St Nicholas Church, Chiswick is a Grade II* listed Anglican church in Church Street, Chiswick, London, near the River Thames. Old Chiswick developed as a village around the church from c. 1181. The tower was built at some time between 1416 and 1435.
聖尼古拉斯教堂(St Nicholas Church)是英國倫敦奇西克地區的一座教堂,靠近泰晤士河。這座教堂是II*級登錄建築。奇西克地區最早圍繞這座教堂興建。教堂的塔樓修建於1416年至1435年期間。現在的教堂修建於1882年至1884年。 (zh)
St Nicholas Church, Chiswick is a Grade II* listed Anglican church in Church Street, Chiswick, London, near the River Thames. Old Chiswick developed as a village around the church from c. 1181. The tower was built at some time between 1416 and 1435. (en)