| - Mechanics’ Institute (dt. Institut für technische Mechanik) ist eine Bildungseinrichtung, die ursprünglich im 19. Jh. im Vereinigten Königreich gegründet wurde, um die Erwachsenenbildung für Arbeiter in technischen Fächern zu ermöglichen und zu fördern. Weltweit werden noch viele Mechanics’ Institutes als Bibliotheken, Universitäts- bzw. Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtungen, Theater, Kinos, Museen, Freizeiteinrichtungen oder Gemeindesäle betrieben. (de)
- Institutos de Mecânica eram estabelecimentos de ensino criados com o propósito de prover educação - particularmente profissional - para adultos trabalhadores. Como tal, eles eram frequentemente fundados por industrialistas, e fundadmentado no facto de que eles estariam assim essencialmente se beneficiando ao terem empregados mais instruídos e hábeis (tal filantropia foi mostrada por, entre outros, , James Nasmyth e Joseph Whitworth). Os Institutos eram usados como 'bibliotecas' pela clase trabalhadora adulta, e os proveu com uma alternativa de passa-tempo, em oposição a jogar e beber nos bares. (pt)
- Mechanics' institutes, also known as mechanics' institutions, sometimes simply known as institutes, and also called schools of arts (especially in the Australian colonies), were educational establishments originally formed to provide adult education, particularly in technical subjects, to working men in Victorian-era Britain and its colonies. They were often funded by local industrialists on the grounds that they would ultimately benefit from having more knowledgeable and skilled employees. The mechanics' institutes often included libraries for the adult working class, and were said to provide them with an alternative pastime to gambling and drinking in pubs. (en)