| - Bruno Sattler (* 17. April 1898 in Schmargendorf; † 15. Oktober 1972 in Leipzig) war im nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Reich SS-Sturmbannführer und Kriminaldirektor. (de)
- Bruno Sattler (17 avril 1898 à Schmargendorf - 15 octobre 1972 à Leipzig) est un sturmbannführer du Troisième Reich. (fr)
- Bruno Wilhelm Berthold Martin, född 17 april 1898 i Schmargendorf (i nuvarande Berlin), död 15 oktober 1972 i fängelset Leipzig-Meusdorf, var en tysk SS-Sturmbannführer och Kriminaldirektor. Under andra världskriget var han chef för avdelning IV:A2 inom Reichssicherheitshauptamt, Tredje rikets säkerhets- och underrättelseministerium. Från 1942 till 1944 var Sattler chef för Gestapo i det av Tyskland ockuperade Belgrad. (sv)
- Бруно Вильгельм Бертхольд Мартин Заттлер (нем. Bruno Wilhelm Berthold Martin Sattler, 17 апреля 1899, Шмаргендорф, Германская империя — 15 октября 1972, Лейпциг, ГДР) — штурмбаннфюрер СС, начальник гестапо в Белграде, сотрудник Главного управления имперской безопасности. (ru)
- Bruno Sattler (17 April 1898 - 15 October 1972) became a member of the Nazi Party during the closing months of 1931. After the Hitler government took power at the start of 1933 he joined the Gestapo, achieving a succession of promotions during the ensuing decade. In 1942 he was posted to Belgrade with the rank of "SS-Sturmbannführer", as Gestapo Police Chief for occupied Serbia. He remained in post till October 1944, when the German occupation of the territory was ended. He turned up with a false name in Berlin during 1947, but was evidently identified. In October 1947 he was abducted by the Soviet security services from what later became known as West Berlin, and taken to the eastern part of the city in the Soviet occupation zone. His family heard nothing more from him and in 1949 he was (en)