The Bible and Quran have many characters in common, many of which are mentioned by name, whereas others are merely referred to. This article is a list of people named or referred to in both in the Bible and the Quran.
هناك عدد كبير من الشخصيات ورد ذكرها في كل من الكتاب المقدس والقرآن. ورد ذكر كل من سارة وصفورة وأليصابات ويوكابد وامرأة نوح وامرأة لوط في القرآن، غير أن ذكرهن ورد بالإشارة لا بالاسم. (ar)
The Bible and Quran have many characters in common, many of which are mentioned by name, whereas others are merely referred to. This article is a list of people named or referred to in both in the Bible and the Quran. (en)
La Bibbia e il Corano hanno molti personaggi in comune. Se ne elencano i principali qui di seguito: Eva, Sara, Sefora, , Iochebed e la moglie di Noè sono citate senza nome nel Corano. Eva è nota col nome di Hawwa' nella tradizione islamica. Nel corano non c'è né Eva né Hawwa, ma la moglie di AdamNon c'è né Qabil né Habil, ma figli di Adam (it)