The Vickers F.B.26 Vampire was a British single-seat pusher biplane fighter built by Vickers during the First World War. Four were built by Vickers at Bexleyheath, one of these was subsequently modified to become the F.B.26A.
فيكرز فمباير (Vickers F.B.26 Vampire، مصاص الدماء) طائرة مقاتلة بريطانية بمقعد واحد وسطحين ومحرك سحاب بنتها فيكرز خلال الحرب العالمية الأولى. بني منها آربع طائرات طورت إحداها لتصبح طائرة أف.بي.26أي (ar)
Il Vickers F.B.26 Vampire era un aeroplano biplano monomotore, realizzato dall'azienda aeronautica britannica Vickers durante la prima guerra mondiale. Sviluppato dal precedente l'aereo era concepito per l'impiego come caccia notturno, ma ne venne approntato anche un esemplare destinato a compiti di attacco al suolo. La Vickers non ricevette ordini d'acquisto da parte della Royal Air Force che preferì optare per il Sopwith Salamander. (it)
The Vickers F.B.26 Vampire was a British single-seat pusher biplane fighter built by Vickers during the First World War. Four were built by Vickers at Bexleyheath, one of these was subsequently modified to become the F.B.26A. (en)