"No-Show" is the 41st episode of the HBO television series The Sopranos and the second episode of the show's fourth season. Written by David Chase and Terence Winter, it was directed by John Patterson and originally aired on September 22, 2002.
"No-Show" is the 41st episode of the HBO television series The Sopranos and the second episode of the show's fourth season. Written by David Chase and Terence Winter, it was directed by John Patterson and originally aired on September 22, 2002. (en)
«Без показа» (англ. «No Show») — сорок первый эпизод телесериала канала HBO «Клан Сопрано». Это второй эпизод в четвёртом сезоне шоу. Сценарий написали Дэвид Чейз и Теренс Уинтер, а режиссёром стал Джон Паттерсон. Премьера состоялась 22 сентября 2002 года. (ru)