George Smith (Chinese: 施美夫; 19 June 1815 – 14 December 1871) was a missionary in China and the Bishop of Victoria (the Anglican bishop in Hong Kong) from 1849 to 1865, the first of this newly established diocese.
جورج سميث (بالإنجليزية: George Smith) (و. 1815 – 1871 م) هو مبشر، وقسيس بريطاني، توفي في بلاكهيث، لندن، عن عمر يناهز 56 عاماً. (ar)
George Smith (Chinese: 施美夫; 19 June 1815 – 14 December 1871) was a missionary in China and the Bishop of Victoria (the Anglican bishop in Hong Kong) from 1849 to 1865, the first of this newly established diocese. (en)
George Smith (19 juin 1815 - 14 décembre 1871) est un missionnaire britannique qui prêcha en Chine et fut évêque anglican à Hong Kong de 1849 à 1865. (fr)