| - Les massacres de Voïvodine, massacres de la Bačka, crimes des Partisans de Serbie (en serbe : Злочини партизана у Србији), purges communistes en Serbie ou du point de vue de l'historiographie hongroise massacres de la Hongrie méridionale (en hongrois : Délvidéki vérengzések), désignent les crimes de masse perpétrés à l'hiver 1944-1945 par les Partisans yougoslaves contre les populations serbes, allemandes et hongroises de Voïvodine, alors disputée par le Royaume de Hongrie et la Yougoslavie. (fr)
- Il massacro di Bačka è una serie di stragi commesse dall'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione della Jugoslavia comandata da Josip Broz Tito che ordinò la pulizia etnica contro cittadini di etnia tedesca e ungherese nel 1944-1945 nonché la rappresaglia contro serbi prigionieri che si erano arresi e presunti reduci dell'esercito iugoslavo in patria che cercavano di nascondersi o fuggire all'estero. (it)
- The communist purges in Serbia in 1944–1945 are atrocities that were committed by members of the Yugoslav Partisan Movement and the post-war communist authorities after they gained control over Serbia, against people perceived as war criminals, quislings and ideological opponents. Most of these purges were committed between October 1944 and May 1945. During this time, at least 55,973 people died of various causes, including death by execution or by illness in retention camps. The victims – the vast majority of them deliberately summarily executed, without a trial – were of different ethnic backgrounds, but were mostly Germans, Serbs and Hungarians. Some contend that the killings were not planned, but were unorganised vendettas of individuals during the post-war chaos, or that those conside (en)