| - The WWE Hardcore Championship was a professional wrestling championship contested for in the United States–based World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) promotion, formerly known as the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) before May 2002. The title was only contestable in matches under hardcore regulations, and could be won only by individual wrestlers. As a professional wrestling championship, it was introduced by the WWF on its television program Raw Is War on November 2, 1998, in which WWF chairman Mr. McMahon awarded Mankind the title. In 2000, the WWF instated the "24/7 rule", a regulation stating that the title could be defended anywhere at any time as long as a referee was present, which led to numerous title changes in shorter time periods; the rule was discontinued in 2002. On the August (en)
- WWE Hardcore Championship było tytułem mistrzowskim profesjonalnego wrestlingu promowanym przez federację World Wrestling Entertainment (poprzednio znaną jako World Wrestling Federation przed majem 2002). Tytuł był broniony jedynie na "hardcore'owych" zasadach i mógł być zdobywany przez pojedynczych wrestlerów. Został on przedstawiony 2 listopada 1998 na Raw is War, gdzie Vince McMahon podarował Mankindowi tytuł. W 2000, WWF wprowadziło "24/7 rule", gdzie tytuł mógł być broniony gdziekolwiek i kiedykolwiek, dopóki wokół znajduje się sędzia, przez co tytuł mógł zmieniać właściciela nawet 10 razy podczas jednej gali; reguła ta została wycofana w 2002. 26 sierpnia 2002 na Raw, WWE Intercontinental Champion Rob Van Dam pokonał WWE Hardcore Championa Tommy’ego Dreamera i zunifikował oba tytuły, (pl)
- O WWE Hardcore Championship foi um título de wrestling profissional disputado na World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), conhecida também como World Wrestling Federation (WWF) antes de maio de 2002. O título era disputado em lutas com variações hardcore, apenas em lutas individuais, mas sem diferença de gênero, podendo também ser disputado por mulheres. No Raw is War em 2 de novembro de 1998, Vince McMahon presenteou Mankind com o título. Em 2000, a WWF colocou em prática a regra "24/7", que permitia que desafiassem pelo título em qualquer lugar e a qualquer hora, contanto que um árbitro estivesse presente. No Raw de 26 de agosto de 2002, o Campeão Intercontinental Rob Van Dam derrotou o Campeão Hardcore Tommy Dreamer em uma ladder match para unificar os títulos; o Hardcore foi aposentado log (pt)