| - Membartsho (alternativamente escrito como Mebar Tsho) es un lago sagrado ubicado en el dentro del distrito de Bumthang (Bután). Es venerado como el lugar donde Pema Lingpa, el mayor tertön (descubridor de tesoros) del país, encontró varios de los termas de Guru Rinpoche en el siglo XV. Se conoce localmente como el Lago Ardiente por una leyenda sobre Pema Lingpa, que narra que tuvo un sueño que lo instaba a ir a ese lugar. (es)
- Membartsho (Dzongkha མེ་འབར་མཚོ།), also known as Mebar Tsho, is a holy site, revered as the place where Pema Lingpa, Bhutan's greatest tertön (treasure discoverer), discovered several of Guru Rinpoche's terma in the 15th century. The pool in the Tang Valley, near Bumthang in central Bhutan is known locally as the Burning Lake, because according to legend, Pema Lingpa had a dream urging him to go to that particular spot in the Tang Chuu river. After standing on the rocks looking into the depths he discerned there was a temple at the bottom with many doors, one of which was open. He dove in and swam into a large cave where a woman with one eye handed him a treasure chest. As he took it from her he found himself back on dry land. (en)
- Membartsho (alternativamente compitato Mebar Tsho) è un sito sacro, venerato come il luogo in cui Pema Lingpa, il più grande tertön (cercatore di tesori) del Bhutan, scoprì molte delle terme nascoste dai Guru Rinpoche nel XV secolo.. Offerte per il mare. Dopo un po', la folla si innervosì del fatto che stava impiegando troppo tempo, quando improvvisamente uscì dall'acqua tenendo una statua, un forziere e la lampada ancora accesa. visione dall'alto del ponte in legno sul tag Chhu (it)
- Мебар-Цо (Mebartsho, рус. «бурлящее озеро») — глубокая заводь на реке Танг в районе Танг области Бумтанг в Бутане. Место почитается как святое, и к нему сходятся многочисленные паломники. Находится на небольшом расстоянии от шоссе из Джакара в Монгар по дороге вдоль реки Танг. Вокруг озера — несколько пещер для ритуалов, малых ступ и множество молитвенных флагов, обозначающих святое место. Драгоценная статуя хранится в монастыре Тамшинг-лакханг и демонстрируется народу во время цечу. (ru)
has abstract
| - Membartsho (alternativamente escrito como Mebar Tsho) es un lago sagrado ubicado en el dentro del distrito de Bumthang (Bután). Es venerado como el lugar donde Pema Lingpa, el mayor tertön (descubridor de tesoros) del país, encontró varios de los termas de Guru Rinpoche en el siglo XV. Se conoce localmente como el Lago Ardiente por una leyenda sobre Pema Lingpa, que narra que tuvo un sueño que lo instaba a ir a ese lugar. (es)
- Membartsho (Dzongkha མེ་འབར་མཚོ།), also known as Mebar Tsho, is a holy site, revered as the place where Pema Lingpa, Bhutan's greatest tertön (treasure discoverer), discovered several of Guru Rinpoche's terma in the 15th century. The pool in the Tang Valley, near Bumthang in central Bhutan is known locally as the Burning Lake, because according to legend, Pema Lingpa had a dream urging him to go to that particular spot in the Tang Chuu river. After standing on the rocks looking into the depths he discerned there was a temple at the bottom with many doors, one of which was open. He dove in and swam into a large cave where a woman with one eye handed him a treasure chest. As he took it from her he found himself back on dry land. The local citizens and the ruling Penlop were cynical of his claims, so he invited them to return with him and he would retrieve another terma. Holding a lit lamp, he told the assembled crowd, "If I am a genuine revealer of treasures then may I return with the treasure and my lamp still alight. However, if I am a devil, may I drown." He dove in. After a while people became nervous that he was taking too long when suddenly he burst out of the water holding a statue, a treasure chest and the lamp in his hands was still alight. The lake is renowned for its beauty, serenity and spiritual significance as a "Ney", which is explained by Dr Karma Phuntsho, author of The History of Bhutan, as: "Natural and spiritual energies and vibes flow from the landscape of such powerful spots, making