"The Calm Before" is the fifteenth and penultimate episode of the ninth season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series The Walking Dead, which aired on AMC on March 24, 2019. This episode covers events of "Volume 24", "Issue #144" of Robert Kirkman's original comic book series, and in turn this episode marks the final appearances of Tara Chambler (Alanna Masterson), Henry (Matt Lintz) and Enid (Katelyn Nacon).
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| - The Calm Before (en)
- The Calm Before (es)
- The Calm Before (pt)
| - "The Calm Before" is the fifteenth and penultimate episode of the ninth season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series The Walking Dead, which aired on AMC on March 24, 2019. This episode covers events of "Volume 24", "Issue #144" of Robert Kirkman's original comic book series, and in turn this episode marks the final appearances of Tara Chambler (Alanna Masterson), Henry (Matt Lintz) and Enid (Katelyn Nacon). (en)
- «La Calma Antes» —título original en inglés: «The Calm Before»— es el décimo quinto y penúltimo episodio de la novena temporada de la serie de televisión post-apocalíptica, horror The Walking Dead. El guion estuvieron a cargo Geraldine Inoa & Channing Powell y finalmente Laura Belsey dirigió el episodio. El episodio salió al aire en el canal AMC el 24 de marzo de 2019. Fox hizo lo propio en España e Hispanoamérica el día siguiente. (es)
- "The Calm Before" é o décimo quinto episódio da nona temporada da série de televisão de terror e drama pós-apocalíptico The Walking Dead. Esse episódio é marcado pelo massacre das estacas, onde dez sobreviventes são mortos por Alpha. Foi exibida originalmente na AMC em 24 de março de 2019, nos Estados Unidos, e pela Fox Brasil. O episódio foi dirigido por Laura Belsey e escrita por Geraldine Inoa e Channing Powell. (pt)
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episode list
| - List of The Walking Dead episodes (en)
| - "The Calm Before" marks the final regulars appearance of Tara Chambler and Enid . It also marks the final appearance of Henry . (en)
| - *Eleanor Matsuura as Yumiko
*Dan Fogler as Luke
*Cooper Andrews as Jerry
*Ryan Hurst as Beta
*Nadia Hilker as Magna
*Jansen Panettiere as Casper
*Brett Butler as Tammy Rose Sutton
*John Finn as Earl Sutton
*Angus Sampson as Ozzy
*Lauren Ridloff as Connie
*Cassady McClincy as Lydia
*Kerry Cahill as Dianne
*Cailey Fleming as Judith Grimes
*Nadine Marissa as Nabila
*Matt Lintz as Henry (en)
| - Katelyn Nacon.jpg (en)
- Alanna Masterson by Gage Skidmore.jpg (en)
- Matt Lintz 2019 1.jpg (en)
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