| - Bathurst Regional Council is a local government area in the Central West region of New South Wales, Australia. The area is located adjacent to the Great Western Highway, Mid-Western Highway, Mitchell Highway and the Main Western railway line. At the 2016 census, the Bathurst Region had a population of 41,300. The administrative centre of the area is located in the city of Bathurst, approximately 200 kilometres (120 mi) west of Sydney central business district. The mayor of Bathurst is Cr. Robert Taylor, Deputy Mayor being Cr. Benjamin Fry, both unaligned politicians. (en)
- Le conseil de la région de Bathurst (en anglais : Bathurst Regional Council) est une zone d'administration locale située dans l'État de Nouvelle-Galles du Sud en Australie. (fr)
- Bathurst Regional Council is een Local Government Area (LGA) in de Australische deelstaat Nieuw-Zuid-Wales. (nl)
- La municipalità di Bathurst è una local government area che si trova nel Nuovo Galles del Sud. Si estende su una superficie di 3.820 chilometri quadrati e ha una popolazione di 39.915 abitanti. La sede del consiglio si trova a Bathurst. (it)
- Region Bathurst (Bathurst Regional Council) - obszar samorządu terytorialnego w australijskim stanie Nowa Południowa Walia, powstały w roku 2004 z połączenia miasta Bathurst i sąsiadującego z nim hrabstwa Evans. Oprócz Bathurst, w skład regionu wchodzą miasteczka i Raglan oraz wsie , Perthville, , , , , , , , , Hill End i . Powierzchnia regionu wynosi 3820 km2, a ludność 35 845 osób (2006). (pl)
- Die Bathurst Region ist ein lokales Verwaltungsgebiet (LGA) im australischen Bundesstaat New South Wales. Das Gebiet ist 3.820 km² groß und hat etwa 43.500 Einwohner. Bathurst liegt in der Central-West-Region des Staats in den Central Tablelands etwa 200 km westlich der Metropole Sydney, der Hauptstadt von New South Wales. Das Gebiet umfasst 84 Ortsteile und Ortschaften: Abercrombie, Abercrombie River, Bathampton, Bathurst, South Bathurst, West Bathurst, Billywillinga, Brewongle, Bruinbun, Clear Creek, Colo, Copperhannia, Cow Flat, Curragh, Dunkeld, Evans Plains, Fitzgeralds Mount, Fitzgeralds Valley, Forest Grove, Fosters Valley, Freemantle, Gemalla, Georges Plains, Glanmire, Gormans Hill, Hill End, Kelso, Killongbutta, Kirkconnell, Laffing Waters, Limekilns, Llanarth, Locksley, Milkers F (de)
- Bathurst Regional är en kommun i Australien. Den ligger i delstaten New South Wales, i den sydöstra delen av landet, omkring 160 kilometer väster om delstatshuvudstaden Sydney. Antalet invånare var 41 300 vid folkräkningen 2016. Följande samhällen finns i Bathurst Regional:
* Bathurst
* Kelso
* Eglinton
* Perthville
* O'Connell
* Caloola
* Brewongle
* Glanmire
* Peel
* Hill End I övrigt finns följande i Bathurst Regional: (sv)