| - Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now, published in 1993, is African-American writer and poet Maya Angelou's first book of essays. It was published shortly after she recited her poem "On the Pulse of Morning" at President Bill Clinton's . Journey consists of a series of short essays, often autobiographical, along with two poems, and has been called one of Angelou's "wisdom books". It is titled after a lyric in the , "." At the time of its publication, Angelou was already well respected and popular as a writer and poet. Like her previous works, Journey received generally positive reviews. (in)
- Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now, published in 1993, is African-American writer and poet Maya Angelou's first book of essays. It was published shortly after she recited her poem "On the Pulse of Morning" at President Bill Clinton's 1993 inauguration. Journey consists of a series of short essays, often autobiographical, along with two poems, and has been called one of Angelou's "wisdom books". It is titled after a lyric in the African American spiritual, "On My Journey Now." At the time of its publication, Angelou was already well respected and popular as a writer and poet. Like her previous works, Journey received generally positive reviews. (en)
- Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now é um romance da escritora e poeta afro-americana Maya Angelou publicado em 1993, após a autora recitar o poema On the Pulse of Morning, durante a investidura presidencial de Bill Clinton. Journey consiste em uma série de pequenos ensaios, muitas vezes autobiográficos, e é considerado um "livro de sabedoria de Angelou". Durante a década de 1990, a escritora já era conhecida e renomada por seus trabalhos e, assim como as demais obras, esta recebeu críticas positivas. (pt)