Kesariya Balam Aavo Hamare Des is an Indian soap opera that aired on Sahara One, based on the story of a poor Rajput girl, Rukmini who struggles through life and fights with her destiny. The show was produced by Ajay Sinha.
Kesariya Balam Aavo Hamare Des is an Indian soap opera that aired on Sahara One, based on the story of a poor Rajput girl, Rukmini who struggles through life and fights with her destiny. The show was produced by Ajay Sinha. (en)
Kesariya Balam Aavo Hamare Des is an Indian soap opera that aired on Sahara One, based on the story of a poor Rajput girl, Rukmini who struggles through life and fights with her destiny. The show was produced by Ajay Sinha. (en)