| - Jim Anderton's Progressive war eine im linken politischen Spektrum angesiedelte Partei in Neuseeland. Sie wurde 2002 als New Zealand Progressive Party von Jim Anderton, einem früheren Labour-Politiker und Vizepremierminister unter der Regierung von Helen Clark, gegründet und 2005 nach seinem Gründer umbenannt. Die Partei war über Anderton mit der Labour Party liiert. 2012 wurde die Partei aufgelöst. (de)
- Jim Anderton's Progressive Party (formed in 2002 as the Progressive Party and renamed after its founder in 2005) was a New Zealand political party generally somewhat to the left of its ally, the Labour Party. The party was established when Jim Anderton and his supporters left the Alliance party. The Progressive Party held at least one seat in Parliament from 2002 to 2011 because of Anderton's victories in the electorate of Wigram. The party did not contest the 2011 general election, and was de-registered at its own request in 9 March 2012 . (en)
- Le Parti progressiste de Nouvelle-Zélande est un parti politique néo-zélandais, devenu un allié des travaillistes, duquel il est plus à gauche. Il a un membre au Parlement, son chef Jim Anderton. Le parti est fondé en 2002 quand Anderton et plusieurs autres membres d'Alliance quittent ce dernier, plus représenté au Parlement. (fr)
- Il Partito Progressista (in inglese Jim Anderton's Progressive Party, letteralmente Partito Progressista di Jim Anderton) è stato un partito politico attivo in Nuova Zelanda dal 2002 al 2012. (it)
- 뉴질랜드 진보당(영어: New Zealand Progressive Party)은 뉴질랜드의 정당이었다. 2008년 현재 의회내에서는 가장 낮은 의석 수 (1석)을 차지하고 있기 때문에 의회내 제8당이었으나, 짐 앤더튼이 정계 은퇴를 선언하면서 해체되었다. 현재 당수는 헬렌 클라크의 노동당 정부에서 농림부장관, 을 역임했던 짐 앤더튼(Jim Anderton)이 맡고 있다. 짐 앤더튼 당수는 노동당, 신노동당, , 를 역임한 바 있다. (ko)
- Partia Postępowa (ang. Jim Anderton's Progressive Party) – nowozelandzka partia polityczna, założona w 1999 roku. Koalicjant Partii Pracy, jednak bardziej od niej lewicowa. Liderem jest . (pl)