| - Le lynchage du 14 mars 1891 à la Nouvelle-Orléans, en Louisiane, aux États-Unis, est l'émeute au cours de laquelle onze immigrés italiens ou Italo-Américains furent assassinés par la foule en raison de leur prétendue participation au meurtre du chef de la police locale (en). (fr)
- Il linciaggio di New Orleans avvenne il 14 marzo 1891 a New Orleans. Una folla di cittadini assalì la prigione locale e uccise undici immigrati italiani, in particolare siciliani. Secondo le fonti a partecipare al linciaggio furono dalle 3.000 alle 20.000 persone, rendendolo uno dei più ingenti linciaggi di massa della storia degli Stati Uniti. (it)
- 1891年3月14日のリンチ事件(1891ねん3がつ14かのリンチじけん、英語: March 14, 1891 lynchings)は、アメリカ合衆国ルイジアナ州ニューオーリンズで1891年3月14日に発生したイタリア系アメリカ人に対する虐殺事件である。 (ja)
- The March 14, 1891, New Orleans lynchings were the murders of 11 Italian Americans and immigrants in New Orleans, Louisiana, by a mob for their alleged role in the murder of police chief David Hennessy after some of them had been acquitted at trial. It was the largest single mass lynching in American history. Most of the lynching victims accused in the murder had been rounded up and charged due to their Italian ethnicity. The lynchings were the subject of the 1999 HBO film Vendetta, starring Christopher Walken. The film is based on a 1977 history book of the same name by Richard Gambino. (en)