| - 1st Gorkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment), often referred to as the 1st Gorkha Rifles, or 1 GR in abbreviation, is the most senior Gorkha Infantry regiment of the Indian Army. It was originally formed as part of the East India Company's Bengal Army in 1815, later adopting the title of the 1st King George V's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment), however, in 1947, following the partition of India, it was transferred to the Indian Army and in 1950 when India became a Republic, it was redesignated as 1st Gorkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment). The regiment has a long history and has participated in many conflicts, including many of the colonial conflicts prior to Indian independence, as well as the First and Second World Wars. Since 1947 the regiment has also participated in a number of campaig (en)
- Le 1er Régiment de fusiliers Gorkha (The Malaun Regiment), souvent appelé le 1st Gorkha Rifles, ou 1 GR en abréviation est un régiment d'infanterie de Gorkhas de l'armée indienne. Il fut créé en 1815 dans le cadre de l' de la British East India Company et transféré plus tard à l'armée indienne britannique après la révolte des cipayes de 1857. A l'indépendance de l'Inde, en 1947, il est transféré, en application de l'accord tripartite signé entre l'Inde, le Népal et la Grande-Bretagne, avec 5 autres régiments, à l'Inde pour intégrer sa nouvelle armée. Il recrute des soldats du Népal et de l'Inde. Le régiment a une longue histoire et a participé à de nombreux conflits, notamment à de nombreux conflits coloniaux antérieurs à l'indépendance de l'Inde, ainsi qu'aux Première et Seconde Guerres m (fr)