This is the list of the leaders of Georgia since 1918, during the periods of the short-lived Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918–1921), Soviet Georgia (1921–1991), and current Georgia. For the head of government, see Prime Minister of Georgia.
قائمة حكام جورجيا من 1918 حتى وقتنا هذا. تتضمن القائمة قادة جمهورية جورجيا الديموقراطية قصيرة الأجل (1918–1921) وكذلك قادة جورجيا السوفيتية (1921–1991) وقادة ما بعد العصر السوفيتي. (ar)
This is the list of the leaders of Georgia since 1918, during the periods of the short-lived Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918–1921), Soviet Georgia (1921–1991), and current Georgia. For the head of government, see Prime Minister of Georgia. (en)
Cet article liste les personnalités qui ont exercé certaines responsabilités de chef d'État sans toujours avoir porté le titre de président de la République, puisque ce titre n'est apparu dans les différentes constitutions géorgiennes qu'en 1991. (fr)
Di seguito è riportato l'elenco dei capi di Stato della Georgia dal 1918 ad oggi. Per i sovrani precedenti all'annessione della Georgia all'Impero russo, vedi Sovrani di Georgia. (it)
Hieronder staat een chronologische lijst van staatshoofden van Georgië. (nl)