"Proshai, Livushka" is the 28th episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos and the second of the show's third season. It was written by David Chase and directed by Tim Van Patten, and originally aired on March 4, 2001.
"Adiós, pequeña Livia" (título original: "Proshai, Livushka") es el vigésimo octavo episodio de la serie de HBO Los Soprano y el segundo de la tercera temporada de la serie. Fue escrito por David Chase, dirigido por Tim Van Patten y estrenado el 4 de marzo de 2001 en Estados Unidos. El título, en ruso: Прощай, Ли́вьюшка, es una cita extraída del capítulo mencionada por Svetlana durante el brindis por Livia. (es)
"Proshai, Livushka" is the 28th episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos and the second of the show's third season. It was written by David Chase and directed by Tim Van Patten, and originally aired on March 4, 2001. (en)