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The Guliang Zhuan (Chinese: 穀梁傳) is considered one of the classic books of ancient Chinese history. It is traditionally attributed to a writer with the surname of Guliang in the disciple tradition of Zixia, but versions of his name vary and there is no definitive way to date the text. Although it may be based in part on oral traditions from as early as the Warring States period (475–221 BCE), the first references to the work appear in the Han Dynasty, and the peak of its influence was the 1st century BCE. Along with the Zuo Zhuan and Gongyang Zhuan, the work is one of the Three Commentaries on the Spring and Autumn Annals.

  • Ku-liangův komentář (cs)
  • Guliang Zhuan (en)
  • 춘추곡량전 (ko)
  • 春秋穀梁伝 (ja)
  • Commentaar van Guliang op de Lente- en herfstannalen (nl)
  • 穀梁傳 (zh)
  • Ku-liangův komentář nebo Ku-liangova tradice (čínsky v českém přepisu Ku-liang čuan, pchin-jinem Gǔliáng zhuàn, znaky zjednodušené 谷梁传, tradiční 穀梁傳) je jedním ze tří hlavních komentářů k Letopisům jar a podzimů. (cs)
  • 춘추곡량전(春秋穀梁傳)은 춘추공양전, 춘추좌씨전과 같이 춘추삼전 중의 하나이다. 십삼경을 이루는 책 중 하나이기도 하다. 경학에서는 이 책을 중요하게 여긴다. (ko)
  • 『春秋穀梁伝』(しゅんじゅうこくりょうでん、旧字:春秋穀梁傳、拼音: Chūnqiū Gŭliángzhuàn)は、『春秋公羊伝』『春秋左氏伝』と並ぶ春秋三伝の一つ。正確には経書ではないが、準経書扱いされる書物。十三経の一つであるが、五経には入らない。経学の重要書物。 (ja)
  • Het Commentaar van Guliang (Guliangzhuan) is een commentaar op de Lente- en Herfstannalen en behoort net als het Commentaar van Gongyang en de Zuozhuan tot de drie commentaren die zelf ook weer tot de Confucianistische Klassieken worden gerekend. Deze drie commentaren zijn voortgekomen uit drie verschillende richtingen, die elk op eigen wijze de Lente- en Herfstannalen interpreteerden. De traditie van Guliang was vermoedelijk afkomstig uit de staat Lu, de staat waar ook Confucius vandaan kwam. (nl)
  • The Guliang Zhuan (Chinese: 穀梁傳) is considered one of the classic books of ancient Chinese history. It is traditionally attributed to a writer with the surname of Guliang in the disciple tradition of Zixia, but versions of his name vary and there is no definitive way to date the text. Although it may be based in part on oral traditions from as early as the Warring States period (475–221 BCE), the first references to the work appear in the Han Dynasty, and the peak of its influence was the 1st century BCE. Along with the Zuo Zhuan and Gongyang Zhuan, the work is one of the Three Commentaries on the Spring and Autumn Annals. (en)
  • 《穀梁傳》是《春秋穀梁傳》的简称,是一部对《春秋》的注解,与《左传》、《公羊传》同为解说《春秋》的三传之一。传说孔子的弟子子夏将这部书的内容口头传给战国時魯國人穀梁子,穀梁子将它写记录下来,學者認為此書原本是口頭傳授,其成书时间是在汉朝,由學派門人集結而成。 《穀梁傳》的书写方式是问答式,用这个方式来注解《春秋》,起於魯隱公元年(前722年),終於魯哀公十四年(前481年)。體裁與《公羊傳》相似,內容有伦理史、教育史、妇女史、文化史的宝贵资料。它是研究儒家从战国时期到汉朝的演变的重要文献。 《穀梁傳》一般认为属于“今文经”(见)。全书正文23000多字,采用问答体解说《春秋》,重点在阐述经义即《春秋》的政治意义,与《公羊传》风格类似,但在许多义理和考据问题上有歧异。一般来说,《穀梁传》的解经风格比较平实,与惯说高言大义的《公羊传》形成对比。漢武帝時“尊公羊家,诏太子受公羊《春秋》,由是公羊大兴”。漢宣帝時則重用《穀梁》学者,立为学官,“自元康中始讲,至甘露元年,积十余岁,皆明习,乃召五经名儒太子太傅萧望之等,大议殿中,平《公羊》、《穀梁》同异,各以经处是非”,這是由於宣帝的祖父戾太子“少壮诏受公羊《春秋》,又从瑕丘江公受《穀梁》”,东汉以后,《穀梁》之学日渐衰落。唐代将《穀梁传》列为“九经”之一,又列为《十二经》之一。 (zh)
  • http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/Spring_and_Autumn2.jpg
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  • 春秋穀梁傳 (en)
  • InternetArchiveBot (en)
  • Guliang Zhuan (en)
  • January 2020 (en)
  • t (en)
  • yes (en)
  • 춘추곡량전 (en)
  • guk1 loeng4 zyun6 (en)
  • Commentaries of Guliang (en)
  • Gǔliáng Zhuàn (en)
  • Spring and Autumn2.jpg (en)
  • Chunchugongnyangjeon (en)
  • 谷梁传 (en)
  • Guliang Zhuan (en)
  • Ku3-liang2 Chʻuan2 (en)
has abstract
