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| - Ogoe (御後絵, Okinawan: ugui) are posthumous Okinawan portraits. Although it is unknown when the tradition of portraiture first began in the area, Ryukyu developed a unique style during the 15th-19th centuries. Ogoe were all painted in similar style; they all place the king in the center surrounded by high officials and other retainers, with the king much larger than the others to emphasize his power and authority. In the past the portraits were painted directly onto the walls of the Enkaku-ji Buddhist Temple in Okinawa as murals but it is believed that owing to damage caused by fires to the temple, in 1717 the court artist to the Ryukyu Kingdom, , converted all the portraits to wall hung scrolls or kakejiku. After the Ryukyu Kingdom collapsed, copies of the ogoe were kept at . Ten of them were photographed by in 1924 or 1925. In the same time, Majikina Ankō also came to Nakagusuku-udun to research these portraits. During the 1945 Battle of Okinawa, eight employees of Nakagusuku-udun palace, including Maehira Bōkei (真栄平 房敬), put the antiquities in boxes and hid them in a gutter on the palace grounds. When the battle came to end and the Shuri castle was captured by the U.S. Army, Maehira came back to Nakagusuku-udun, found that the palace had burned to the ground and that all the boxes they had hidden were empty. Maehira thought that these ogoe most likely survived and were carried off. These lost antiquities included the royal crowns, Omoro Sōshi, ogoe, and others. Omoro Sōshi was discovered in the United States a few years later, and returned to Okinawa in 1953; other antiquities were still not found. Since 2000, these lost 11 artifacts, including crowns, hibenfuku (皮弁服, ceremonial vestments worn by Ryukyuan kings), and ogoe, were listed in FBI National Stolen Art File. (en)
- 御後絵(おごえ、沖縄語:うぐい)は、琉球国王の肖像画。起源は不明だが、15世紀から19世紀頃に、琉球独特の様式をつくりあげた。 死後に描かれ、円覚寺(那覇市)に納められた。絵は彩色で、形式は定型化しており、国王を中心に重臣・従者が配置される。国王の姿はひときわ大きく描かれ、その権威と偉大さを強調して表現されている。実物の他に、「お扣え(おひかえ)」と呼ばれる写しが多く作成された。 しかし、1945年の沖縄戦により円覚寺もろ共焼失したため、戦前に鎌倉芳太郎が撮影した「お扣え」のモノクロ写真が10点現存するのみである。これらは首里城公園南殿に展示されている。 現在では残された写真及び中国側の資料などを元に復元が試みられている。まず、1996年にがアクリル絵の具などを用いた10点の復元を発表した。そして、2012年に第18代尚育王の御後絵が東京芸術大学により復元された。 (ja)
- 御後繪是15世紀至19世紀期間琉球國王的肖像畫。 琉球國王駕崩後,由御用畫師繪其生前的形象,納於圓覺寺進行供奉。御後繪的特點是以國王為中心且将其放大,旁邊配有较小比例的重臣和隨從形象,這強調了國王的權威和偉大。 (zh)