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Šauška (Shaushka), also called Šauša or Šawuška, was the highest ranked goddess in the Hurrian pantheon, associated with love and war, as well as with incantations and by extension with healing. While she was usually referred to as a goddess and with feminine titles, such as allai (Hurrian: "lady"), references to masculine Shaushka are also known. The Hurrians associated her with Nineveh, but she was also worshiped in many other centers associated with this culture, from Anatolian cities in Kizzuwatna, through Alalakh and Ugarit in Syria, to Nuzi and Ulamme in northeastern Mesopotamia. She was also worshiped in southern Mesopotamia, where she was introduced alongside a number of other foreign deities in the Ur III period. In this area, she came to be associated with Ishtar. At a later poin

  • شاوشكا (ar)
  • Sausga (ca)
  • Šauška (de)
  • Shaushka (fr)
  • Shaushka (it)
  • Šauška (en)
  • Szauszka (pl)
  • Šawuška (nl)
  • Шавушка (ru)
  • كانت شاوشكا (بالإنجليزية: Šauška)‏ (وتكتب أيضًا ك Shaushka أو Šawuška، أو تنطق أيضا كشاوشا (بالإنجليزية: Šauša)‏) إلهة حورية تم عبادتها أيضًا في آلهة الحيثيين. يعتبر اسمها من أصل حوراني ويعني العظيمة أو الرائعة. (ar)
  • Die hurritische Göttin Šauška (auch Šawušga, älter Šauša; in Ugarit: ṯuṯk) war die Göttin der sexuellen Liebe und des Krieges. Sie hatte jedoch auch heilende Kräfte. Tušratta beschreibt sie als Herrin von Mitanni und als Königin der hohen Himmel. In Nuzi waren Šauška und Teššub ein Doppeltempel geweiht. In Sumer war Ištar die Schwester des Wettergottes, es ist aber unklar, ob sich das auf Mitanni übertragen lässt.Sie hatte Ninatta und Kulitta als Dienerinnen. (de)
  • Shaushka ou Shaushga est une des principales déesses du panthéon hourrite. À l'origine Shaushka était une déesse de la guerre. Au contact des autres peuples du Proche-Orient, elle est devenue l'équivalent de la déesse Inanna/Ishtar des Mésopotamiens. Elle correspond également à Astarté ou Athtart à Ougarit, et à Ashtart en langue punico-phénicienne. Elle est donc la planète Vénus, et la déesse de l'Amour et de la Guerre. Elle était notamment vénérée à Ninive, où elle disposait d'un important lieu de culte, qui devient celui d'Ishtar de Ninive quand la ville passe sous le contrôle assyrien au XIVe siècle av. J.-C. Elle semble avoir comme descendance Aphrodite en Grèce, Turan en Étrurie et Vénus à Rome. (fr)
  • Šauška o Shaushka (lingua ittita: Šauša, & poi Šawuška) fu una divinità femminile urrita poi adottata anche dagli ittiti. È ben conosciuta perché divenne la divinità protettrice del sovrano ittita Hattušili III (re nel periodo 1265-1237 a.C.) dopo il suo matrimonio con Puduhepa, figlia del sommo sacerdote della dea. I centro del suo culto era , nel Kizzuwatna. Era la dea della fertilità, della guerra e della guarigione. È rappresentata come una donna alata in piedi su un leone, accompagnata da due attendenti. Viene considerata come l'equivalente della dea mesopotamica Ishtar. (it)
  • Szauszka (Szawuszka) — hurycka i hetycka bogini miłości i wojny. Uważana za siostrę Teszuba. Wyobrażano ją sobie jako skrzydlatą boginię stojącą na grzbiecie lwa. Utożsamiana z Hebat, Isztar, Astarte. (pl)
  • Шаушка, Шауша, Шавушка — хурритская богиня плодородия, войны и исцеления, позднее также принятая в пантеон хеттов. В результате брака хеттского царя Хаттусили III (1420—1400 до н. э.) с Пудухепой, дочерью верховного жреца Шавушки, эта богиня стала также богиней-покровительницей царя, в связи с чем и были созданы упоминающие её дошедшие до нас тексты. (ru)
  • Sausga (Šaušga) era una deessa hitita d'origen hurrita. El seu centre principal de culte va ser Lawazantiya. Era una de les principals divinitats hurrites. En un principi era una deessa de la guerra, i en contacte amb altres pobles d'orient es va assimilar a Inanna dels sumeris i a Ixtar dels acadis. També amb Astarte i Attar a Ugarit, i amb el planeta Venus, com a deessa de l'amor. (ca)
  • Šauška (Shaushka), also called Šauša or Šawuška, was the highest ranked goddess in the Hurrian pantheon, associated with love and war, as well as with incantations and by extension with healing. While she was usually referred to as a goddess and with feminine titles, such as allai (Hurrian: "lady"), references to masculine Shaushka are also known. The Hurrians associated her with Nineveh, but she was also worshiped in many other centers associated with this culture, from Anatolian cities in Kizzuwatna, through Alalakh and Ugarit in Syria, to Nuzi and Ulamme in northeastern Mesopotamia. She was also worshiped in southern Mesopotamia, where she was introduced alongside a number of other foreign deities in the Ur III period. In this area, she came to be associated with Ishtar. At a later poin (en)
  • Šawuška of Šauška (ook Shaushka) was in de Hurritische mythologie de vruchtbaarheidsgodin van liefde en strijd. Zij bezat dan ook genezende krachten. Tušratta beschrijft haar als de Meesteres van Mitanni en als Koningin van de hoge hemel. De godin Šawuška wordt gewoonlijk aan Ishtar gelijkgesteld en steeds eveneens op een leeuw afgebeeld, net als Hepat maar zij heeft in tegenstelling tot Hepat vaak ook vleugels. In Sumer werd Isjtar op zeker moment als de zuster van de weergod beschouwd, maar het is niet duidelijk of dit ook zo gold voor Mitanni. In Nuzi was aan Šawuška en Tešup een dubbele tempel gewijd. (nl)
  • Šauška (en)
  • Šauška (en)
  • http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/BowlfromHasanlu.png
  • http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/EA_23_-_Tushratta_to_Amenhotep_III.jpg
  • http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/Shaushka_Yazilikaya.jpg
  • http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/Yazilikaya_reliefs_42_43.jpg
  • http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/Yazılıkaya_room_A_Ninatta,_Kulitta,_Šawuška,_Ea_3442.jpg
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