. "Transparent"@en . "a = 23.91 \u00C5, b = 7.23 \u00C5"@en . "Found in cavities and fractures in alkalic pegmatite"@en . "1538.53"^^ . . "Zorite is a silicate mineral with the chemical formula of Na2Ti(Si,Al)3O9\u00B7nH2O. It is named because of its pink color, after the Russian word \"zoria\" which refers to the rosy hue of the sky at dawn. It is primarily found in , Lovozero Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia. The Lovozero Massif is an area with an igneous mountain range, home to various types of minerals such as eudialyte, loparite, and natrosilitite."@en . "260"^^ . "La zorita es un mineral de la clase de los inosilicatos, y dentro de esta pertenece al llamado \u201Cgrupo de la xonotlita\u201D. Fue descubierta en 1972 en el macizo de Lovozero, del \u00F3blast de M\u00FArmansk (Rusia),\u200B siendo nombrada as\u00ED del ruso zoria, que significa \"resplandor rosado del cielo al amanecer\". Un sin\u00F3nimo es su clave: IMA1972-011."@es . "Zorit"@de . . . . . . "Zorit ist ein sehr selten vorkommendes Mineral aus der Mineralklasse der \u201ESilikate und Germanate\u201C. Es kristallisiert im orthorhombischen Kristallsystem mit der chemischen Zusammensetzung Na6Ti5[(O,OH)5|(Si6O17)2]\u00B711H2O, ist also ein wasserhaltiges Natrium-Titan-Silikat mit zus\u00E4tzlichen Sauerstoff- oder Hydroxidionen."@de . "La zorite \u00E8 un minerale."@it . . . . . "n = 1.59"@en . "Zorite"@en . "c = 14.24 \u00C5; V=2,461.66 \u00C53; Z = 1"@en . . "Zorit ist ein sehr selten vorkommendes Mineral aus der Mineralklasse der \u201ESilikate und Germanate\u201C. Es kristallisiert im orthorhombischen Kristallsystem mit der chemischen Zusammensetzung Na6Ti5[(O,OH)5|(Si6O17)2]\u00B711H2O, ist also ein wasserhaltiges Natrium-Titan-Silikat mit zus\u00E4tzlichen Sauerstoff- oder Hydroxidionen. Zorit ist durchscheinend und entwickelt nur kleine, prismatisch-nadelige Kristalle bis etwa zwei Millimeter L\u00E4nge mit glas\u00E4hnlichem Glanz auf den Oberfl\u00E4chen, die meist miteinander zu polykristallinen T\u00E4felchen oder radialstrahligen Aggregaten verwachsen sind. Aufgrund der vielfachen Lichtbrechung erscheint das Mineral daher in reiner Form wei\u00DF, allerdings nimmt es durch Fremdbeimengungen oft eine zartrosa bis rosenrote Farbe an. Die Strichfarbe von Zorit ist jedoch immer wei\u00DF."@de . . . . "Zorite is a silicate mineral with the chemical formula of Na2Ti(Si,Al)3O9\u00B7nH2O. It is named because of its pink color, after the Russian word \"zoria\" which refers to the rosy hue of the sky at dawn. It is primarily found in , Lovozero Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia. The Lovozero Massif is an area with an igneous mountain range, home to various types of minerals such as eudialyte, loparite, and natrosilitite. Crystallographically, zorite belongs in the orthorhombic group, which has 3 axes, a, b, and c that are of unequal lengths (a\u2260b\u2260c) that form 90\u00B0 with each other. It also belongs in the point group 2/m2/m2/m. The state of aggregation for zorite is acicular. Zorite has perfect cleavage along the planes {010} and {001}, while having poor cleavage along the plane {110}. Zorite is anisotropic, which means that the velocity of light is not the same in all directions. It belongs in the biaxial group, because it is an orthorhombic mineral. Under plane polarized light, zorite displays different colors depending on the angle that the light hits the mineral. This quality is called pleochroism and zorite is rose along the x-axis, colorless along the y-axis, and bluish along the z-axis. The index of refraction of zorite is 1.59, which is the velocity of light through vacuum over the velocity of light through zorite. Zorite is studied to better understand silicate structures. In 2003, zorite was looked into to analyze the symmetry and topology of a family of three minerals found in Russia, Nenadkevichite, Labuntsovite, and Zorite. Zorite was also studied to comprehend how silicate structures change when an element is replaced, for example when the sodium is replaced with potassium, caesium and phosphorus. Furthermore, because of its rarity, zorite is one of the collectors\u2019 items coveted for its scarcity, as well as it being a valuable source to understanding silicate topology."@en . . "Dipyramidal"@en . "5249"^^ . . . . "1123904122"^^ . "Zorite"@it . . "x=rose, y=colorless, z=blue"@en . . "Prismic acicular crystals, sometimes radiating"@en . . . . . . . . "La zorita \u00E9s un mineral de la classe dels inosilicats, i dins d'aquesta pertany a l'anomenat \u201C\". Va ser descoberta l'any 1972 en el mass\u00EDs de Lovozero, del \u00F3blast de M\u00FArmansk (R\u00FAssia), sent nomenada aix\u00ED del rus zoria, que significa \"resplendor rosada del cel a l'alba\". Un sin\u00F2nim \u00E9s la seva clau: IMA1972-011."@ca . . . . . . . "Zorite"@en . . . "Zorita (mineral)"@es . "Zor"@en . . "9"^^ . . "Perfect"@en . "28849284"^^ . "Rose red"@en . . "3"^^ . . . "La zorita es un mineral de la clase de los inosilicatos, y dentro de esta pertenece al llamado \u201Cgrupo de la xonotlita\u201D. Fue descubierta en 1972 en el macizo de Lovozero, del \u00F3blast de M\u00FArmansk (Rusia),\u200B siendo nombrada as\u00ED del ruso zoria, que significa \"resplandor rosado del cielo al amanecer\". Un sin\u00F3nimo es su clave: IMA1972-011."@es . . "2.18"^^ . . . . . . . "Orthorhombic"@en . . "Zorite"@en . "Cmmm"@en . "La zorite \u00E8 un minerale."@it . "White"@en . "La zorita \u00E9s un mineral de la classe dels inosilicats, i dins d'aquesta pertany a l'anomenat \u201C\". Va ser descoberta l'any 1972 en el mass\u00EDs de Lovozero, del \u00F3blast de M\u00FArmansk (R\u00FAssia), sent nomenada aix\u00ED del rus zoria, que significa \"resplendor rosada del cel a l'alba\". Un sin\u00F2nim \u00E9s la seva clau: IMA1972-011."@ca . . . . "Zorita (mineral)"@ca . . "Vitreous"@en . . . . . . "Anisotropic, biaxial"@en . . . . .