Tharbis (alternatively Adoniah), according to Josephus, was a Cushite princess of the Kingdom of Kush, who married Moses prior to his marriage to Zipporah as told in the Book of Exodus.
Tharbis (disebut juga Adoniah), menurut Yosefus, adalah seorang putri raja Kush dari Kerajaan Kush, yang menikahi Musa sebelum ia menikahi Zipporah seperti yang dikisahkan dalam Kitab Keluaran. (in)
Tharbis ou Adoniah est une des épouses de Moïse, son autre épouse étant Séphora. (fr)
Tharbis (alternatively Adoniah), according to Josephus, was a Cushite princess of the Kingdom of Kush, who married Moses prior to his marriage to Zipporah as told in the Book of Exodus. (en)
Tharbis (disebut juga Adoniah), menurut Yosefus, adalah seorang putri raja Kush dari Kerajaan Kush, yang menikahi Musa sebelum ia menikahi Zipporah seperti yang dikisahkan dalam Kitab Keluaran. (in)
Tharbis ou Adoniah est une des épouses de Moïse, son autre épouse étant Séphora. (fr)
Tharbis (alternatively Adoniah), according to Josephus, was a Cushite princess of the Kingdom of Kush, who married Moses prior to his marriage to Zipporah as told in the Book of Exodus. (en)