  • Ku-liangův komentář nebo Ku-liangova tradice (čínsky v českém přepisu Ku-liang čuan, pchin-jinem Gǔliáng zhuàn, znaky zjednodušené 谷梁传, tradiční 穀梁傳) je jedním ze tří hlavních komentářů k Letopisům jar a podzimů. (cs)
  • The Guliang Zhuan (Chinese: 穀梁傳) is considered one of the classic books of ancient Chinese history. It is traditionally attributed to a writer with the surname of Guliang in the disciple tradition of Zixia, but versions of his name vary and there is no definitive way to date the text. Although it may be based in part on oral traditions from as early as the Warring States period (475–221 BCE), the first references to the work appear in the Han Dynasty, and the peak of its influence was the 1st century BCE. Along with the Zuo Zhuan and Gongyang Zhuan, the work is one of the Three Commentaries on the Spring and Autumn Annals. Written in question and answer style, the work annotates the Spring and Autumn Annals covering the period between the first year of State of Lu ruler Duke Yin of Lu (魯隱公) (722 BCE) and the fourteenth year of his later counterpart Duke Ai of Lu (魯哀公) (481 BCE). Like the Gongyang Zhuan the Gǔliáng Zhuàn is written as a didactic explanation of the subtle political and social messages of the Spring and Autumn Annals rather than in the anecdotal style of the Zuo Zhuan. It is an important book for the study of the development of Confucianism from the Warring States Period through the Han Dynasty. Today, the book is usually considered to be the work of the Han Dynasty Confucian scholars and contains about 30,000 Chinese characters. Its focus is on clarifying Confucian debate on the political significance of the Spring and Autumn Annals in a style somewhat similar to the Gongyang Zhuan but with many differences in both doctrine and interpretation. Its major concerns include the ritual code, political and familial hierarchies, and hereditary succession. In general, the Gǔliáng Zhuàn uses a somewhat simple explanatory style rather than the grandiloquent language adopted by the Gongyang Zhuan. (en)
  • 춘추곡량전(春秋穀梁傳)은 춘추공양전, 춘추좌씨전과 같이 춘추삼전 중의 하나이다. 십삼경을 이루는 책 중 하나이기도 하다. 경학에서는 이 책을 중요하게 여긴다. (ko)
  • 『春秋穀梁伝』(しゅんじゅうこくりょうでん、旧字:春秋穀梁傳、拼音: Chūnqiū Gŭliángzhuàn)は、『春秋公羊伝』『春秋左氏伝』と並ぶ春秋三伝の一つ。正確には経書ではないが、準経書扱いされる書物。十三経の一つであるが、五経には入らない。経学の重要書物。 (ja)
  • Het Commentaar van Guliang (Guliangzhuan) is een commentaar op de Lente- en Herfstannalen en behoort net als het Commentaar van Gongyang en de Zuozhuan tot de drie commentaren die zelf ook weer tot de Confucianistische Klassieken worden gerekend. Deze drie commentaren zijn voortgekomen uit drie verschillende richtingen, die elk op eigen wijze de Lente- en Herfstannalen interpreteerden. De traditie van Guliang was vermoedelijk afkomstig uit de staat Lu, de staat waar ook Confucius vandaan kwam. (nl)
  • 《穀梁傳》是《春秋穀梁傳》的简称,是一部对《春秋》的注解,与《左传》、《公羊传》同为解说《春秋》的三传之一。传说孔子的弟子子夏将这部书的内容口头传给战国時魯國人穀梁子,穀梁子将它写记录下来,學者認為此書原本是口頭傳授,其成书时间是在汉朝,由學派門人集結而成。 《穀梁傳》的书写方式是问答式,用这个方式来注解《春秋》,起於魯隱公元年(前722年),終於魯哀公十四年(前481年)。體裁與《公羊傳》相似,內容有伦理史、教育史、妇女史、文化史的宝贵资料。它是研究儒家从战国时期到汉朝的演变的重要文献。 《穀梁傳》一般认为属于“今文经”(见)。全书正文23000多字,采用问答体解说《春秋》,重点在阐述经义即《春秋》的政治意义,与《公羊传》风格类似,但在许多义理和考据问题上有歧异。一般来说,《穀梁传》的解经风格比较平实,与惯说高言大义的《公羊传》形成对比。漢武帝時“尊公羊家,诏太子受公羊《春秋》,由是公羊大兴”。漢宣帝時則重用《穀梁》学者,立为学官,“自元康中始讲,至甘露元年,积十余岁,皆明习,乃召五经名儒太子太傅萧望之等,大议殿中,平《公羊》、《穀梁》同异,各以经处是非”,這是由於宣帝的祖父戾太子“少壮诏受公羊《春秋》,又从瑕丘江公受《穀梁》”,东汉以后,《穀梁》之学日渐衰落。唐代将《穀梁传》列为“九经”之一,又列为《十二经》之一。 东晋范甯評《春秋》三傳的特色說:“《左氏》艷而富,其失也巫。《穀梁》清而婉,其失也短。《公羊》辯而裁,其失也俗。”范甯還搜辑诸家训释著《》,标榜“兼採众说、择善而从”,唐人杨士勋又为之作,成《》。清人有《》,网罗前人遗说,可供参考。 (zh)
  • 春秋穀梁傳 (en)
  • しゅんじゅうこくりょうでん (en)
  • 春秋穀梁伝 (en)
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