Thunder in the East is a 1951 war drama film released by Paramount Pictures, and directed by Charles Vidor. It was based on the 1948 novel The Rage of the Vulture by Alan Moorehead; the book title was the working title of the film.
Tonnerre sur le temple (Thunder in the East) est un film américain réalisé par Charles Vidor, sorti en 1951. (fr)
Bagliori ad Oriente (Thunder in the East) è un film del 1952 diretto da Charles Vidor. (it)
Thunder in the East is a 1951 war drama film released by Paramount Pictures, and directed by Charles Vidor. It was based on the 1948 novel The Rage of the Vulture by Alan Moorehead; the book title was the working title of the film. (en)
Thunder in the East is een Amerikaanse dramafilm uit 1952 onder regie van Charles Vidor. Destijds werd de film in Nederland uitgebracht onder de titel Intriges in het Oosten. (nl)