served on permanent duty in Shanghai, China, provided such service was in direct support of landing operations in the Yangtze River Valley (e.g. Nanking incident of 1927). The Yangtze Service Medal was declared obsolete in 1940 when it was replaced by the China Service Medal. The designer of the Yangtze Service Medal is John R. Sinnock of the Philadelphia Mint. Sinnock was the eighth Chief Engraver of the United States Mint from 1925 to 1947."@en . . . "\u957F\u6C5F\u670D\u5F79\u5956\u7AE0\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1AYangtze Service Medal\uFF09 \u662F\u7F8E\u56FD\u6D77\u519B\u90E8\u9881\u53D1\u7684\u4E00\u9879\u519B\u4E8B\u52CB\u5956\u3002\u521B\u7ACB\u4E8E1930\u5E74\uFF0C\u957F\u6C5F\u670D\u5F79\u5956\u7AE0\u9881\u53D1\u7684\u5BF9\u8C61\u662F\u7F8E\u56FD\u6D77\u519B\u548C\u6D77\u519B\u9646\u6218\u961F\uFF0C\u540E\u62D3\u5C55\u81F3\u90E8\u5206\u7F8E\u56FD\u9646\u519B\u6210\u5458\u3002\u8BE5\u5956\u7AE0\u7528\u4E8E\u5609\u59561926\u5E749\u67083\u65E5\u81F31932\u5E7412\u670831\u65E5\uFF0C\u957F\u6C5F\u6D41\u57DF\u52A8\u8361\u4E0D\u5B89\u7684\u65F6\u671F\uFF0C\u5728\u8BE5\u5730\u533A\u670D\u5F79\u7684\u7F8E\u519B\u3002 \u8BE5\u5956\u7AE0\u4E5F\u53EF\u6388\u4E88\u5E38\u9A7B\u4E0A\u6D77\uFF0C\u4E3A\u7F8E\u56FD\u6D77\u519B\u957F\u6C5F\u5DE1\u903B\u8230\u961F\u7684\u767B\u9646\u884C\u52A8\uFF08\u5982\u5357\u4EAC\u4E8B\u4EF6\u4E2D\uFF09\u63D0\u4F9B\u652F\u63F4\u7684\u519B\u4E8B\u4EBA\u5458\u3002 \u957F\u6C5F\u670D\u5F79\u5956\u7AE0\u57281940\u5E74\u5BA3\u544A\u505C\u7528\uFF0C\u540C\u65F6\u88AB\u4E2D\u56FD\u670D\u5F79\u5956\u7AE0\u6240\u53D6\u4EE3\u3002"@zh . "La Yangtze Service Medal est une d\u00E9coration militaire de l'arm\u00E9e am\u00E9ricaine cr\u00E9\u00E9e en 1930 pour reconna\u00EEtre les personnels de l'US Navy et l'US Marine Corps (et dans une moindre mesure, aux membres de l'US Army). La m\u00E9daille est d\u00E9cern\u00E9e aux militaire ayant particip\u00E9 \u00E0 des actions dans la vall\u00E9e du fleuve Yangtze entre le 3 septembre 1926 et le 31 d\u00E9cembre 1932, une p\u00E9riode de troubles importants dans la r\u00E9gion. La d\u00E9coration peut \u00E9galement \u00EAtre d\u00E9cern\u00E9e aux membres du service militaire qui ont servi en permanence \u00E0 Shanghai, en Chine, \u00E0 condition que ce service soutienne directement les op\u00E9rations de d\u00E9barquement dans la vall\u00E9e du fleuve Yangtze (par exemple l'Incident de Nankin de 1927). La m\u00E9daille du service Yangtze a \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9clar\u00E9e obsol\u00E8te en 1940 lorsqu'elle a \u00E9t\u00E9 remplac\u00E9e par la China Service Medal. Le concepteur de la m\u00E9daille du service Yangtze est John R. Sinnock de la Philadelphia Mint. Sinnock \u00E9tait le huiti\u00E8me graveur en chef de la Monnaie des \u00C9tats-Unis de 1925 \u00E0 1947."@fr . . . "Obsolete"@en . . . . . . . . "Yangtze Service Medal"@en . "Obverse"@en . . "115"^^ . . "\u9577\u6C5F\u670D\u5F79\u734E\u7AE0"@zh .