The fourth season of the American crime drama series The Sopranos began airing on HBO on September 15, 2002, and concluded on December 8, 2002, consisting of thirteen episodes. The fourth season was released on DVD in region 1 on October 28, 2003.
Cet article présente les épisodes de la quatrième saison de la série télévisée Les Soprano. (fr)
La quarta stagione de I Soprano è andata in onda negli USA dal 15 settembre all'8 dicembre 2002 sulla rete HBO. In Italia è stata trasmessa su Canale 5 dal 28 giugno al 21 settembre 2004. (it)
The fourth season of the American crime drama series The Sopranos began airing on HBO on September 15, 2002, and concluded on December 8, 2002, consisting of thirteen episodes. The fourth season was released on DVD in region 1 on October 28, 2003. (en)