Manchet, manchette or michette, is a wheaten, yeast-leavened bread of very good quality, or a small flat circular loaf. It was a bread that was small enough to be held in the hand.
Manchet, manchette or michette, is a wheaten, yeast-leavened bread of very good quality, or a small flat circular loaf. It was a bread that was small enough to be held in the hand. (en)
La michette, manchette ou manchet, est un pain à la levure de blé de très bonne qualité, ou un petit pain circulaire plat. C'était un pain suffisamment petit pour être tenu dans la main ou dans un gant (voir aussi manchette). (fr)
Manchet, manchette or michette, is a wheaten, yeast-leavened bread of very good quality, or a small flat circular loaf. It was a bread that was small enough to be held in the hand. (en)
La michette, manchette ou manchet, est un pain à la levure de blé de très bonne qualité, ou un petit pain circulaire plat. C'était un pain suffisamment petit pour être tenu dans la main ou dans un gant (voir aussi manchette). (fr)