has abstract
| - The Afghan Boundary Commission (or Joint Anglo-Russian Boundary Commission) was a joint effort by the United Kingdom and the Russian Empire to determine the northern border of Afghanistan The Boundary Commission traveled and documented the northern border area during 1884, 1885, and 1886. The commission was accompanied by Kazi Saad-ud-Din as the representative of the Amir of Afghanistan, but the Afghans did not have a real say in the matter. Tensions between Britain, Russia and Afghanistan grew in 1885, especially in the aftermath of the Panjdeh incident, in which several hundred Afghans were killed by a Russian army, witnessed by several members of the commission. From March until September, it seemed likely that this would lead to war between Russia and Britain, with the Commission at the epicentre (Britain controlled Afghanistan's foreign affairs following the Treaty of Gandamak). However, war was eventually averted. Between 1885 and 1888, the Afghan Boundary Commission agreed the Russians would relinquish the most remote territory captured in their military advances but they would retain Panjdeh. The agreement delineated a permanent northern Afghan frontier at the Amu Darya, with the loss of a large amount of territory, especially around Panjdeh. Some letters compiled by Charles Edward Yate "describe the sojourn of the British Commission around Herat during the summer of 1885; the subsequent meeting of the joint British and Russian Commissions in November of that year, and the progress of the demarcation of the frontier up to the time of their separation in September 1886; the return of the British Commission through Kabul to India in October 1886; the negotiations at St. Petersburg during the summer of 1887; the final settlement and demarcation of the frontier during the winter of 1887, and return through Russian Trans-Caspian territory in February 1888". (en)
- A Comissão de Fronteira Afegã ou Comissão de Fronteira Conjunta Anglo-Russa foi um esforço conjunto da Grã-Bretanha e do Império Russo para determinar a fronteira norte do Afeganistão. A Comissão de Fronteira viajou e documentou a área da fronteira norte durante 1884, 1885, e 1886. Sem consultar os afegãos no assunto, entre 1885 e 1888, a Comissão de Fronteiras concordou que os russos abandonariam o território mais distante capturado em seus avanços militares, mas reteriam . O acordo delineou uma fronteira permanente do norte do Afeganistão no Amu Darya, com a perda de uma grande quantidade de território, especialmente em torno de Panjdeh. Uma série de cartas compiladas por "descreve a estadia da Comissão Britânica em torno de Herat durante o verão de 1885; a reunião subsequente das comissões conjuntas britânicas e russas em novembro daquele ano e o progresso da demarcação da fronteira até o momento de sua separação em setembro de 1886, o retorno da Comissão Britânica através de Cabul à Índia em outubro de 1886, as negociações em São Petersburgo durante o verão de 1887, o acordo final e a demarcação da fronteira durante o inverno de 1887 e o retorno ao território russo Trans-Cáspio em fevereiro de 1888". (pt)