| - Guglielmo Sirleto (né en 1514 à Guardavalle, dans l'actuelle région de Calabre, alors dans le royaume de Naples et mort le 6 octobre 1585 à Rome) est un cardinal italien du XVIe siècle. (fr)
- Guglielmo Sirleto (Guardavalle, 1514 – Roma, 6 ottobre 1585) è stato un cardinale italiano. (it)
- Guglielmo Sirleto (ur. w 1514 w Guardavalle, zm. 6 października 1585 w Rzymie) – włoski kardynał. (pl)
- Guglielmo Sirleto (Guardavalle, 1514 — Roma, 6 de outubro de 1585) foi um cardeal italiano com o título de São Lourenço em Palisperna, Bibliotecário da Biblioteca Vaticana e convidado por papa Gregório XIII para presidir à comissão para a reforma do Calendário. Era considerado o maior linguista de seus tempos. (pt)
- Guglielmo Sirleto di Guardavalle (1514-1585) va ser un cardenal italià amb el títol de diaca de San Lorenzo in Palisperna, bibliotecari de la Biblioteca Vaticana i convidat per Gregori XIII per a presidir la comissió per a la reforma del Calendari gregorià. Natural de Guardavalle, prop de Stilo, que llavors pertanyia al Regne de Nàpols, actualment a la regió de Calàbria. Va estudiar hebreu, grec, llatí, filosofia, matemàtiques i teologia a Nàpols. A Roma va treballar successivament amb 3 Papes: Papa Marcel II, Papa Pau IV i Papa Gregori XIII. Va morir a Roma el 6 d'octubre de 1585. (ca)
- Guglielmo Sirleto (* 1514 in Guardavalle in Kalabrien; † 6. Oktober 1585 in Rom) war ein Kardinal der Römischen Kirche. Er gehörte zunächst der römischen Kurie an und wurde Bischof von San Marco Argentano, später von Squillace. Er wurde am 12. März 1565 von Papst Pius IV. zum Kardinal ernannt. Er war an der Ausarbeitung des Römischen Katechismus beteiligt, ebenso am römischen Brevier und Missale. Er war verantwortlich für die Ausarbeitung eines neuen römischen Martyrologiums. Er war auch Vorsitzender der Kommission für die Kalenderreform unter Gregor XIII. (de)
- Guglielmo Sirleto (or Sirleti) (1514 – 6 October 1585) was an Italian Cardinal and scholar. He was considered the greatest linguist of his age. Sirleto was born at Guardavalle near Stilo in Calabria. The son of a physician, he received an excellent education, made the acquaintance of distinguished scholars at Rome, and became an intimate friend of Cardinal Marcello Cervino, later Pope Marcellus II. He prepared for Cervino, who was President of the Council of Trent in its initial period, extensive reports on all the important questions presented for discussion. After his appointment as custodian of the Vatican Library, Sirleto drew up a complete descriptive catalogue of its Greek manuscripts and prepared a new edition of the Vulgate. (en)
has abstract
| - Guglielmo Sirleto di Guardavalle (1514-1585) va ser un cardenal italià amb el títol de diaca de San Lorenzo in Palisperna, bibliotecari de la Biblioteca Vaticana i convidat per Gregori XIII per a presidir la comissió per a la reforma del Calendari gregorià. Natural de Guardavalle, prop de Stilo, que llavors pertanyia al Regne de Nàpols, actualment a la regió de Calàbria. Va estudiar hebreu, grec, llatí, filosofia, matemàtiques i teologia a Nàpols. De Nàpols va marxar a Roma el 1540 on va començar a treballar amb el Cardenal Cervini, un dels presidents del Concili de Trento, triat Papa Marcel II el 1555. A Roma va treballar successivament amb 3 Papes: Papa Marcel II, Papa Pau IV i Papa Gregori XIII. El Papa Marcel II el va nomenar Secretari per als memorials i dipositari a la Biblioteca del Vaticà. El mateix any 1555, ja durant el Pontificat del Papa Pau IV (1555-1559) va ser nomenat Monsenyor apostòlic i després escollit com a Cardenal en el Consistori papal de 12 de març de 1565, amb el títol de San Lorenzo in Panisperna. A continuació li va ser atribuïda la diocesi de San Marco (1566), a Calàbria i després a la de Squillace (1568), en la mateixa regió. El 1572 va renunciar a la diòcesi per fixar la seva residència a Roma, a petició del Papa Gregori XIII, per a assumir el càrrec de Bibliotecari de la Biblioteca Vaticana. En aquestes funcions és convidat també per a presidir a la Comissió per a la Reforma del Calendari i a la Comissions per a la Reforma del Breviari Romà, del Missal Romà, del Catecisme Romà i dirigir la nova edició del Martirologi romà. També va ser nomenat Camarlenc del Col·legi Cardenalici el 1584-1585. Com a cardenal va participar en els conclaves de 1565-566 que va triar Pius V, en el de 1572 que va triar el Gregori XIII i en el de 1585 que va triar el Sixt V. Va morir a Roma el 6 d'octubre de 1585. (ca)
