Shmuel Agmon (Hebrew: שמואל אגמון; born 2 February 1922) is an Israeli mathematician. He is known for his work in analysis and partial differential equations.
Schmuel Agmon, manchmal auch als Samuel Agmon zitiert, (hebräisch שמואל אגמון; * 2. Februar 1922 in Tel-Aviv) ist ein israelischer Mathematiker, der sich mit partiellen Differentialgleichungen und mathematischer Physik beschäftigt. (de)
Shmuel Agmon (Hebrew: שמואל אגמון; born 2 February 1922) is an Israeli mathematician. He is known for his work in analysis and partial differential equations. (en)
Shmuel Agmon (em hebraico: שמואל אגמון) (Tel Aviv, 2 de fevereiro de 1922) é um matemático israelense. Conhecido por seus trabalhos em análise matemática e equações diferenciais parciais. (pt)