them conducive environments for spiritual experience. Thus, spiritual persons seek such places in order to speed up and enhance their spiritual practice." It is said that enlightened beings can see the temple at the bottom of the lake. Pema Lingpa prophesied that one day there would be a great center of learning for women in the center of the Tang Valley and that has come to pass. The site is maintained by the nuns of nearby Pema Tekchok Choling Nunnery, which was founded in 2000 and is Bhutan's first shedra (Buddhist university) for women. It was established by Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche, the ninth reincarnation of Pema Lingpa. The nuns have built a small cupboard near the rickety wooden bridge that crosses the narrowest part of the gorge, where they store butter lamps to make offerings at the sacred site. In many areas around the lake there are arrays of small conical clay mounds, called tsatsas (tsha tsha). These are often engraved with a sacred Buddhist symbol and sometimes contain human ash or bone. These distinctive little sculptures are offerings that are made as part of religious practices, and they can be dedicated to either the living or dead. The site is also slippery, with a fast current and can be dangerous. Five people have drowned there since 2011, including a French tourist and his Bhutanese guide in 2015. (en)
- Membartsho (alternativamente compitato Mebar Tsho) è un sito sacro, venerato come il luogo in cui Pema Lingpa, il più grande tertön (cercatore di tesori) del Bhutan, scoprì molte delle terme nascoste dai Guru Rinpoche nel XV secolo.. La pittoresca piscina nella Valle del Tang, vicino a Bumthang nel centro del Bhutan è conosciuta localmente come il Lago Ardente. Secondo la leggenda, il sogno di Pema Lingpa lo spingeva ad andare in quel punto particolare nel fiume Tang Chuu. Dopo essersi fermato sulle rocce a guardare il fondale, vide che vi era un tempio con molte porte, una delle quali era aperta. Si tuffò e nuotò in una grande grotta dove una donna con un occhio gli porse uno scrigno del tesoro. Mentre lo prendeva, si ritrovò sulla terraferma. Offerte per il mare. I cittadini locali e il dirigente erano scettici riguardo alle affermazioni del ragazzo, così li invitò a tornare con lui per recuperare un altro tesoro. Tenendo una lampada accesa, disse alla folla riunita: "Se io sono un vero rivelatore di tesori, allora potrei tornare con il tesoro e la mia lampada ancora accesa. Tuttavia, se sono un diavolo, posso annegare". Si tuffò dentro. Dopo un po', la folla si innervosì del fatto che stava impiegando troppo tempo, quando improvvisamente uscì dall'acqua tenendo una statua, un forziere e la lampada ancora accesa. visione dall'alto del ponte in legno sul tag Chhu (it)
- Мебар-Цо (Mebartsho, рус. «бурлящее озеро») — глубокая заводь на реке Танг в районе Танг области Бумтанг в Бутане. Место почитается как святое, и к нему сходятся многочисленные паломники. Находится на небольшом расстоянии от шоссе из Джакара в Монгар по дороге вдоль реки Танг. Вокруг озера — несколько пещер для ритуалов, малых ступ и множество молитвенных флагов, обозначающих святое место. Со дна этой заводи тертон Пема Лингпа в 1475 году поднял драгоценную реликвию (терма). Когда он в лесу собирал грибы, то встретил незнакомца, который протянул ему свиток и исчез. Текст гласил, что у скалы Наринг он должен найти священный текст. С пятью друзьями он подошёл к скале, вошёл в состояние медитации, неожиданно нырнул в реку и поднял найденный текст. Осенью он снова вернулся к той же заводи с большим количеством людей, неся с собой лампу. Он произнёс «Если я — демон, я должен умереть. А если я — духовный сын Гуру Ринпоче я достану со дна реликвию, а лампа не погаснет.» Он нырнул в заводь, и вскоре вернулся, неся в руках статую Будды и чашу с необычным эликсиром, при этом лампа не погасла. Драгоценная статуя хранится в монастыре Тамшинг-лакханг и демонстрируется народу во время цечу. Паломники к «озеру» Мебарцо обычно пускают кораблики с зажжённой лучиной в заводь, по тому, как будет вести себя кораблик на воде, можно судить об исполнении желаний. (ru)