- Guglielmo Sirleto (* 1514 in Guardavalle in Kalabrien; † 6. Oktober 1585 in Rom) war ein Kardinal der Römischen Kirche. Er gehörte zunächst der römischen Kurie an und wurde Bischof von San Marco Argentano, später von Squillace. Er wurde am 12. März 1565 von Papst Pius IV. zum Kardinal ernannt. Er war an der Ausarbeitung des Römischen Katechismus beteiligt, ebenso am römischen Brevier und Missale. Er war verantwortlich für die Ausarbeitung eines neuen römischen Martyrologiums. Er war auch Vorsitzender der Kommission für die Kalenderreform unter Gregor XIII. 1554 wurde er zum Kustos der Vatikanischen Bibliothek ernannt. 1572 wurde er Kardinalbibliothekar, 1573 Mitglied der neu gegründeten Reformkongregation für die Griechen. Am 1. November 1579 ernannte ihn Gregor XIII. mit der Bulle Benedictus Dominus zum Protektor der neuformierten Basilianerkongregation, die an Pfingsten 1579 auf Anordnung Sirletos ihr erstes Generalkapitel abgehalten hatte. Sein Grabmal befindet sich in der Kirche San Bernardino da Siena. (de)
- Guglielmo Sirleto (or Sirleti) (1514 – 6 October 1585) was an Italian Cardinal and scholar. He was considered the greatest linguist of his age. Sirleto was born at Guardavalle near Stilo in Calabria. The son of a physician, he received an excellent education, made the acquaintance of distinguished scholars at Rome, and became an intimate friend of Cardinal Marcello Cervino, later Pope Marcellus II. He prepared for Cervino, who was President of the Council of Trent in its initial period, extensive reports on all the important questions presented for discussion. After his appointment as custodian of the Vatican Library, Sirleto drew up a complete descriptive catalogue of its Greek manuscripts and prepared a new edition of the Vulgate. Pope Paul IV named him prothonotary and tutor to two of his nephews. After this pope's death he taught Greek and Hebrew at Rome, numbering Charles Borromeo among his students. There was talk of making him Pope, but it was considered that the drift of his mind was too much given to letters to permit him to run a strong, practical administration in those troubled times. During the concluding period of the Council of Trent, he was, although he continued to reside at Rome, the adviser of the cardinal-legates. He was himself created cardinal in 1565 at the request of Charles Borromeo, became Bishop of San Marco in Calabria in 1566, and Bishop of Squillace in 1568. An order of the papal secretary of state, however, enjoined his residence at Rome, where he was named, in 1570, librarian of the Vatican Library. This he enriched with many valuable texts on Greek, Latin and Oriental subjects. His influence was paramount in the execution of the scientific undertakings decreed by the Council of Trent. He collaborated in the publication of the Roman Catechism, presided over the Commissions for the reform of Roman Breviary and Roman Missal, and directed the work of the new edition of the Roman Martyrology. Highly appreciative of Greek culture, he entertained all friendly relations with the East and encouraged all efforts tending to ecclesiastical reunion. His learning was such that he was reported to discourse in his sleep in Greek and Latin. Latino Latini declared in a letter to Andreas Masius that he considered that Sirleto was equal in learning to all the others who worked on the Vulgate. He was attended in his last illness by Philip Neri. He died at Rome, and was buried in the presence of Pope Sixtus V. He was a manuscript collector (e.g. Minuscule 373). (en)
- Guglielmo Sirleto (né en 1514 à Guardavalle, dans l'actuelle région de Calabre, alors dans le royaume de Naples et mort le 6 octobre 1585 à Rome) est un cardinal italien du XVIe siècle. (fr)
- Guglielmo Sirleto (Guardavalle, 1514 – Roma, 6 ottobre 1585) è stato un cardinale italiano. (it)
- Guglielmo Sirleto (ur. w 1514 w Guardavalle, zm. 6 października 1585 w Rzymie) – włoski kardynał. (pl)
- Guglielmo Sirleto (Guardavalle, 1514 — Roma, 6 de outubro de 1585) foi um cardeal italiano com o título de São Lourenço em Palisperna, Bibliotecário da Biblioteca Vaticana e convidado por papa Gregório XIII para presidir à comissão para a reforma do Calendário. Era considerado o maior linguista de seus tempos. (pt)